
单词 月相
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Abib〕The seventh month of the year in the Hebrew calendar, corresponding to Nisan.犹太古历的七月:犹太历中一年中的第七个月,与尼撒月相对应美国传统〔DIFFICULT〕You may find your first couple of months in the job quite a challenge. 你可能会发现这工作的头几个月相当具有挑战性。朗文写作活用〔change〕To go from one phase to another, as the moon or the seasons.转相:从一个阶段变到另一阶段,如月相变化或季节变化美国传统〔decrease from〕The average food price has not decreased from the high level of a few months ago.食品的一般价格与前几个月相比,仍很高昂。21世纪英汉〔meet〕They meet together once a month.他们每月相聚一次。文馨英汉〔moon〕The calendar gives you sunset times as well as moon phases.日历上不仅有月相还有日落时间。牛津搭配〔power〕A low-power telescope is enough if you only want to look at the moon.只观看月相用低倍望远镜就足够了。剑桥高阶〔relate〕We need to see figures relating to the last six months.我们要看与过去6个月相关的统计数字。麦克米伦高阶〔vis-a-vis〕The coal output of this month shows an increase vis-à-vis that of last month.这个月的煤炭产量与上月相比有所增长。21世纪英汉US retail sales numbers for October were unchanged month-on-month.美国十月份零售数字与上月相比维持不变。牛津商务Wholesale sell-throughs improved compared to the previous six months.与前六个月相比,批发率有所提高。牛津商务

