
单词 恶意中伤
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔UNKIND〕The Senator launched a vicious attack on the former President. 那位参议员对前总统恶意中伤朗文写作活用〔bespatter〕His reputation was bespattered by malicious gossip.他的声誉遭到恶意中伤的诋毁。21世纪英汉〔cheap shot〕He always throws out the tacky comment and the cheap shot. He has no class.他总是发表一些低俗评论和恶意中伤的话, 毫无品位。外研社新世纪〔drive〕This malicious gossip has driven her out of the village.这些恶意中伤的谣言迫使她离开了村子。麦克米伦高阶〔malign〕Her supporters say she is being unfairly maligned in the press.她的支持者说她受到了媒体的恶意中伤韦氏高阶〔malign〕We maligned him dreadfully when you come to think of it.回头想想, 我们的确恶意中伤了他。外研社新世纪〔mischievous〕I think these rumours are mischievous.我认为这些流言是恶意中伤剑桥高阶〔mischievous〕The Foreign Office dismissed the story as mischievous and false.外交部认为这是恶意中伤的虚假报道而不予理会。外研社新世纪〔nasty〕He said lots of downright nasty things about her.他说了很多完全是恶意中伤她的话。韦氏高阶〔nasty〕She said some really nasty things about him.她说了一些恶意中伤他的话。剑桥高阶〔put/stick the knife into sb〕The reviewer in the magazine that I read really put the knife in.我读的那本杂志中,批评家的话真是恶意中伤剑桥高阶〔scandalmonger〕One who spreads malicious gossip.传播丑闻者:散布恶意中伤言语的人美国传统〔smear〕Party leaders denounced the allegation as a smear.政党领袖们谴责这份声明是恶意中伤外研社新世纪〔snark〕This snark blatantly attacks the author.这一恶意中伤的言论公开地对作者进行攻击。剑桥高阶〔snipe〕Some newspapers snipeed at him.有些报纸对他恶意中伤英汉大词典I think these rumours are mischievous (= intended to cause harm).我认为这些谣言是恶意中伤的。剑桥国际The writers of poison-pen letters usually remain anonymous.写恶意中伤信的人大都匿名。剑桥国际

