
单词 有余
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DISAPPOINTED〕I'm sorry to disappoint you, but there aren't any tickets left. 很抱歉使你失望,没有余票了。朗文写作活用〔ENOUGH/NOT ENOUGH〕The firm has agreed to improve the toilet facilities as soon as they can spare the money. 公司已答应一有余钱便改善盥洗设施。朗文写作活用〔MOVE/NOT MOVE〕Transfer the mixture to a heavy cooking pan and add all remaining ingredients. 把混合物转到厚重的烧锅内,再将所有余下的材料加进去。朗文写作活用〔adept〕She's very adept at dealing with the media.她应付媒体游刃有余剑桥高阶〔adequate〕The big house is perfectly adequate for just the two of us.对于就我们这两人来说,这大房子绰绰有余了。麦克米伦高阶〔adequate〕The food was more than adequate for the six of us.这些食物供我们六个人吃绰绰有余韦氏高阶〔adequate〕The lunchtime menu is more than adequate to satisfy the biggest appetite.中午的菜给胃口最大的人吃都绰绰有余朗文当代〔aftershock〕They were already under stress, thanks to the aftershock of last year's drought.去年遭受的旱灾让他们心有余悸、倍感忧虑。柯林斯高阶〔arena〕Oil speculation proved a natural arena for his skills.在石油业中进行投机活动对他来说游刃有余柯林斯高阶〔artistry〕He played the piece with effortless artistry.他游刃有余地演奏了这首乐曲。牛津高阶〔balance〕The advantages more than balance the disadvantages.有利条件同不利条件相抵绰绰有余英汉大词典〔boggle〕I'm still boggled over her outrageous statements.对于她那蛮横的声明我心有余悸。英汉大词典〔book〕This singer is all booked up for a year ahead.这位歌手提前一年就订满合同,不再有余暇了。英汉大词典〔carpenter〕He carpentered with more enthusiasm than skill.他干木工活,热情有余而手艺不足。英汉大词典〔cleverly〕Her cleverness seems to get in the way of her emotions.她好像聪明有余,激情不足。柯林斯高阶〔common denominator〕Mathematics A quantity into which all the denominators of a set of fractions may be divided without a remainder.【数学】 公分母:一个量,一组分数的所有分母来除它而没有余美国传统〔compensate〕Her intelligence more than compensates for her lack of experience.她才智过人,因此虽然经验不足,也游刃有余朗文当代〔compensate〕This payment more than compensates for what we've lost.这一项付款用来弥补我们的损失绰绰有余麦克米伦高阶〔credit〕I made sure the account stayed in credit.我确保账户里有余额。柯林斯高阶〔credit〕I made sure the account stayed in credit.我设法确保这个账户里一直有余额。外研社新世纪〔credit〕The idea that I could be charged when I'm in credit makes me very angry.想到账户里有余额时还要收费,我就非常气愤。柯林斯高阶〔credit〕You don't pay any interest if your account remains in credit.如果你账户里还有余额,你就不用支付任何利息。麦克米伦高阶〔dazed〕He himself had been assaulted nearby and left dazed.他自己也在附近遇袭了, 过后仍心有余悸。外研社新世纪〔dazed〕Survivors waited for the rescue boats, dazed and frightened.生还者不知所措,心有余悸,等待着救援船只。牛津高阶〔disaster〕In the aftermath of the disaster people were too shocked to give a clear picture of what had happened.灾难过后人们心有余悸,无法清晰地描述所发生的一切。牛津搭配〔disaster〕She was a disaster: unable to type twelve words a minute and snapping at people.她是个成事不足败事有余的人:一分钟打不满12个词,对人说话老是吆五喝六的。英汉大词典〔door〕He is willing to leave the door open to future talks.他愿意给日后的会谈留有余地。英汉大词典〔excess〕They were equipped with an excess of provisions.他们准备了充足有余的粮食。韦氏高阶〔exert〕I was too tired to exert myself.我太累了,心有余而力不足。剑桥高阶〔extra〕There's no extra money for emergencies.没有余钱来应急。麦克米伦高阶〔hands are tied〕I'd like to help you, but my hands are tied.我想要帮你,但心有余而力不足。韦氏高阶〔haunt〕Long after the panic and the pain had passed, she was haunted by the experience.惊慌与痛苦早已过去,她仍心有余悸。