
单词 伏特
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADVANCED〕The Vortex graphics system was ahead of its time. Few were sold but it strongly influenced later designs. 伏特克斯图形系统在当时是超前的,虽然卖出的很少,但它对后来的设计有着极大的影响。朗文写作活用〔BEGINNING〕A pint of vodka at eight o'clock in the morning was not a good start to the day. 早上8点就喝下一品脱伏特加来开始一天的生活可不是好习惯。朗文写作活用〔COOK〕For the party, they had concocted a special cocktail containing, among other things, rum and vodka. 为了这次聚会,他们用朗姆酒、伏特加酒和其他东西调制了一种特殊的鸡尾酒。朗文写作活用〔COOK〕If they sell cocktails would you ask the bartender to mix a Harvey Wallbanger? 如果他们卖鸡尾酒,你叫酒保调一杯“伏特加橙汁鸡尾酒”好吗?朗文写作活用〔DRINK〕He was drinking vodka straight from the bottle. 他直接用酒瓶喝伏特加。朗文写作活用〔DRINK〕The soldiers took it in turns to swig vodka. 那些士兵轮流大口大口地喝伏特加酒。朗文写作活用〔LIMIT〕The machine's cut-off point is 1000 volts, which is the safety maximum. 机器的断电点是1,000伏特,这是最大安全限值。朗文写作活用〔LITTLE〕It's just vodka with orange juice and a dash of lime juice. 就是橙汁加伏特加,再加少量的酸橙汁。朗文写作活用〔PAST〕He drinks far too much. On one occasion I saw him drink a whole bottle of vodka. 他酒喝得太多了,有次我看到他喝了整整一瓶伏特加。朗文写作活用〔PURE〕I'll have a straight vodka please. 请给我来一杯纯伏特加。朗文写作活用〔SEE〕I only realised later that the clear liquid in the glass must have been vodka. 我后来才明白,玻璃杯里的透明液体一定是伏特加酒了。朗文写作活用〔TASTE〕Don't pretend you haven't put vodka in my drink - I can taste it. 别假装你没在我的饮料里倒入了伏特加,我喝得出来。朗文写作活用〔White Russian〕A cocktail consisting of vodka, a coffee liqueur, and milk or cream.白俄罗斯鸡尾酒:包含伏特加、咖啡、牛奶或奶油的鸡尾酒美国传统〔abvolt〕The centimeter-gram-second electromagnetic unit of potential difference, equal to one hundred-millionth of a volt.电磁伏特:厘米-克-秒制势差的电磁单位,相当于亿分之一伏特美国传统〔account〕He bought two bottles of vodka on account.他挂账买了两瓶伏特加酒。柯林斯高阶〔account〕He bought two bottles of vodka on account.他赊账买了两瓶伏特加。外研社新世纪〔article〕The vodka was the genuine article.这种伏特加酒是正品。外研社新世纪〔article〕The vodka was the genuine article.这种伏特加酒是正品。柯林斯高阶〔base〕Vodka is the base for many cocktails.伏特加是许多鸡尾酒的主要成分。朗文当代〔black market〕There's a thriving black market in vodka and cigarettes.伏特加酒和香烟的黑市交易很兴旺。麦克米伦高阶〔bloody mary〕A cocktail usually made of vodka, tomato juice, and seasonings.蕃茄汁伏特加酒,血腥玛丽:一种通常用伏特加、蕃茄汁和调味料制成的鸡尾酒美国传统〔bourrée〕An old French dance resembling the gavotte, usually in quick duple time beginning with an upbeat.布列舞:类似于加伏特舞的一种老式法国舞蹈,通常是以一个弱拍开始的快速两拍舞美国传统〔brave〕The vodka had made me brave.伏特加酒给我壮了胆。牛津搭配〔choice〕The drink of choice seems to be vodka.最受欢迎的酒似乎是伏特加。柯林斯高阶〔debate〕Taggart debated whether to have yet another double vodka.塔格特思忖着是否再要一杯双份伏特加。柯林斯高阶〔debate〕Taggart debated whether to have yet another double vodka.塔格特琢磨着是否再来一杯双份伏特加。外研社新世纪〔double〕I'll have one more glass of vodka. Make it a double, please.我再要一杯伏特加。请给我双份的。韦氏高阶〔down〕He downed the vodka in one gulp.他将伏特加酒一饮而尽。