
单词 旅游
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BUSY/NOT BUSY〕February is the slowest month in the tourist trade. 2月份是旅游业最清淡的季节。朗文写作活用〔BUSY/NOT BUSY〕Take advantage of off-peak reductions for package holidays. 去享受淡季包价旅游的优惠价吧。朗文写作活用〔BUSY/NOT BUSY〕We had arrived in Biarritz out of season and most of the hotels were closed. 我们在旅游淡季到达比亚里茨,那时大部分旅馆都已歇业。朗文写作活用〔Balaton〕A lake of west-central Hungary southwest of Budapest. It is the largest lake in central Europe, with many tourist and health resorts.巴拉顿湖:匈牙利中西部的一个湖泊,位于布达佩斯市西南部。是欧洲最大的湖泊,有许多旅游和疗养胜地美国传统〔Black Forest〕A mountainous region of southwest Germany between the Rhine and Neckar rivers. It is a year-round resort area that is famous for its clock and toy industries.黑林山:德国西南部一山区,位于莱茵河与内卡河之间。为四季旅游区,以其钟表和玩具工业而著名美国传统〔COMPUTERS/INTERNET/EMAIL〕Log on to our website and find out about the latest travel deals to the Far East. 请登录我们的网站,查找去远东旅游的最新优惠。朗文写作活用〔DISADVANTAGE〕Their restaurant has the disadvantage of being located south of town, a little too far from the tourist routes. 他们那家餐厅的缺点是位于城市的南面,离旅游路线稍稍远了些。朗文写作活用〔EXPENSIVE〕The vacation package we bought ended up being a total rip-off. 我们花了钱的包价旅游结果被人宰了一刀。朗文写作活用〔FAMOUS〕The package includes a tour of Sydney's famous Opera House. 该包价旅游行程包括游览悉尼那座著名的歌剧院。朗文写作活用〔HOLIDAY/VACATION〕Package tours that include tickets to Olympic events have sold well. 包括奥运会赛事门票的包价旅游很受欢迎。朗文写作活用〔MARRY〕Mum and Dad fell in love on the cruise and were married by the ship's captain. 爸爸妈妈在海上旅游时共堕爱河,由船长为他们主婚。朗文写作活用〔Mecca〕The plans would transform the park into a tourist Mecca.此项规划要把那个公园改建为旅游胜地。剑桥高阶〔Moosehead Lake〕A lake of west-central Maine north of Augusta. It is the center of a popular resort area.穆斯黑德湖:美国缅因州中西部的一个湖泊,位于奥古斯塔的北部,它是一个著名旅游胜地美国传统〔NEED/NECESSARY〕The tourist industry is now acknowledged as an essential part of the Spanish economy. 旅游业现已被公认为西班牙经济的重要组成部分。朗文写作活用〔Nipigon〕A lake of southwest-central Ontario, Canada, north of Lake Superior. It is a popular resort center.尼皮贡湖:加拿大安大略西南中部的一个湖泊,位于苏必利尔湖北部,是很受欢迎的旅游中心美国传统〔Rangeley Lake〕A lake of west-central Maine near the New Hampshire border. It and other nearby lakes form a popular resort area.兰奇利湖:缅因州中西部一湖泊,靠近新罕布什尔州边界。与附近的其它湖泊一起构成一个著名的旅游胜地美国传统〔Saint John〕A lake of south-central Quebec, Canada, connected by the Saguenay River with the St. Lawrence River. The lake is a popular resort area.圣约翰湖:加拿大魁北克省中南部湖泊,由萨格奈河将其于圣劳伦斯河相连,该湖是著名的旅游胜地美国传统〔Scottish〕Scottish tourism 苏格兰旅游麦克米伦高阶〔TASTE IN CLOTHES, MUSIC ETC〕Most people think taking a package holiday in Bognor is really naff. 大多数人认为到博格诺的包价旅游是毫无品味的事。朗文写作活用〔TRAVEL〕I always get itchy feet at this time of year, in the spring. 一年中春天这个时候我总是忍不住想去旅游朗文写作活用〔TRAVEL〕We decided to go on a trip through the Rocky Mountains in the spring. 我们已决定春天到洛基山脉去旅游朗文写作活用〔accommodate〕The new hotel can accommodate 3000 tourists.这家新宾馆可接待3000名旅游者。英汉大词典〔action〕Holiday spots have seen a dramatic revival and tourist chiefs are competing for a slice of the action.度假景区游客数量显著回升, 旅游公司的负责人竞相抢夺客源捞实惠。外研社新世纪〔adventurous〕For the more adventurous tourists, there are trips into the mountains with a local guide.对更愿猎奇探险的旅游者,有本地向导带领进山游览。牛津高阶〔agritourism〕Tourism in which tourists board at farms or in rural villages and experience farming at close hand.农家乐旅游业:旅游者在农场或乡村膳宿并就近体验农家生活的旅游美国传统〔attraction〕The walled city is an important tourist attraction.这座由城墙围绕的城市是个重要的旅游胜地。柯林斯高阶〔attraction〕Venice is one of the great tourist attractions of the world.威尼斯是世界上令人向往的旅游胜地之一。英汉大词典〔buddy〕You and your neighbour might want to buddy up to make the trip more enjoyable.