
单词 unprofitable
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PROFIT〕Unprofitable flight routes have been axed as recession hits the aviation industry. 经济衰退影响航空业,无利可图的航线被削减了。朗文写作活用〔PROFIT〕The bank isn't likely to lend money to an unprofitable business like yours. 银行不会借钱给你那样不赚钱的公司。朗文写作活用〔PROFIT〕The company says that the publishing side of its division is unprofitable and must be closed down. 该公司称它的出版部门无利可图,必须关闭。朗文写作活用〔bail〕The government can't bail out every unprofitable state enterprise.政府不可能使每个亏损的国企摆脱困境。21世纪英汉〔land-poor〕Owning much unprofitable land but lacking the capital to improve or maintain it.土地多而收入少的:拥有大量不能获利的土地但是又缺乏资金加以改造或维持的美国传统〔troubled〕The survival package involves selling off the unprofitable parts of the troubled company.求生存的一揽子计划中包括卖掉这个陷入困境的公司中没有盈利的部分。剑桥高阶〔unprofitable〕It would be unprofitable to pursue this argument any further.这个争论再继续下去亦是徒劳。朗文当代〔unprofitable〕Rural railway lines risk being axed because they are unprofitable.乡村铁路线有被取消的风险,因为无法盈利。剑桥高阶〔unprofitable〕The day proved frustratingly unprofitable.今天是劳而无功的一天,令人十分沮丧。柯林斯高阶〔unprofitable〕The day proved frustratingly unprofitable.结果那天一事无成, 令人十分沮丧。外研社新世纪〔unprofitable〕The government stopped funding unprofitable industries.政府停止了对亏损行业的资助。麦克米伦高阶〔unprofitable〕The newspaper is believed to have been unprofitable for at least the past decade.据信这家报纸至少在过去10年中都没有盈利。柯林斯高阶〔unprofitable〕The newspaper is believed to have been unprofitable for at least the past decade.据信这家报纸至少在过去10年里都没有赢利。外研社新世纪〔unprofitable〕There was little point in continuing so unprofitable a dialogue.继续这种徒劳无益的对话没有什么意义。英汉大词典Agriculture remained unprofitable. 务农仍是赚不到钱。译典通He volunteered for the hard and unprofitable job. 他自愿做这苦差使。译典通Rural railway lines risk being axed because they are unprofitable.郊区的铁路线因不再赢利而面临削减的危险。剑桥国际The survival package involves selling off the unprofitable parts of the troubled company.求生存的一揽子计划涉及到廉价出售那个陷入困境的公司的一些非盈利的部门。剑桥国际Their cash is being depleted by spending on investments and unprofitable trading.他们的现金由于花在投资和不赚钱的买卖上,正变得越来越少。牛津商务This is an unprofitable discussion. Our standpoints are too different. 这是一种无益的讨论。我们的立场太不一样了。译典通