21世纪英汉〔drink〕He had drunk himself unconscious on vodka.他喝伏特加酒喝得不省人事。牛津高阶〔drunk〕She had got drunk on vodka.她是喝伏特加而醉的。麦克米伦高阶〔drunk〕They got drunk on vodka.他们喝伏特加酒醉倒了。牛津高阶〔gavotte〕A French peasant dance resembling the minuet.加伏特舞:一种法国农民的舞蹈,类似于小步舞美国传统〔gimlet〕A cocktail made with vodka or gin, sweetened lime juice, and sometimes effervescent water and garnished with a slice of lime.伏特加杜松子鸡尾酒:一种由伏特加和杜松子酒制成的鸡尾酒,加入柠檬汁使之甜些,并且有时加入苏打水并饰以一片柠檬美国传统〔high-energy〕Of or relating to elementary particles with energies exceeding hundreds of thousands of electron volts.高能粒子的:能量超过成千上万电子伏特的基本粒子的美国传统〔high〕Sales of Russian vodka have reached an all-time high.俄罗斯伏特加酒的销售量已达到历史最高水平。外研社新世纪〔high〕Sales of Russian vodka have reached an all-time high.俄罗斯伏特加酒的销量已达到历史最高水平。柯林斯高阶〔kV〕Kilovolt.千伏特美国传统〔knock back〕She poured some vodka into a glass and knocked it back in two swallows.她往玻璃杯里倒了一些伏特加酒, 两口就喝完了。外研社新世纪〔knock back〕She poured some vodka into a glass and knocked it back in two swallows.她往玻璃杯里倒了一些伏特加酒,两口就喝完了。柯林斯高阶〔lace〕The iced tea was laced with vodka.冰茶里加了少量伏特加酒。英汉大词典〔martini〕A cocktail made of gin or vodka and dry vermouth.马提尼酒:一种由杜松子酒或伏特加酒和苦艾酒混合而成的鸡尾酒美国传统〔megavolt〕One million volts.百万伏特:一万伏特美国传统〔mev〕Million electron volts.兆电子伏特:百万电子伏特美国传统〔name〕Alessandro Volta, the scientist who gave his name to the volt 亚历山大德罗·沃尔塔,那个以自己的名字给伏特命名的科学家麦克米伦高阶〔new〕Don't you know that vodka is the new water, my dear? 你难道不知道伏特加是一种新的“水”吗,亲爱的?朗文当代〔oil〕He oiled thought with more vodka.他灌下更多的伏特加来促进思考。英汉大词典〔orange〕A vodka and orange, please.请来一份橙汁伏特加酒。牛津高阶〔partial〕He's become partial to vodka since coming to Russia.自从来到俄罗斯,他变得偏爱伏特加酒。牛津搭配〔plain〕What's wrong with plain vodka?纯伏特加怎么了?外研社新世纪〔ply〕He plied me with vodka all evening.他整个晚上不停地给我倒伏特加。外研社新世纪〔potent〕The vodka must have been pretty potent stuff.这种伏特加酒劲儿肯定相当大。牛津搭配〔proof〕She drank some of the highest proof vodka available.她喝了一些现有度数最高的伏特加酒。外研社新世纪〔proof〕Thus, 100 proof vodka is 50 percent alcohol.因此, 100°的伏特加酒中含酒精50%。外研社新世纪〔pull at〕He pulled at the bottle of vodka.他对着伏特加酒瓶猛喝。外研社新世纪〔reduce〕Water reduces the potency of vodka.水能降低伏特加的浓度。英汉大词典〔relief〕She sought relief in vodka.她靠伏特加酒消愁。牛津搭配〔screwdriver〕A cocktail made with vodka and orange juice.伏特加橙汁鸡尾酒:一种用伏特加和桔子汁制的鸡尾酒美国传统〔siemens〕A unit of electrical conductance in the International System, equal to one ampere per volt.西门子:国际体制中的电导单位,相当于每伏特一安培美国传统〔slug〕I had a slug of vodka to give me courage.我喝了一大口伏特加来给自己壮胆。剑桥高阶〔spice〕He needs some more vodka to spice up the punch.他还要一些伏特加作为香料放入潘趣酒。英汉大词典〔spike〕His lemonade is spiked with vodka.他的柠檬水里搀了伏特加。英汉大词典〔spirit〕Vodka is a type of spirit.伏特加是一种烈性酒。剑桥高阶〔straight〕No tonic for me, please, I like my vodka straight.请不要给我加奎宁水,我喜欢喝纯伏特加。剑桥高阶〔striptease〕Oscar, much the worse for vodka, did a striptease.奥斯卡喝了伏特加后醉醺醺地跳起了脱衣舞。