
单词 挪用
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔STEAL〕During the trial, Raabe admitted that he misappropriated $80,000 of church funds. 审讯期间,拉伯承认挪用了80,000美元教堂基金。朗文写作活用〔STEAL〕He embezzled large amounts of money to finance his gambling. 他挪用大量公款去赌博。朗文写作活用〔accessory〕She was charged with being an accessory to the embezzlement of funds.她被指控为这起挪用公款案的从犯。柯林斯高阶〔appropriate〕He appropriated the trust funds for himself.他挪用信托资金。21世纪英汉〔appropriate〕He is suspected of appropriating government funds.他被怀疑挪用政府资金。朗文当代〔appropriation〕The act of appropriating.挪用挪用的行为美国传统〔bankrupt〕Their embezzlement bankrupted the firm.他们贪污挪用公款使商行破产了。21世纪英汉〔confiscate〕Seized by a government; appropriated.充公:由政府没收的;挪用美国传统〔connive〕The officials allegedly connived to take public funds for personal use.据称,官员们密谋挪用公款以供私用。麦克米伦高阶〔conversion〕The unlawful appropriation of another's property.侵权行为:对他人财产的非法挪用美国传统〔convert〕The treasurer converted the club's money to his own use.司库挪用俱乐部经费。英汉大词典〔convert〕To appropriate (another's property) without right to one's own use.侵占:在没有使用权的情况下挪用(他人财产)美国传统〔defalcate〕To misuse funds; embezzle.挪用公款;盗用或侵吞公款美国传统〔destined〕The money was destined for the relief of poverty, but was diverted by corrupt officials.这些资金是用于救济穷人的,却被腐败的官员挪用了。剑桥高阶〔dip〕We dipped into our savings.我们挪用存款美国传统〔draw off〕They illegally drew off thousands of dollars that had been donated to the charity.他们非法挪用了捐给慈善机构的数千美元。韦氏高阶〔embezzle〕He was convicted of embezzling.他被判犯有挪用公款罪。韦氏高阶〔embezzle〕One former director embezzled $34 million in company funds.一名前主管挪用了3,400万美元公司资金。外研社新世纪〔embezzle〕Two managers were charged with embezzling $400,000.两个经理被控挪用了四十万美元。朗文当代〔feather your (own) nest〕She was accused of feathering her own nest with the company's money.她被控挪用公司钱款,中饱私囊。韦氏高阶〔improper〕The governor has denied making improper use of state money.州长否认非法挪用州政府的资金。剑桥高阶〔knock ... down〕The accountant knocked down plenty of money without being caught.那个会计挪用了大笔钱而未被发现。21世纪英汉〔line your pocket(s)〕Staff at the bank have apparently been lining their pockets with money from investors' accounts.很显然,银行职员一直在挪用投资者账户中的资金为自己赚钱。剑桥高阶〔misapplication〕He's charged with conspiracy and misapplication of funds.他被控同谋犯罪和挪用资金。外研社新世纪〔misappropriate〕A total of $500 million is alleged to have been misappropriated.据称总共有5亿美元被挪用外研社新世纪〔misappropriate〕He claimed the finance manager had misappropriated company funds.他声称财务经理挪用了公司资金。朗文当代〔misappropriate〕He is accused of misappropriating $30,000 to pay off gambling debts.他被控挪用了3万美元去偿付赌债。剑桥高阶〔misappropriate〕He pleaded guilty to charges of misappropriation of bank funds.他对挪用银行资金的指控供认不讳。柯林斯高阶〔misappropriate〕I took no money for personal use and have not misappropriated any funds whatsoever.我没有把钱款挪为己用,也没有挪用任何资金。柯林斯高阶〔misappropriate〕She was fired for the misappropriation of funds.她因挪用资金而被解雇。韦氏高阶〔misappropriate〕They accused him of misappropriating town funds.他们指控他挪用城镇基金。韦氏高阶〔misappropriation〕He pleaded guilty to charges of misappropriation of bank funds.他对挪用银行资金的指控供认不讳。外研社新世纪〔poach〕To take or appropriate something unfairly or illegally.非法侵占:不公平地或非法地拿取或挪用某物美国传统〔poach〕To take or appropriate unfairly or illegally.非法侵占:不公平地或非法地拿取或挪用美国传统〔private〕The minister has been using public funds to finance private dealings.部长一直在挪用公共基金作为私人交易的经费。麦克米伦高阶〔scandal〕Government officials were caught in an embezzlement scandal.政府官员陷入了挪用公款的丑闻中。韦氏高阶〔siphon sth off〕He lost his job when it was discovered that he had been siphoning off money from the company for his own use.他非法挪用公司钱款为己所用的行为败露后,便丢掉了工作。剑桥高阶〔unfairly〕The criminal has unfairly appropriated benefits.罪犯用不正当手段挪用了救济金。外研社新世纪〔wrest〕To divert to an improper use; misapply.误用,滥用:挪用于不适当的用途;滥用美国传统He admitted embezzling nearly $2 million from his clients' accounts.他承认从客户的账户中挪用了近 200 万元。牛津商务He lost his job when he was found to have appropriated some of the company's money.当被发现曾挪用公司的钱款后,他被开除了。剑桥国际He was accused of appropriating company funds.他被指控挪用公司资金。牛津商务His appropriation of company money lost him his job.挪用公款致使他丢了职位。剑桥国际She is accused of misappropriating money from the company's pension fund.她被指控挪用了公司的退休基金。牛津商务She was found guilty of embezzlement.她被判挪用公款罪。牛津商务She was playing with fire by secretly borrowing office funds. 她暗中挪用公款简直是玩火。译典通The government is accused of channeling funds away from health care.政府被指责挪用医疗保健资金。牛津商务The governor has denied making improper use of state money.州长否认了违法挪用州政府的钱。剑桥国际The manager was found to have appropriated store money. 那位经理曾经挪用店里的钱。译典通The money was destined for the relief of poverty, but was diverted by corrupt officials.这笔钱预定用作济贫,但被腐败的官员们挪用了。剑桥国际They were arrested for embezzlement of company funds.他们因挪用公司资金被逮捕。剑桥国际

