
单词 实效
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SENSIBLE〕We need a pragmatic approach to sex education in schools. 我们在学校的性教育上需要一个有实效的方法。朗文写作活用〔doubt〕The article raised doubts about how effective the new drug really was.这篇文章对这种新药的实效有多大提出了疑问。牛津高阶〔keyword〕The office was large and functional; efficiency was the keyword.这个办公室又大又实用;实效性是其主要特色。麦克米伦高阶〔nonevent〕The new rules are a nonevent.新规则不起实效英汉大词典〔practicality〕My sense of practicality always stops me from buying any really exciting clothes.我讲求实效的理智总是使我放弃购买任何夸张的服饰。麦克米伦高阶〔practical〕You were always so practical, Maria.玛丽亚, 你以前一向很注重实效外研社新世纪〔practical〕You were always so practical, Maria.玛丽亚,你以前一向很注重实效柯林斯高阶〔pragmatically〕It is intended that these guidelines should be applied flexibly and pragmatically.这些指导原则在执行时应灵活运用,讲究实效剑桥高阶〔pragmatically〕She approaches problems pragmatically.她处理问题讲究实效韦氏高阶〔pragmatic〕Dealing or concerned with facts or actual occurrences; practical.实际的,实干的:讲究事实或实际的;重实效美国传统〔virtual reality〕A computer simulation of a real or imaginary system that enables a user to perform operations on the simulated system and shows the effects in real time.虚拟实境:对真实或虚构系统的计算机仿真,可令用户在仿真系统上操作并呈现真实效美国传统It is intended that these guidelines should be applied flexibly and pragmatically.按意图,这些原则在执行时应该灵活而讲求实效剑桥国际Jonathan has demonstrated enormous practicality in his management of the shop.在管理这家商店中乔纳森非常讲究实效剑桥国际She has a lot of interesting ideas, but she's not very practical.她有很多有趣的想法,但她不太注重实效剑桥国际The talks were frank and businesslike. 会谈是坦率的,讲究实效的。译典通This pragmatic approach has made it the oldest and most successful political party in the democratic world.这种讲究实效的态度使其成为民主世界中最老最成功的政党。剑桥国际We need someone practical who can cope with crises.我们需要能够应付危机的注重实效的人。剑桥国际We need someone who is pragmatic rather than ideological, and can respond quickly to changing situations.我们需要讲求实效而非讲求思想观念的人,他应能够对变化的形势很快作出反应。剑桥国际

