
单词 在政界
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EXCEPT〕Women do not usually get to the top in politics, but there have been a few notable exceptions. 女性一般在政界到不了高层,但是显然也有一些例外。朗文写作活用〔alliance〕There has been a pattern of shifting alliances in the political world.在政界一直就有一种转换联盟的模式。韦氏高阶〔asset〕Her direct and forceful manner is considered an asset in political circles.她那种直率、强有力的作风在政界被视为一种优点。外研社新世纪〔cut〕He has cut out a place for himself in the world of politics.他在政界已谋得一席地位。英汉大词典〔dislike〕He is widely disliked at every level of politics.他在政界各个阶层都没有人缘。麦克米伦高阶〔fashionable〕Such thinking is fashionable among right-wing politicians.在政界右翼人士中这种想法很流行。牛津高阶〔gamesmanship〕In the world of politics, doing voluntarily what you have to do can be a sound piece of gamesmanship.在政界,主动做你不得不做的事有时是稳妥的一招。英汉大词典〔get ahead〕It's tough for a woman to get ahead in politics.一个女性在政界获得成功是很困难的。剑桥高阶〔justice〕Criminals with political connections sometimes escape justice.在政界有关系的罪犯有时能逃脱理应受到的惩罚。麦克米伦高阶〔niche〕He found his niche in politics.他在政界谋到了一个合适的位置。英汉大词典〔nonentity〕She was once a political nonentity, but has since won a formidable reputation as a determined campaigner.她一度在政界无足轻重,但后来因在竞选中意志坚定而赢得盛誉。剑桥高阶〔personality〕Nobody in politics doubts his force of personality.在政界没有人怀疑他的人格力量。外研社新世纪〔precocious〕He was precocious in politics.他在政界的升迁快于常人。英汉大词典〔prize〕He strove for the glittering prizes of politics.他力争在政界取得辉煌的成绩。牛津搭配〔sharply〕Now politics is all about the right haircut and a sharp suit.现在政界讲究的无非是合适的发型和时髦的衣着。柯林斯高阶〔start〕After nearly 20 years in politics, he's back where he started.在政界度过20年后他又回到了起点。麦克米伦高阶〔stratosphere〕He's now at the top of the political stratosphere.他现在在政界高层。朗文当代〔the name of the game〕People say that in politics the name of the game is making the right friends.人们说在政界最重要的就是交对朋友。剑桥高阶〔thin〕If you have a thin skin, you'll never survive in politics.如果脸皮薄,在政界是决混不下去的。麦克米伦高阶〔tough〕You have to be tough to be successful in politics.要在政界取得成功就必须坚强。剑桥高阶〔untouchable〕For many years, the institution was an untouchable force in politics.很多年来,这个机构在政界一直无人敢管。麦克米伦高阶A member of congress works in the political arena. 国会议员在政界活动。译典通The late Primer Minister is still quite active in politics. 前任总理在政界仍然相当活跃。译典通You have to be tough to be successful in politics.要在政界成功,你必须坚强。剑桥国际

