“white sea”例句

单词 white sea
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Kola Peninsula〕A peninsula of northwest European U.S.S.R. projecting eastward from Scandinavia between the White Sea and the Barents Sea.科拉半岛:苏联西北欧部分一半岛,从斯堪的纳维亚半岛向东伸出,位于白海和巴伦支海之间美国传统〔Onega〕A lake of northwest European U.S.S.R. between Lake Ladoga and the White Sea. It remains frozen from November to May.奥涅尼加湖:苏联西北欧部分的一个湖,位于拉多加湖和白海之间,结冰期从十一月到第二年五月美国传统〔petrel〕Any of numerous black, gray, or white sea birds of the order Procellariiformes, especially the storm petrel.海燕:属鹱形目中的一种黑色、灰色或白色的海鸟,尤指海燕美国传统

