
单词 澄清
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CLEAR/NOT CLEAR〕I hope this statement has helped to clarify a few points. 我希望此项声明有助于澄清一些事实。朗文写作活用〔GET RID OF〕The Central Bank attempted to dispel rumours of a possible financial crisis. 中央银行试图澄清可能会爆发金融危机的谣言。朗文写作活用〔OPINION〕It's important that the Socialists clarify their position before the conference. 会议开始前,社会党人应澄清他们的立场,这一点很重要。朗文写作活用〔RIGHT〕It's time to set people straight about why he was fired - he didn't act in a professional manner. 他为什么会被开除,现在是时候向大家澄清一下误解了一他表现得不专业。朗文写作活用〔RIGHT〕It's time we put the record straight. The newspapers are wrong -- this factory will not be closing down. 我们该澄清一下事实了。报纸上说的有误—这家工厂是不会关闭的。朗文写作活用〔RIGHT〕Paulson, wanting to set the record straight, called a press conference. 保尔森要澄清事实,于是召开了记者招待会。朗文写作活用〔accept〕Before accepting office, Wellington had made it clear that he was not a party man.就职前, 威灵顿已经澄清了他不是什么政党成员。外研社新世纪〔air〕A public meeting was held to clear the air.召开了一次公开会议以澄清问题。外研社新世纪〔ambiguously〕The Foreign Secretary's remarks clarify an ambiguous statement issued earlier this week.外交大臣的话对本周较早时候发表的一份模棱两可的声明作出了澄清柯林斯高阶〔clarification〕Employers are seeking further clarification of the proposals.雇主们正在寻求进一步澄清这些提案。牛津搭配〔clarification〕He issued a statement to clarify the situation.他发表了一项声明以澄清形势。21世纪英汉〔clarification〕The cloudy solution clarified quickly.混浊的溶液很快就澄清了。21世纪英汉〔clarification〕There have been a number of official changes and clarifications.已经有过几次正式的改动和澄清朗文当代〔clear ... up〕He cleared up the question of his absence in the presence of all his classmates.他当着全班同学的面澄清了他缺席的疑团。21世纪英汉〔clearing〕The act or process of making or becoming clear.清除,澄清:使变得清洁的行为或过程美国传统〔clear〕Can I make it absolutely clear that we did not intend this to happen? 我来澄清一下好吗?我们无意让这样的事情发生的。朗文当代〔clear〕In a final effort to clear her name, Eunice has written a book.尤妮斯写了一本书, 为澄清自己的名誉作最后一次努力。外研社新世纪〔clear〕Obviously the misunderstanding will have to be cleared up.显然这一误解必须得到澄清麦克米伦高阶〔clear〕The investigation cleared him officially of all the charges against him.调查正式澄清了对他的所有指控。韦氏高阶〔clear〕There are a couple of points we need to clear up before the meeting begins.开会前,我们还需澄清几点。朗文当代〔clear〕Wait for the water to clear.你等水澄清牛津同义词〔corrective〕The biography is a useful corrective to the myths that have grown up around this man.这部传记有助于澄清围绕此人越来越多的传言。朗文当代〔crystallize〕The final chapter crystallizes all the main issues.最后一章澄清了所有的主要问题。牛津高阶〔defecate〕To remove (impurities, as in a chemical solution); clarify.澄清(如化学溶液中的杂质);净化美国传统〔defog〕In a lengthy interview the minister defogged the issues in the demonstration.在长时间的采访中,部长就示威运动的有关问题作了澄清21世纪英汉〔demystify〕We urge colleges and universities to demystify the selection process.我们敦促各学院和大学澄清其甄选学生的过程。柯林斯高阶〔deposit〕There may be a light deposit, but the wine is quite clear.虽然可能会有少量的沉淀物, 但这个酒还是澄清透明的。外研社新世纪〔diagram〕A plan, sketch, drawing, or outline designed to demonstrate or explain how something works or to clarify the relationship between the parts of a whole.图示,图解:为演示或解释某物如向工作或者为澄清整体各部分之间关系而设计的平面图、示意图、图底或外形图美国传统〔disentangle〕To clear up or resolve (a plot, for example); unravel.清理,解开:澄清或解决(如阴谋);解开美国传统〔dispel〕I'd like to start the speech by dispelling a few rumours that have been spreading recently.我想在演讲的开头先澄清一些近期流传的谣言。剑桥高阶〔expedient〕It seems expedient to clarify the concept.看来有利于澄清这一概念。牛津搭配〔first〕First off, there's some confusion we have to clear up.首先,有些疑惑我必须澄清韦氏高阶〔hazy〕Many details remain hazy.很多细节仍未澄清外研社新世纪〔help〕We hope this helps to clarify the situation.我们希望这有助于澄清事态。麦克米伦高阶〔initial〕The aim of this initial meeting is to clarify the issues.本次初步会议的目标是澄清这些问题。柯林斯高阶〔initial〕The aim of this initial meeting is to clarify the issues.本次初步会议的目的是澄清这些问题。外研社新世纪〔lees〕Sediment settling during fermentation, especially in wine; dregs.沉淀物:发酵过程中澄清时产生的沉积物,尤指酒中的;残渣美国传统〔levigate〕To separate fine particles from coarse by grinding in water.澄清,淘选:通过水磨把精细的颗粒从粗糙的颗粒中分离出来美国传统〔limewater〕A clear colorless alkaline aqueous solution of calcium hydroxide, used in calamine lotion and other skin preparations and sometimes as an antacid.