
单词 排气
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔RUB〕It was not until we felt the exhaust pipe scraping along the road that we realized there was something wrong with the car. 我们感到排气管擦着了路面才发现汽车出问题了。朗文写作活用〔THEN〕The exhaust pipe fell off the car just as we were leaving, and after that it was just one disaster after another! 我们正要离开时车子的排气管掉了,然后灾祸就接二连三地发生了!朗文写作活用〔afterburner〕A device for burning or chemically altering unburned or partially burned carbon compounds in exhaust gases.排气后燃器:用以充分燃烧或从化学上改变废气中未完全燃烧或部分燃烧的含碳化合物的设备美国传统〔belch〕The exhaust pipe belched out (= produced) dense black smoke.排气管喷出浓浓的黑烟。剑桥高阶〔bleed off〕We bled off the carradiator by opening a valve.我们开阀从汽车的散热器中排气21世纪英汉〔bleed〕You'll need to bleed the car's brake lines.你得给汽车的刹车管排气韦氏高阶〔escape〕Leave a vent open to let some moist air escape.留个排气孔, 好让一些湿气排出。外研社新世纪〔exhaust trail〕A condensation trail that is visible when water vapor in aircraft exhaust mixes with the air in the vehicle's wake and saturates it.排气尾迹:飞机排出的水汽与飞机尾部空气相混合而达到饱和时形成的可见的凝结尾迹美国传统〔exhaust〕An apparatus for drawing out noxious air or waste material by means of a partial vacuum.排气装置:通过部分真空的方式排出有害气体或废物的装置美国传统〔exhaust〕Gases from an automobile exhaust through a pipe.汽车通过排气管排放废气。21世纪英汉〔exhaust〕He had to get a new exhaust fitted.他必须装一个新排气管了。外研社新世纪〔exhaust〕My car needs a new exhaust.我的汽车需要一个新排气管。牛津高阶〔exhaust〕The car needs a new exhaust.这辆车得换根新排气管。麦克米伦高阶〔exhaust〕The engine exhausts through the muffler.引擎通过消音器排气英汉大词典〔exhaust〕There's a problem with the car's exhaust.这辆汽车的排气管有问题。韦氏高阶〔fall off〕When your exhaust falls off, you have to replace it.如排气管脱落, 应将其更换。外研社新世纪〔fall〕When your exhaust falls off, you have to replace it.如果你的排气管脱落,应将其更换。柯林斯高阶〔fuel〕The new exhaust system, it is claimed, will lower fuel consumption.据称新的排气装置会降低燃料的消耗。剑桥高阶〔funnel〕A shaft, flue, or stack for ventilation or the passage of smoke, especially the smokestack of a ship or locomotive.烟囱,通风井:尤指轮船或机车上的用来通风或排烟的通风井、烟道或排气美国传统〔gas〕Her husband ran a pipe from her car exhaust to the bedroom in an attempt to gas her.她丈夫将一根管子从她汽车的排气管拉到卧室, 想要毒死她。外研社新世纪〔gas〕Her husband ran a pipe from her car exhaust to the bedroom in an attempt to gas her.她的丈夫将一根与她的汽车排气管相通的管子导入卧室,企图用毒气将她杀死。柯林斯高阶〔hiss〕The locomotive stood immobile, steam hissing out of its vents.火车头停在那儿一动不动, 蒸汽从排气管中咝咝地冒出来。外研社新世纪〔hood〕The hood over the air vent is loose.排气口的罩子松了。剑桥高阶〔off〕His exhaust fell off six laps from the finish.离终点还有6圈时,他的排气管掉了下来。柯林斯高阶〔off〕His exhaust fell off.他的排气管掉了下来。外研社新世纪〔outtake〕An opening for outward discharge; a vent.排气道,通气管:向外排放物质的洞;通风孔美国传统〔pipe〕Metallurgy A cone-shaped cavity in a steel ingot, formed during cooling by escaping gases.【冶金学】 (铸件的)缩孔,缩管:铸件上的锥形孔,用来在冷却时排气美国传统〔poppet valve〕An intake or exhaust valve, operated by springs and cams, that plugs and unplugs its opening by axial motion.提升阀:由弹簧及凸轮操纵的一吸气或排气阀,通过往复式运动打开或关闭阀门美国传统〔shake〕The prop shaft vibrated like mad and shook the exhaust mounting loose.支撑杆疯狂地震动,将排气管都震松了。柯林斯高阶〔smoke〕Clouds of thick black smoke billowed from the car's exhaust.从汽车排气管冒出一股股黑色浓烟。牛津高阶〔spark〕The car's tailpipe made sparks as it scraped the road.汽车的排气管擦到路面时冒出了火花。韦氏高阶〔stab〕The blue flame of the exhausts stabbed the darkness.排气口的蓝色火焰划破黑暗。英汉大词典〔stack〕A vertical exhaust pipe, as on a ship or locomotive.烟突:在轮船上或机车上垂直的排气美国传统〔stream〕Black smoke streamed from the exhaust.排气管里冒出黑烟。牛津高阶〔stream〕The exhaust streamed black smoke.排气管里冒出黑烟。牛津高阶〔suck〕The fan sucks air in through one vent and pushes it out through the other.风扇从一个孔抽气,从另一个孔排气麦克米伦高阶〔turbofan〕A turbojet engine in which a fan supplements the total thrust by forcing air directly into the hot turbine exhaust.涡轮风扇喷气发动机:一种涡轮喷气发动机带有一个风扇,通过将空气直接压入热的涡轮排气管而补充总推力美国传统〔valve-in-head engine〕An internal-combustion engine, as in some automobiles, that has the inlet and exhaust valves in the cylinder head instead of in the engine block.顶置气门发动机:一种内燃机,如用于汽车上的内燃机,在汽缸顶部而非发动机内部装有进给阀和排气美国传统〔ventage〕A small opening; a vent.小孔,小口;排气美国传统〔vent〕If you have a gas fire in a room, you should have some kind of outside vent.如果你的屋里有煤气炉,那你就应该有个通向外面的排气口。剑桥高阶Environmentalists have been campaigning for a substantial reduction in vehicle emissions (= gases produced by vehicles) over the next few years.环境保护主义者一直在为近几年内切实减少车辆排气而斗争。剑桥国际In the sub-zero weather, their exhausts plumbed white in the grey streets. 在严寒天气,他们的排气管在灰色的街道上吐著缕缕白烟。译典通It's important to have the flue checked regularly to make sure it's not blocked.定期检查排气道,确保不堵塞,这很重要。剑桥国际Since the catalytic converters that clean up car emissions are made from platinum, the price of the precious metal has increased.] 因为清洁汽车排气的催化转化器由白金制成,这一名贵金属的价格已经上涨了。剑桥国际The car has twin exhausts.这车有两个排气管。剑桥国际The engine exhausts through the muffler. 引擎透过消音器排气译典通The exhaust valve on my car has burnt out three times. 我车子上的排气阀已烧坏三次。译典通The new exhaust system, it is claimed, will reduce noise levels, improve engine power and lower fuel consumption.据说新的排气装置会降低噪音程度,增强发动机动力和减少燃料消耗。剑桥国际

