
单词 乌尔
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Cuchulain〕A hero of ancient Ulster who single-handedly defended it against the rest of Ireland.库丘林:古时乌尔斯特的一位英雄,他单枪匹马保卫祖国并反抗爱尔兰其他地区的入侵者的英雄美国传统〔Deirdre〕A legendary princess of Ulster who eloped with her lover, Naoise, to escape marriage to King Conchobar. After the king murdered Naoise, she killed herself.狄德丽:爱尔兰传说中乌尔斯特的公主,她为逃避与康乔巴国王结婚,与情人纳奥伊斯私奔。国王谋杀了纳奥伊斯之后,狄德丽自尽而死美国传统〔Hindustani〕A group of Indic dialects that includes Urdu and Hindi.印度斯坦语:包括乌尔都语和印地语的一组印度方言土语美国传统〔OSU〕Order of Saint Ursula.(天主教)乌尔苏拉会美国传统〔Ulpian〕Roman jurist who wrote elegantly and prolifically on many aspects of law.乌尔比安:罗马法学家,写有大量的优美的有关法学许多方面的著作美国传统〔Urdu〕An Indic language that is the official literary language of Pakistan. It is written in an Arabic alphabet and is also widely used in India, chiefly by Moslems.乌尔都语:巴基斯坦官方书面语言的印度语。用阿拉伯字母书写,在印度被广泛使用,其主要使用者为穆斯林美国传统〔Ursuline〕Of or belonging to the Ursulines.乌尔苏拉会的,属于乌尔苏拉会的美国传统〔eightieth〕Germany's Jan Ullrich finished well behind and stands eightieth overall.德国的扬•乌尔里希远远落在后面, 最终在所有参赛者中排名第八十位。外研社新世纪〔for〕I was all for it, but Wolfe said no.我对此完全赞成,但是乌尔夫说不行。柯林斯高阶〔of〕At about a quarter of eight in the evening Joe Urber calls.大约晚上8点差一刻的时候,乔·乌尔贝尔打来电话。柯林斯高阶〔reformed〕Reformed Relating to or being the Protestant churches that follow the teachings of John Calvin and Ulrich Zwingli. Reformed 新教教会的:有关信守约翰·卡尔文和乌尔里希·茨温利所授教义的新教教会的美国传统〔temptingly〕In the end, I turned down Raoul's tempting offer of the Palm Beach trip.最终,我回绝了拉乌尔提出的去棕榈海滩旅行的诱人邀请。柯林斯高阶〔thereupon〕Ursula had refused to marry Attila the Hun, who thereupon ordered one of his archers to shoot her.乌尔苏拉拒绝嫁给匈奴王阿提拉, 于是阿提拉命弓弩手将她射杀。外研社新世纪〔ulster〕A loose, long overcoat made of heavy, rugged fabric and often belted.乌尔斯特大衣:用厚重粗糙的料子做的、一种常带有腰带的宽松大衣美国传统〔win〕Raoul thinks he can win first prize in the spelling contest.拉乌尔认为他能在拼写比赛中获得第一名。麦克米伦高阶The Urdu language has thirty-seven letters in its alphabet.乌尔都语的字母表中有37个字母。剑桥国际

