
单词 摇摆
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LAST〕Particularly impressive is the horn section on the penultimate track, ‘Just Jivin’ Around'. 尤其好听的是倒数第二首“来跳摇摆舞吧”的小号乐组。朗文写作活用〔VARIOUS/OF DIFFERENT KINDS〕The band's music is an exciting mix of jazz, swing, and rock ‘n’ roll. 该乐队的音乐令人振奋,爵士乐、摇摆乐和摇滚乐兼而有之。朗文写作活用〔ambivalence〕He maintained an ambivalent attitude to the Church throughout his long life.在他漫长的一生中,他对基督教信仰始终是一种摇摆不定的态度。柯林斯高阶〔ambivalent〕Exhibiting or feeling ambivalence.有矛盾情绪的,摇摆不定的:表现出或感觉充满矛盾的美国传统〔attitude〕The move reflects changing attitudes among management.这一举措反映了管理层的态度摇摆不定。麦克米伦高阶〔back and forth〕She swayed gently back and forth to the music.她随着音乐的节奏轻轻来回摇摆着。剑桥高阶〔bilge keel〕Either of two beams or fins fastened lengthwise along the outside of a ship's bilge to inhibit heavy rolling.舭龙骨,减摇龙骨:用以防止船身剧烈摇摆的沿船舭外部纵长地固定的两条横梁或鳍板的任一条美国传统〔bounce〕The wind was bouncing the branches of the big oak trees.一棵棵高大橡树的枝条随风摇摆柯林斯高阶〔bulge〕Jiro waddled closer, his belly bulging.吉罗腆着肚子, 摇摇摆摆地走过来。外研社新世纪〔dangle〕The leaves danged in the wind.树叶迎风摇摆21世纪英汉〔dangle〕To hang loosely and swing or sway to and fro.悬荡,垂着摆动:松散地悬挂着而且来回摆荡或前后摇摆美国传统〔diddle〕To shake rapidly; jiggle.急速摇摆;摇铃美国传统〔duck〕A family of ducks waddled along the river bank.一群鸭子沿着河岸摇摇摆摆地走。牛津搭配〔exhibitionism〕It's exhibitionism to flaunt wealth so blatantly.如此招摇摆阔纯粹是出风头。剑桥高阶〔flea-flicker〕An offensive play in which a pass is thrown to a receiver who then laterals the ball to a teammate.摇摆式进攻:一种进攻打法,将球传给接球者,接球者接着将球横传给队员美国传统〔folk-rock〕A variety of popular music combining elements of rock 'n' roll and folk music.带民歌色彩的摇摆舞乐曲:各种包含摇滚乐与民间音乐元素的流行音乐美国传统〔halt〕To proceed or act with uncertainty or indecision; waver.蹒跚:走起来或动作起来不稳定,不确定;摇摆美国传统〔hot〕The media, meanwhile, has blown hot and cold on the affair.与此同时, 媒体对于这件事也摇摆不定。外研社新世纪〔irresolutely〕He has wavered irresolutely from one opinion to another.他在几个意见中摇摆不定。韦氏高阶〔jarring〕Protect your hips by avoiding jarring, repetitive exercises over long periods.可以通过避免长时间、重复性的摇摆练习来保护臀部。外研社新世纪〔jive〕I learnt to jive there when they got the jukebox.他们安了自动点唱机后,我在那儿学会了跳摇摆舞。柯林斯高阶〔jive〕Jazz or swing music.爵士乐,摇摆美国传统〔jive〕Music To play or dance to jive music.【音乐】 演奏摇摆乐,跳摇摆美国传统〔jive〕My father taught me how to do the jive.是我父亲教我跳摇摆舞的。剑桥高阶〔joggle〕To move with a shaking or lightly jolting motion.摇晃或轻颠:摇摆着或轻微地颤动着移动美国传统〔loppy〕Hanging limp; pendulous.下垂的:松松挂着的;悬垂摇摆不定的美国传统〔lurch〕The first round of multilateral trade talks has lurched between hope and despair.首轮多边贸易谈判在希望与绝望间来回摇摆柯林斯高阶〔motion〕The swaying motion of the ship was making me feel seasick.船身摇摆不定,让我觉得恶心。牛津高阶〔moved〕I could see the branches of the trees moving back and forth.我能看到树枝来回摇摆柯林斯高阶〔oscillate〕Do you think we're closer to war or closer to peace?—I oscillate every day.你认为我们是更接近战争还是更接近和平?——我每天都在这两个答案间摇摆外研社新世纪〔oscillate〕He oscillates between conservatism and radicalism.他在保守方针和激进措施之间摇摆外研社新世纪〔oscillate〕His mood oscillated between cooperation and aggression.