你同你的邻居或许想结伴旅游,热闹一点。牛津高阶〔bunkroom〕A room providing usually temporary sleeping quarters, as for workers or travelers.简易工棚:一间常是临时性的提供睡处的房间,为如工人或旅游美国传统〔catalogue〕A catalogue of disasters has recently affected the travel industry.近来一连串的灾害对旅游业产生了影响。麦克米伦高阶〔chip (sth) in〕They all chipped in £100 and bought their mother a trip to Greece.他们每人凑了100英镑,让母亲到希腊旅游一趟。剑桥高阶〔conceive〕I can't conceive why you allowed your daughter to travel alone.我想不通你为什么会让你的女儿独自外出旅游21世纪英汉〔currency〕Tourism is the country's top earner of foreign currency.旅游业是该国外汇创收最多的行业。柯林斯高阶〔currency〕Tourism is the country's top earner of foreign currency.旅游业是该国最大的外汇收入来源。外研社新世纪〔destination〕He enjoys traveling to remote and exotic destinations.他喜欢到遥远的有异国情调的地方去旅游韦氏高阶〔develop〕Corsica has developed its economy around the tourist industry.科西嘉岛围绕其旅游业发展了经济。朗文当代〔economy〕Tourism contributes millions of pounds to the local economy.旅游业带来数百万英镑的地方收入。剑桥高阶〔eye-opener〕Traveling abroad can be a real eye-opener to many people.出国旅游对于许多人来说可以算是一次真正的大开眼界。韦氏高阶〔eye-opener〕Traveling abroad was an eye-opening experience.出国旅游是一次令人大开眼界的经历。韦氏高阶〔first〕We went on a cruise, a first for both of us.我俩都是平生第一次去海上旅游牛津高阶〔four-wheel drive〕We rented a four-wheel drive to get around the island.我们租了一辆四轮驱动车作环岛旅游牛津高阶〔fray〕Last year Asda joined the fray with a travel insurance policy.去年阿斯达公司凭借一款旅游保险产品加入了市场竞争。外研社新世纪〔guidebook〕A handbook of directions and other information, especially for travelers or tourists.旅游指南,参考手册:载有说明或其他资料的手册,尤指为旅行者或观光者提供的美国传统〔guise〕This is a country where reporters have to visit in the guise of tourists.这是个记者只有装扮成旅游者才能访问的国家。麦克米伦高阶〔hallmark〕These hotels still offer the sort of service which were the hallmark of the grand days of travel.这些酒店依然提供旅游黄金时期的特色服务。朗文当代〔harmony〕We must ensure that tourism develops in harmony with the environment.我们必须确保旅游业与环境和谐发展。剑桥高阶〔have〕East Germans could not travel to the West unless they had special permission.非经特别许可,东德人不能到西德旅游麦克米伦高阶〔high〕The visit to the ancient capital city was one of the high points of the tour.参观古都是这次旅游中最精彩的内容之一。朗文当代〔hospice〕A shelter or lodging for travelers, pilgrims, foundlings, or the destitute, especially one maintained by a monastic order.旅客招待所,收容所:提供给旅游者,朝圣者,孤儿或贫困者等的住处,尤指由修道会维持的美国传统〔junketeer〕To go on a junket, especially at the expense of a government or a favor-seeking business or agency.旅游,尤指由政府出钱做公费旅游,或由寻求优惠的企业或机构出资做公费旅游美国传统〔magnet〕The town is a magnet for tourists in the summer months.这个镇子夏季是旅游热点。韦氏高阶〔metro〕This guidebook includes a map of the Phoenix metro area.这本旅游指南中有一幅菲尼克斯城区图。剑桥高阶〔much〕Any tourist wants to see as much as possible the country he is visiting.任何旅游者都想尽可能在其观光国多看些地方。 英汉大词典〔naive〕The sights of Paris bowled over the unsophisticated tourists.巴黎景色让不谙世故的旅游者们大吃一惊。美国传统〔off season〕It is possible to vacation at some of the more expensive resorts if you go in the off-season.如果在淡季出游,就有可能去一些价格较为昂贵的旅游胜地度假。柯林斯高阶〔oversell〕Tourism on the island is oversold.这个岛上的旅游业被吹嘘得过头了。朗文当代〔people〕The local tourist board is trying to attract more people to the town.当地旅游局正努力吸引更多的人到该镇来。牛津搭配〔place〕There are several places of interest to visit in the area.该地区有一些旅游胜地值得游览。剑桥高阶〔port of call〕The local tourist office should be your first port of call in any town.当地旅游局应该是你到任何一个城市后的第一站。柯林斯高阶〔pretext〕He used his research as a pretext for going to Hungary.他以搞研究为名到匈牙利去旅游牛津搭配〔prohibit〕Soviet citizens were prohibited from travelling abroad.苏联时代国民被禁止出国旅游牛津高阶〔proliferate〕In recent years commercial, cultural, travel and other contacts have proliferated between Europe and China.