柯林斯高阶〔stupor〕As the vodka took effect, he gradually fell into a drunken stupor.随着伏特加酒力发作,他逐渐醉得不省人事。牛津搭配〔swab〕He was swabbing the little wound on my back with a wad of cotton soaked with cheap vodka.他用一团脱脂棉蘸满了便宜的伏特加酒, 给我清理背上那处小伤口。外研社新世纪〔toss off〕They tossed off three shots of vodka quickly.他们一口气喝了三杯伏特加酒。外研社新世纪〔upscale〕Vodka has acquired an upscale image in the US.伏特加在美国已树立起高档商品的形象。柯林斯高阶〔upscale〕Vodka has acquired an upscale image in the US.伏特加在美国已树立起高档酒的形象。外研社新世纪〔vodka〕An alcoholic liquor originally distilled from fermented wheat mash but now also made from a mash of rye, corn, or potatoes.伏特加:一种酒精饮料,最早由发酵的小麦糊蒸馏而得,现在也由裸麦、玉米或马铃薯糊制得美国传统〔vodka〕I'll have a vodka and lime.我要喝一杯酸橙伏特加。牛津高阶〔vodka〕This is my third vodka (= glass of vodka).这是我的第三杯伏特加了。剑桥高阶〔volt-ampere〕A unit of electric power equal to the product of one volt and one ampere, equivalent to one watt.伏安法:功率单位,等于一伏特和一安培的乘积,等于一瓦特美国传统〔voltage〕Electromotive force or potential difference, usually expressed in volts.电压:电位或电位差,常以伏特为单位美国传统〔voltmeter〕An instrument, such as a galvanometer, for measuring potential differences in volts.伏特计:一种以伏特为单位测量电位差的仪表,如电压表美国传统〔volt〕Electricity in Britain is 240 volts, AC.英国的电是240伏特的交流电。剑桥高阶〔waiter〕She ordered a large vodka from a passing waiter.她向经过她身旁的服务员要了一大杯伏特加酒。牛津搭配〔which〕It was either whisky or vodka – I forget which.不是威士忌就是伏特加,我忘了哪一个了。麦克米伦高阶〔wince〕Did she still wince over a swallow of vodka? 她喝伏特加还皱眉头吗? 英汉大词典〔you name it〕Gin, vodka, whisky, beer - you name it, I've got it.杜松子酒、伏特加、威士忌、啤酒——随你点,我这儿都有。剑桥高阶For those who prefer hard drink (esp. Am hard liquor), we have whisky, vodka and gin.对于喜爱喝烈性酒的,我们有威士忌、伏特加和杜松子酒。剑桥国际Gin, vodka, whiskey, beer-you name it (= whatever you choose), I've got it.杜松子酒,伏特加,威士忌,啤酒: 你点吧,我都有。剑桥国际He drowned in the hotel swimming pool after drinking a potent mix of whisky, gin and vodka.喝了威士忌、松杜子酒和伏特加的混合酒后,他淹死在旅馆的游泳池里。剑桥国际I had a slug of vodka to give me courage.我喝了一大口伏特加来鼓起勇气。剑桥国际I'm addicted to (=I very often eat / drink) chocolate / vodka.我嗜好巧克力/伏特加酒。剑桥国际If you drink that whole bottle of vodka, you'll be ill.如果你喝掉那整整一瓶伏特加酒的话,你就会病倒。剑桥国际Most private brands of scotch, vodka, and gin are produced by well-known name-brand companies.大多数自有品牌的苏格兰威士忌、伏特加、琴酒是由著名品牌公司生产的。牛津商务No tonic for me, please, I like my vodka straight.请不要给我加开胃水,我喜欢纯伏特加。剑桥国际She slyly slipped a shot of vodka into his beer when he wasn't looking.在他没瞧着时,她狡猾地将一小杯伏特加倒入了他的啤酒里。剑桥国际There's a liquor store around the block where you could get some vodka.你可在街区旁的烈性酒店买一些伏特加。剑桥国际This is my third vodka (= glass of vodka).这是我第三杯伏特加。剑桥国际Vodka is a type of spirit.伏特加是一种烈性酒。剑桥国际Vodka was originally made in Russia and Poland.伏特加原产于俄罗斯和波兰。剑桥国际We have tonic or orange juice if anyone wants mixers with their vodka.如果有人想给他们的伏特加酒加点饮料,我们有奎宁水和桔子汁。剑桥国际