他的情绪在合作和敌对之间摇摆外研社新世纪〔oscillation〕The act of oscillating.摆动:摇摆摆动的动作美国传统〔palsied〕Trembling or shaking.颤抖的,摇摆美国传统〔pendulum〕As so often in education, the pendulum has swung back to the other extreme and testing is popular again.人们的观点又回到了另一个极端,考试又流行起来了,这种摇摆不定的现象在教育领域经常出现。剑桥高阶〔pivot〕A short rod or shaft on which a related part rotates or swings.枢,轴:一根短杆或轴,相关的部分可在其上转动或摇摆美国传统〔plainly〕I could plainly see him turning his head to the right and left.我能清楚地看到他左右摇摆着脑袋的样子。外研社新世纪〔poised〕The sick man was poised between life and death.病人在生死之间摇摆不定。文馨英汉〔quaking bog〕A floating mat of thickly woven mosses, rushes, and shrubs that forms across the surface of shallow ponds and may shimmy or shake when walked on.凌风垫:用苔藓、灯芯草及灌木编织而成的厚浮垫,横跨在浅塘表面上,当走过时可能会摇晃或摇摆美国传统〔rhapsody〕The child swayed to the lyrical rhapsody.小孩随着抒情狂想曲的节奏左右摇摆英汉大词典〔rhythm〕His body twists and sways to the rhythm.他的身体随着节奏扭动摇摆外研社新世纪〔rock〕The act of rocking.摇摆的动作美国传统〔roll〕A rolling, swaying, or rocking motion.滚动:滚动、摇摆或摇动的动作美国传统〔roll〕He rolled himself from side to side.他左右摇摆着身子。英汉大词典〔run high〕The sea is running high; the boat is rocking like a cradle.海上波涛汹涌,小船像摇篮似的来回摇摆21世纪英汉〔shake〕To be unsteady; totter or waver.不稳,摇摆:不稳定;摇动或摇曳美国传统〔swag〕Chiefly British To lurch or sway.【多用于英国】 颠簸或摇摆美国传统〔sway〕Their bodies swayed to the music.他们的身体随着音乐节拍摇摆麦克米伦高阶〔swing〕He accidentally found that the desk clock did not swing its pendulum.他无意中发现座钟不摇摆了。21世纪英汉〔swing〕He walked with a swing.他摇摇摆摆走路。文馨英汉〔swing〕Ohio is a swing state in the presidential election.俄亥俄州在总统大选中意见摇摆不定。牛津搭配〔swing〕To cause to move back and forth, as on a swing.使摆动:使象荡秋千一样前后摇摆美国传统〔swing〕To shift from one attitude, interest, condition, or emotion to another; vacillate.犹豫,心意摇摆不定:改变态度、兴趣、状况或感情;动摇美国传统〔tail〕To lie or swing with the stern in a named direction, as when riding at anchor or on a mooring.船尾朝某一方向停泊:船尾朝向指定方向停泊或摇摆,如船只抛锚停泊或系泊时那样美国传统〔tall〕The windows overlooked a lawn of tall waving grass.窗户外边是一块草地,高高的草随风摇摆柯林斯高阶〔teeter〕College students seem to teeter between childhood and adulthood.大学生好像在少年和成年之间摇摆不定。英汉大词典〔teeter〕Our relationship teeters between friendship and romance.我们的关系在友情和爱情之间摇摆韦氏高阶〔teeter〕To alternate, as between opposing attitudes or positions; vacillate.摇摆:交替,如在对立的态度或位置之间摇摆不定;犹豫美国传统〔teeter〕To walk or move unsteadily or unsurely; totter.摇摇欲坠:摇摆地或不稳定地行走或移动;蹒跚美国传统〔toddle〕The little boy toddled across the room.小男孩摇摇摆摆地走过房间。韦氏高阶〔toss about〕The boat was tossed about violently.那艘船在水中剧烈摇摆外研社新世纪〔trot〕A toddler.摇摇摆摆学步的孩子美国传统〔tumbler〕One of a breed of domestic pigeons characteristically tumbling or somersaulting in flight.翻飞鸽:飞行中会摇摆或翻转的一种家鸽美国传统〔tumble〕An act of tumbling; a fall.摇摆;跌倒美国传统〔turkey trot〕A ragtime dance characterized by a springy walk with the feet well apart and a swinging up-and-down movement of the shoulders.火鸡舞:一种繁音拍子的舞蹈,其特点是双足充分分开,有弹性地舞步,双肩上下摇摆扭动美国传统〔uninitiated〕For the uninitiated, Western Swing is a fusion of jazz, rhythm & blues, rock & roll and country music.对于外行人来说,西部摇摆是爵士乐、节奏布鲁斯、摇滚乐和乡村音乐的融合。