英汉大词典〔incur〕The final rewards will more than compensate for any loss you may incur.最后的报酬除补偿你可能经受到的损失外还会有余英汉大词典〔knife〕Japanese companies are cutting through the competition like a hot knife through butter.日本公司在竞争中游刃有余外研社新世纪〔long〕He was short on patience, but long on a sense of his own worth.他耐心不足,但自信有余朗文当代〔money〕We spent so much money redecorating the house that we didn't have any left over for a holiday.我们花了太多的钱重新装修房子,没有余钱去度假了。剑桥高阶〔once〕She seems at once feminine and able to cope in a man's world.她看起来既有女人味,又能在男人的世界里游刃有余柯林斯高阶〔performer〕He is quick on his feet and a good performer under questioning.他思维敏捷, 回答问题游刃有余外研社新世纪〔plenty〕The car is plenty large enough to fit six people.这辆汽车坐六个人绰绰有余韦氏高阶〔plenty〕The rope was plenty long enough to reach the ground.这根绳子长及地面依然有余牛津高阶〔position〕I'm sure they'd like to help her out financially, but they're not in a position to do so.我肯定他们愿意在经济上资助她,但他们却心有余而力不足。剑桥高阶〔prime number〕A whole number not divisible without a remainder by any whole number other than itself and one.素数,质数:只能被其本身和一整除而没有余数的整数美国传统〔punky〕His words are soft and punky.他的话温和而留有余地。英汉大词典〔repeat〕Onions repeat on me.吃过洋葱我嘴里留有余味。英汉大词典〔ring〕His ears were ringing after the concert.音乐会结束后,他的两耳仍有余音。韦氏高阶〔saying〕Her favourite saying was: 'There are a lot of people far worse off than me.' 她最喜欢的谚语是:“比上不足,比下有余。”柯林斯高阶〔scare〕It scared him to realise how close he had come to losing everything.一想到差点就一无所有, 他心有余悸。外研社新世纪〔schmooze〕The Tory leader certainly knows how to schmooze.这名保守党领袖四处攀谈, 游刃有余外研社新世纪〔scope〕There is considerable scope for further growth in the economy.经济的进一步增长还大有余地。朗文当代〔slice through〕They slice through political hypocrisy and nail down reality from their own perspective.他们游刃有余地应对政治上的尔虞我诈, 从他们自己的认识出发把握现实。外研社新世纪〔spare〕Have you any money to spare? 你还有余钱吗?牛津搭配〔spare〕We've got food to spare.我们的食物绰绰有余麦克米伦高阶〔spirit〕I try to get up early and exercise, though sometimes the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.我尽量起早锻炼,但有时心有余而力不足。韦氏高阶〔spoil〕He always spoils everything.他总是成事不足败事有余韦氏高阶〔stress〕I think the company places too much stress on cost and not enough on quality.我认为公司对成本强调有余,而对质量重视不足。牛津高阶〔these〕Switch to an interest-paying current account and stay in credit. Most banks and larger building societies now offer these accounts.转成付息的活期存款账户,并保持账上有余额。多数银行和较大的购房互助会现在都能开立这种账户。柯林斯高阶〔thrive〕Some people seem to thrive on stress.有些人好像在压力之下游刃有余牛津搭配〔warm〕The body was still warm.那具尸体还有余温。英汉大词典〔well-meaning〕He is a well-meaning but ineffectual leader.他是一个心有余而力不足的领导者。外研社新世纪〔well-meaning〕He is a well-meaning but ineffectual leader.他是个心有余而力不足的领导者。柯林斯高阶〔well〕He can well afford a new car.他买一辆新汽车绰绰有余英汉大词典Five into ten is two with nothing left over. 10 除以5等于2,没有余数。剑桥国际I'm sorry, there are no standbys left.很抱歉,没有余票了。剑桥国际Is there any money left in the advertising budget? 广告预算中还有余款吗?牛津商务There are no bank charges if your account stays in credit.如果你的账户有余额,就不用收取银行手续费。牛津商务There is ample capacity for freight on this railway line outside commuter peak times.在上下班乘客高峰时间之外,这条铁路线的货运能力是绰绰有余的。剑桥国际Your account is in credit.你的账户有余额。牛津商务