近年来, 欧洲和中国在商业、文化、旅游和其他领域的往来发展迅猛。外研社新世纪〔providing〕Providing we have the money, we'll travel to Europe.如果有钱,我们就去欧洲旅游韦氏高阶〔put〕She put up a notice about the school trip to Italy.她张贴出一张有关学校组织去意大利旅游的布告。麦克米伦高阶〔rate〕The place was rated dangerous by the tourists.那地方被旅游者们视若畏途。英汉大词典〔ridden或rid〕Our touring plan rides on our father's permission.我们的旅游计划取决于父亲是否许可。21世纪英汉〔right〕The pleasures are endless; the price is right.乐趣无穷,价格公道。(旅游广告用语)英汉大词典〔run down〕The tourist season was almost over and things were definitely running down.旅游旺季快要结束了, 东西当然越来越少了。外研社新世纪〔save (sth) up〕It took me months to save up enough money to go travelling.我用了几个月的时间才攒够了钱去旅游剑桥高阶〔steward〕One who is in charge of the household affairs of a large estate, club, hotel, or resort.管家,总管:主管一个大房产、俱乐部、酒店或旅游胜地的家务事的人美国传统〔success〕The growth of the tourism industry is one of the city's great successes.蒸蒸日上的旅游业是这座城市的一大成就。韦氏高阶〔tailor〕Most travel agents are prepared to tailor travel arrangements to meet individual requirements.为了满足个别人士需要,大多数旅行社都愿意作出专门的旅游安排。牛津高阶〔through〕Saga features trips for older people at home and abroad all through the year.“传奇”旅行社为老年人提供全年的国内外旅游服务。柯林斯高阶〔thumb〕Hundreds of tourists have thumbed their noses at the travel restrictions.许多游客对种种旅游限制嗤之以鼻。麦克米伦高阶〔touristy〕Benidorm is too touristy for me.贝尼多姆在我看来旅游味太浓了。朗文当代〔touristy〕Of or relating to tourists or tourism.观光客的,旅游者的,观光旅游的:观光客或观光旅游的,或与其相关的美国传统〔touristy〕We did all the usual touristy things.旅游该做的那些事我们都做了。朗文当代〔tour〕A group organized for such a trip or for a shorter sightseeing excursion.旅游团:为了这样一种旅行或一更短的观光旅行而组织在一起的一群人美国传统〔tour〕Dolly Parton's tour bus 多莉・帕顿的旅游牛津搭配〔tour〕She has toured extensively in the US.她在美国许多地方旅游过。牛津搭配〔trip〕We went on a trip to the Lake District.我们去湖区旅游了。外研社新世纪〔turn sth/sb down〕He offered her a trip to Australia but she turned it/him down.他邀请她去澳大利亚旅游,但她拒绝了。剑桥高阶〔undeveloped〕St Lucia is still mercifully undeveloped as a tourist destination.作为一个旅游目的地,圣卢西亚所幸还未被开发。柯林斯高阶〔unopened〕The letter lay unopened in the travel firm's pigeonhole.那封信搁在旅游公司的信件架上, 没有拆开。外研社新世纪〔waterfront〕She owns a popular tourist restaurant on the town's waterfront.她在该镇的滨水区有一家颇受欢迎的旅游餐馆。剑桥高阶〔weekends〕He travels weekends.他在周末旅游韦氏高阶〔within〕The ticket gives students unlimited free travel within the UK.这种票可让学生在英国国内不受任何限制地免费旅游麦克米伦高阶〔woefully〕The safety precautions taken by large resort hotels are often woefully inadequate for the number of people who stay there.那些旅游胜地的大型旅馆虽然采取了安全措施,但相对于游客的人数来说大多还不够完善。剑桥高阶Disneyworld is one of Florida's major tourist attractions.迪斯尼乐园是佛罗里达最主要的旅游点之一。剑桥国际Hordes of tourists flock to the Mediterranean each year.每年有成群的旅游者涌往地中海。剑桥国际I'd like to travel more but, then again, staying at home does save money.我想多作一些旅游,然而,待在家里的确省钱。剑桥国际July and August are the peak season for travel in Europe. 七月和八月是欧洲的旅游旺季。牛津商务The London Eye is one of London's top tourist attractions.伦敦眼是伦敦最热门的旅游景点之一。牛津商务The hotel chain has been badly hit by the slump in tourism.这家连锁酒店受到旅游业不景气的沉重打击。牛津商务The project should give a kick-start to regional tourism.这项目应该可以迅速推动区域旅游牛津商务The resort has changed somewhat over the last few years.近几年来,这个旅游胜地有些变化。剑桥国际The trip will cost you $1000.这次旅游要花去你1000 美元。剑桥国际These days it's possible to travel in any developed country without ever tasting the native cuisine, thanks to the ubiquity of fast-food outlets (= the fact that they are found everywhere).现今人们可以到任何一个发达国家旅游而不去品尝当地的菜肴, 这得益于无所不在的快餐店。剑桥国际Tourism is a mushroom to the country. 旅游业是这个国家发展极快的行业。译典通Tourism is the staple source of income in the coastal villages.旅游是海滨村庄收入的主要来源。剑桥国际

