
单词 就其
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔absolute〕Her contribution was better than most, but in absolute terms (= without comparing it with anything else) it was not very good.她的稿件比大部分人的都好,但就其本身而言还不够好。剑桥高阶〔air-dash〕He air-dashed to Delhi for specialist treatment for his injury.他乘飞机紧急赶往德里就其受伤部位接受专家治疗。剑桥高阶〔applicable〕Piaget himself wrote relatively little about the applicability of his theories to education.皮亚热本人就其理论对教育的适用性论述相对很少。柯林斯高阶〔broad〕We define education very broadly and students can study any aspect of its consequences for society.我们对教育的定义非常宽泛,学生们可以就其给社会带来的影响的任一方面进行研究。柯林斯高阶〔capitulation〕The Prime Minister's capitulation to his right wing on the issue didn't help matters.首相在那问题上屈就其右翼,但于事无补。文馨英汉〔consultation〕The company has promised wide consultation on its expansion plans.该公司许诺就其扩张计划广泛征求意见。牛津搭配〔dare〕I dare say that the computer would provide a clear answer to that.想必计算机能就其给出一个清楚的答案。柯林斯高阶〔emanate〕They have also been confused by the signals emanating from Washington over its foreign policy.他们也被华盛顿当局就其外交政策释放的信号弄糊涂了。外研社新世纪〔far〕His theory is good as far as it goes.他的理论就其本身而言是好的。麦克米伦高阶〔gain〕Whatever the objections to this sort of treatment, the gains in terms of the number of lives saved are substantial.不管对这种疗法存在何种异议,就其挽救了众多生命这一点而言,它的意义是重大的。剑桥高阶〔information〕A public limited company could lay an information alleging common assault on one of its officers.一家公共有限公司可就其高级职员受到的普通侵犯提起控告。外研社新世纪〔inhospitable〕Science by its very nature is inhospitable to dogma.科学就其实质而论是与教条不相容的。英汉大词典〔intrinsic〕Science is seen as intrinsically good.科学就其本身而言被认为是件好事。朗文当代〔issue〕The school issued a statement about its plans to the press./The school issued the press with a statement about its plans.学校就其计划向新闻界发表了一项声明。剑桥高阶〔large〕He's a very large child for his age.就其年龄来说,这孩子个头很大。牛津高阶〔mediator〕One that mediates, especially one that reconciles differences between disputants.调解人,调停者:(尤指)使冲突各方就其争端进行相互妥协的调停者美国传统〔nature〕Medical records, by their very nature, contain sensitive information.医疗记录就其本质而言含有敏感的信息。麦克米伦高阶〔negotiate〕I am negotiating with Pyramid Press for its publication in the States.我正在与金字塔出版社就其在美国出版事宜进行洽谈。外研社新世纪〔press〕The mayor's office is expected to press home its opposition to the budget proposals.人们希望市长办公室能就其反对预算提案这件事给出清楚的解释。麦克米伦高阶〔qua〕Money, qua money, cannot provide happiness.金钱就其本身而论并不能给人带来幸福。英汉大词典〔query〕Abbr. q.,qu.A notation, usually a question mark, calling attention to an item in order to question its validity or accuracy.缩写 q.,qu.疑问号:一个记号,通常为问号,以引起对某一事物的注意以便就其有效性或准确性提出质疑美国传统〔query〕To mark (an item) with a notation in order to question its validity or accuracy.画疑问号:给(一款项)标上记号,来就其有效性或精确性提出质疑美国传统〔rate〕The shoes rate high as far as comfort goes, but they're not very stylish.就其舒适度而言,这双鞋可谓很好,但款式不够漂亮。韦氏高阶〔regulation〕The European Union has proposed new regulations to control the hours worked by its employees.欧盟已经就其雇员工作时间的控制问题拟定了新的规章。柯林斯高阶〔twist〕This report shows how she twisted the truth to claim successes where none, in fact, existed.这份报告表明她歪曲事实,她所宣称的那些成就其实根本不存在。剑桥高阶〔underweight〕She is a few pounds underweight for(= in relation to)her height.就其身高而言,她的体重还差几磅。牛津高阶Coloring differentiates the sexes in many birds. 鸟的雌雄通常可就其颜色予以区分。译典通She presented the accounts without any exposition of what they meant in terms of the company's financial position.她交出帐目,没有就其对公司的财务状况的关系作任何解释。剑桥国际The school issued a statement about its plans to the press. The school issued the press with a statement about its plans.学校就其计划对新闻界发表了一项声明。剑桥国际

