
单词 懒汉
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔alibi〕The lazybones always alibied themselves out of work.懒汉总是找借口逃避工作。21世纪英汉〔arouse from〕The lazybones must be aroused from their unwillingness to work.这些懒汉必须从不愿工作的惰性中解脱出来。21世纪英汉〔beggar〕Aren't you dressed yet, you lazy beggar? 你这个懒汉还没穿好衣服吗?牛津高阶〔beggar〕He's a lazy beggar.他是个懒汉韦氏高阶〔bummer〕One who bums, especially for a living.懒汉,游手好闲的人:游荡者,尤指为生活而游荡的人美国传统〔bum〕He's nothing but a no-good bum! 他不过是个没用的懒汉牛津高阶〔bum〕Why should my kids have to make up the deficit when so many lazy bums stay on benefit?为什么我的孩子要努力工作以弥补赤字, 而这么多懒汉却靠领取救济金过活?外研社新世纪〔company〕He keeps company with all sorts of lazy characters.他成天与各色懒汉混在一起。外研社新世纪〔compared to〕I'm a slob compared to my roommate.与室友比起来,我可是个懒汉韦氏高阶〔do-nothing〕An idle or lazy person.懒汉:无所事事者,懒人美国传统〔do-nothing〕He's a no-good do-nothing.他是个没用的懒汉韦氏高阶〔drone〕An idle person who lives off others; a loafer.懒汉:无所事事,靠别人生存的人;游手好闲的人美国传统〔fainéant〕An irresponsible idler; a sluggard.不负责任的懒汉;懒人美国传统〔fetch away〕I'm sure the idler and his money will be fetched away soon.我能肯定那个懒汉很快就要把他的钱花完。21世纪英汉〔good-for-nothing〕They're all good-for-nothing layabouts.他们都是些没用的懒汉剑桥高阶〔lazybones〕They're such lazybones they'll never get the work done on time.他们是一群懒汉,永远不能按时完工。韦氏高阶〔no-account〕Her husband is a lazy no-account.她丈夫是个不中用的懒汉韦氏高阶〔poke〕One who moves slowly or aimlessly; a dawdler.闲逛者,懒汉:缓慢地或漫无目的地移动的人;混日子的人美国传统〔slob〕He's a disgusting slob.他是个令人作呕的懒汉韦氏高阶〔sluggard〕A slothful person; an idler.懒散的人;懒汉美国传统〔slug〕He's such a slug.他就是这样一个大懒汉韦氏高阶〔slug〕Informal A sluggard.【非正式用语】 懒汉美国传统〔spiv〕One who shirks work or responsibility; a slacker.不务正业的人,偷懒者:逃避工作或职责的懒汉;偷懒者美国传统〔time〕I have no time for lazy people like Steve.我讨厌像史蒂夫这样的懒汉牛津高阶〔tortoise〕One that moves slowly; a laggard.懒汉:行动迟缓的人;落后者美国传统He thought she was bossy (= was always telling him what to do), and she thought he was a slob.他认为她是一个作威作福的人,而她认为他是一个懒汉剑桥国际Her boyfriend is a good-for-nothing layabout. 她的男友是一个一无是处的懒汉译典通That lazybones has been sponging off his brother for years. 那个懒汉多年来一直靠兄弟养活他。译典通The lazy man tried every shift to avoid doing his work. 这懒汉采取各种手段回避工作。译典通The lazy man was a parasite on his family. 那懒汉是他家的一个寄生虫。译典通

