
单词 没什么意思
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HOUSE〕There was no point in paying rent for an empty apartment. 花钱租一套空无一物的公寓没什么意思朗文写作活用〔OBEY〕It's no good applying for a job with him unless you're happy being a yes-man. 找一份工作为他做事没什么意思,除非你乐于做一个应声虫。朗文写作活用〔PAY〕There was no point in paying rent on an empty apartment for two months. 租一间空无一物的公寓两个月没什么意思朗文写作活用〔all〕I didn't finish the book – it wasn't all that interesting.我没把书看完,这本书没什么意思麦克米伦高阶〔appeal〕It doesn't really appeal.这没什么意思外研社新世纪〔contest〕The contest was too one-sided to be exciting.这场比赛太一边倒,没什么意思牛津搭配〔frivolous〕She thinks window shopping is a frivolous activity.她认为只逛不买没什么意思韦氏高阶〔fun〕It's not much fun going to a party on your own.独自一人参加聚会没什么意思牛津高阶〔home〕The film was nothing to write home about.这部电影没什么意思外研社新世纪〔intellectual〕She was too much of an intellectual to find popular movies interesting.她太书卷气了,认为流行电影没什么意思剑桥高阶〔mean〕What she means is that there's no point in waiting here.她的意思是说在这儿等下去没什么意思牛津高阶〔paltry〕The conversation with her seemed paltry.和她的那番谈话似乎没什么意思英汉大词典〔prolong〕There's no point in prolonging the agony any longer.再拖着不说让人着急没什么意思了。朗文当代〔slow〕The first few chapters are slow, but after that it gets better.最开始的几章没什么意思,不过后面好一些了。韦氏高阶