柯林斯高阶〔uninitiated〕For the uninitiated, Western Swing is a fusion of jazz, rhythm&blues, rock&roll and country music.对于外行人来说, 西部摇摆乐是爵士乐、节奏布鲁斯、摇滚乐和乡村音乐的融合。外研社新世纪〔unsteadily〕She rose unsteadily to her feet.她摇摇摆摆地站起来。文馨英汉〔vacillant〕Undergoing vacillation; wavering.动摇的,犹豫不决的;摇摆美国传统〔vacillate〕To sway from one side to the other; oscillate.摇摆:从一边摇向另一边;摇动美国传统〔waddle〕In the evenings, ducks waddle up to the front door to be fed.傍晚时分,鸭子们摇摇摆摆地来到前门进食。柯林斯高阶〔waddle〕In the evenings, ducks waddle up to the front door to be fed.每到傍晚, 鸭子们摇摇摆摆地来到前门进食。外研社新世纪〔waddle〕To walk heavily and clumsily with a pronounced sway.蹒跚而行:明显地摇摆着的沉重地走美国传统〔waggle〕A wobbling motion.摇摆的动作美国传统〔wag〕A dog wags its tail.狗摇摆尾巴。牛津同义词〔wag〕The dog raced ahead, its tail wagging furiously.狗向前冲去,尾巴猛烈地摇摆着 。牛津搭配〔wag〕To move briskly and repeatedly from side to side, to and fro, or up and down.摇摆:轻快并重复地从一边到一边、前后或上下运动美国传统〔wallop〕To move in a rolling, clumsy manner; waddle.蹒跚:以一种摇晃、笨拙的方式行走;摇摇摆摆地行走美国传统〔wamble〕To move in a weaving, wobbling, or rolling manner.摇晃前行:以一种交叉的、摇晃的或摇摆的方式前进美国传统〔waver〕Today on the streets of Montreal, opinion seems still to waver.今日在蒙特利尔的街头巷尾,人们的意见仍摇摆不定。柯林斯高阶〔wigwag〕The act or practice of wigwagging.摇动,摇摆摇摆的动作或作法美国传统〔wigwag〕To convey (a message or signal) by waving an upraised arm, a flag, or a light.打旗语发信号,用灯光发信号:通过摇摆举起的手臂、旗子或灯来传达(信息或记号)美国传统〔wobble〕His thoughts wobbled like a drunken man's.他的思想像醉汉的一样摇摆不定。英汉大词典〔wobble〕The act or an instance of wobbling; unsteady motion.前后摇晃:摇摆不定的动作或实例;不稳定的行动美国传统〔yaw〕To move unsteadily; weave.摇摇晃晃地移动;摇摆美国传统A crowd of drunken football supporters lurched down the street, singing and shouting.一群喝醉了的足球迷摇摇摆摆,又叫又唱地走过街头。剑桥国际He had a strange rolling gait, like a sailor on a ship. 他走起路来怪怪的,左右摇摆,就像船上的水手一样。译典通He is swaying between two opinions. 他在两种意见之间摇摆不定。译典通He loved collecting old recordings of jazz and jive music.他喜欢收集爵士乐和摇摆乐的旧唱片。剑桥国际He was a strange, shambling figure who wandered from place to place trying to sell books he wrote himself.他是个奇怪的、走路摇摇摆摆的人,周游各地试图推销自己写的书。剑桥国际In the harbour, the boats bobbed gently on the water.码头里的船只在水面上轻轻地摇摆剑桥国际People in the audience were jigging up and down in time to the music.观众正随着音乐的节奏摇摆剑桥国际The band began playing some old Elvis Presley hits and they spent the evening jiving to their favourite songs.乐队开始演奏埃尔维斯·普雷斯利风行一时的歌曲,他们一晚上都随着喜爱的歌曲跳摇摆舞。剑桥国际The little dog's tail wagged in delight.小狗快乐地摇摆着尾巴。剑桥国际The spaceship's jets were fired periodically to dampen a side-to-side pendulum motion that had developed.宇宙飞船的喷气发动机定期喷射以减小飞船产生的左右摇摆剑桥国际The swing of the ship made many people seasick. 船的摇摆使许多人晕船。译典通The to-and-fro movement of the boat made me feel ill.船左右摇摆使我感到不舒服。剑桥国际They looked out across the fields of waving barley.他们朝田里望去,只见大麦随风摇摆剑桥国际Throughout the novel, the protagonist demonstrates a continual oscillation between guilt and a sense of victimization.在整部小说里,主人公一直表现出处于罪恶感与受迫害感之间摇摆的矛盾心态。剑桥国际Too much headbanging is thought to cause brain damage in young people.过度摇摆头被认为对年轻人的脑子有伤害。剑桥国际

