
单词 总目
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔IMPROVE〕You've established the general direction you want to go in, now you need to fine-tune your plans. 你已确定了总目标,现在你需要对你的计划作些微调。朗文写作活用〔LIST〕There is a new catalogue of all the books in the library. 图书馆里有新编的藏书总目录。朗文写作活用〔labyrinthodont〕Of or relating to the superorder Labyrinthodontia, an extinct group of amphibians resembling crocodiles and having a labyrinthine tooth structure.迷齿亚纲动物:有迷齿纲总目的动物或同迷齿纲总目有关的动物,是一群与鳄鱼相象的已灭绝两栖动物,长有结构复杂的牙齿美国传统〔lamellicorn〕Of or belonging to the superfamily Lamellicornia, which includes the scarabs and other beetles that have club-shaped, lamellate antennae.瓣鳃纲总目的:属于瓣鳃纲总目的,包括金龟子科甲虫和其他有棒状瓣鳃触角的甲虫美国传统〔superorder〕A taxonomic category of related organisms ranking below a class or subclass and above an order.总目:介于纲或亚纲与目之间的生物分类类别美国传统