石灰水:水合钙的一种澄清时无色的石灰水溶液,可用于治疗皮肤病或其他制剂中,有时用作抗酸剂美国传统〔misconception〕I'd like to clear up a few misconceptions about the schedule.对于日程安排,我想澄清几个误解。韦氏高阶〔misunderstanding〕This was a minor misunderstanding which could be instantly cleared up.这是立刻可以澄清的小误会。英汉大词典〔name〕She went to court to clear her name (= prove that the bad things said about her were not true).为了澄清名誉,她走上法庭。剑桥高阶〔of〕He was cleared of all blame.他所受的一切责难都澄清了。牛津高阶〔pancreatic juice〕A clear, alkaline secretion of the pancreas containing enzymes that aid in the digestion of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.胰液:澄清的碱性胰分泌物,含有促进消化蛋白质、碳水化合物和脂肪的酶美国传统〔purpose〕Her main/primary purpose in suing the newspaper for libel was to clear her name.她控告这家报纸诽谤的主要目的是澄清她的清白。剑桥高阶〔purpose〕I want it clear, for the purposes of this discussion, that it wasn't actually a gift.为了这次讨论, 我想澄清一下, 它其实不是一件礼物。外研社新世纪〔qualification〕This statement requires qualification and clarification.这份陈述需要进行限定和澄清柯林斯高阶〔record〕I would like to set the record straight on a few points.有几个地方我想澄清一下。朗文当代〔record〕Let me set the record straight about what really happened last week.让我澄清一下上周到底发生了什么。韦氏高阶〔record〕Let me set the record straight.让我来澄清一下是非。外研社新世纪〔set/put the record straight〕She's decided to write her memoirs to set the record straight once and for all.她决定撰写回忆录以彻底澄清事实。剑桥高阶〔settle〕Let the wine settle before pouring.让酒澄清一下再倒。英汉大词典〔settle〕The wine will soon settle.酒很快就会澄清文馨英汉〔settle〕To become clear by the sinking of suspended particles. Used of liquids.使澄清:通过沉淀悬浮颗粒而变澄清。用于液体美国传统〔settle〕To cause (a liquid) to become clear by forming a sediment.沉淀:通过沉淀使(液体)变澄清美国传统〔settle〕To settle the wine (dregs), keep the bottle quite still for one day.要使酒澄清(使渣滓沉淀),让瓶子在一天内保持绝对静止状态。英汉大词典〔smoke〕The smoke generated by the controversy has cleared.争议造成的混乱已经澄清英汉大词典〔squelch〕A spokeswoman at the White House has squelched rumors about the president's ill health.白宫一位女发言人迅速澄清了总统健康状况不佳的谣言。剑桥高阶〔still〕His clarification did little to still the storm.他作了澄清,但对平息这场风潮没起什么作用。英汉大词典〔straight〕Let me set the record straight.让我来澄清一下事实。外研社新世纪〔straight〕There's been a misunderstanding and I'd like to put it straight.之前一直存在误解, 我想把它澄清了。外研社新世纪〔untangle〕To straighten out (something puzzling or complicated); clarify or resolve.理清:理清(某个让人迷惑或复杂难解的事物);澄清或解决美国传统〔worthwhile〕I thought it was worthwhile to clarify the matter.我认为有必要澄清事实。朗文当代He clarified his stand on the issue. 他澄清了他在该问题上的立场。译典通He has been indefatigable in his fight to clear his name.他一直为澄清自己的名声作不懈的斗争。剑桥国际He poured the wine into another bottle and left it to settle (= for any solid matter in it to fall to the bottom of the bottle).他把酒倒进另外一只瓶子,让它澄清一下。剑桥国际He was relieved to be told that he was clear of all suspicion.当被告知他所有的嫌疑都被澄清了后,他松了一口气。剑桥国际Her main/primary purpose in suing the newspaper for libel was to clear her name.她控告这家报纸诽谤的主要目的是澄清她的名誉。剑桥国际I'd like to clear up the common misconception that American society is based on money.我想澄清这样一个大众所持的错误观念,即认为美国是以金钱为基础的社会。剑桥国际I'm going to put the record straight in the meeting tomorrow.我明天在会上要澄清是非。剑桥国际It was hoped that he would clarify the ambiguous remarks he made earlier.希望他能澄清以前作出的含糊言论。剑桥国际Lawyers hope this case will clarify an area of law which was thrown into confusion by a judgment last year.律师们希望这一案件能澄清法律上被去年的一个判决弄糊涂的一个方面。剑桥国际She went to court to clear her name (= prove that the bad things said about her were not true).她到法庭澄清她的名誉。剑桥国际She's decided to write her memoirs to set the record straight once and for all(= finally).她决定写回忆录以便一劳永逸地澄清事实。剑桥国际The Palace has dismissed rumours of a marriage break-up as “totally unfounded”.王室澄清了婚姻破裂的谣言, 说那是“毫无事实根据的”。剑桥国际We can straighten out the matter there. 我们可以在那里把事情澄清译典通You can clarify butter by melting it, leaving it to settle and then keeping the clear liquid.要澄清黄油你可以先把黄油熔化, 让它沉淀, 然后留下清澈的液体。剑桥国际You often use clarified butter when you make curries.做咖喱食品时常常要用到澄清过的黄油。剑桥国际Your opinions will be liable to misrepresentation by the media if you don't clarify exactly what you think.如果你不切实地澄清你的想法,你的意见有可能被媒体歪曲。剑桥国际

