
单词 bang
释义 bang v 1 (a) [Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] strike (sth) deliberately and violently, often in order to make a loud noise 故意猛砸(常为产生巨响)     He was banging on the door with his fist. 他用拳头砸门.     I banged the door. 我砰的一声关上了门.     She banged her fist on the table. 她用拳头猛捶桌子.     I banged the box down on the floor. 我砰的一声把盒子摔在地板上. (b) [I, Ip, Tn, Tn.p] ~ (sth) (down, to, etc) close with a loud noise 砰的一声关上     A door was banging somewhere, ie opening and closing noisily. 不知哪里有扇门砰砰作响(开门和关门的响声).     Don´t bang the door! 不要砰砰地关门!     He banged the lid down. 他把盖子砰的一声关上了. 2 (a) [Tn, Tn.pr] hit violently and often unintentionally 猛击(常为无心地)     She tripped and banged her knee on the desk. 她绊倒了, 膝盖猛磕在书桌上. (b) [Ipr] ~ into sb/sth collide with sb/sth violently 猛撞著某人[某物]     He ran round the corner and banged straight into a lamp-post. 他跑过拐角处时迎面撞在灯柱上. 3 [I, Ip] make a loud noise 发巨响     The fireworks banged impressively. 烟火响声震天. 4 (phr v) bang about/around move around noisily 发出响声地动来动去     We could hear the children banging about upstairs. 我们可以听见孩子们在楼上乒乒乓乓地跑来跑去. bang away (a) (infml 口) work hard, esp using a typewriter 努力工作(尤指打字). (b) (sl 俚) have vigorous sexual intercourse 纵情性交. (c) (infml 口) fire continuously 不断射击     We were banging away at the enemy. 我们乒乒乓乓向敌人射击.     The guns banged away all day. 枪炮声整天响个不停. bang, NOTE ON USAGE 用法: 1 Knock means hitting something with a clear, sharp sound. *knock意为敲击某物而发出清脆的声音. One may knock to signal one´s presence to others 可用敲击发出的声音向别人表示有人在此     Can you go to the door? Someone´s knocking. 你到门那儿去看看好吗? 有人敲门.     He knocked at the window to be let in. 他敲敲窗户要进来. Knock can denote an accidental action which hurts or breaks something *knock 可指意外的动作, 可造成伤痛或毁坏东西     I knocked my hand against the table. 我的手碰到桌子上了.     I knocked the plate off the table with my elbow. 我的胳膊肘把盘子从桌上碰掉了. 2 Bump means hitting something by accident and with a dull sound *bump 的意思是偶然地碰撞某物并发出低沉的声音     The bus bumped into the back of the car. 公共汽车砰的一声撞上了一辆汽车的後部.     He ran round the corner and bumped into an old lady. 他跑过拐角处, 撞著了一个老太太.     I bumped my head on the low beam. 我的头撞到低梁上了. 3 Bang suggests a harder blow and a louder sound. *bang 指撞击更重, 声音也更大. Banging may be intentional hitting, expressing anger or urgency 这种撞击可以是有意的, 表示气愤或著急     He banged his fist on the table to emphasize his argument. 他用拳头敲著桌子为自己的辩驳助威.     He banged on the door until it was opened. 他砰砰地敲门, 直到把门敲开为止. Banging may also be accidental and painful 这种撞击也可以是意外的及产生痛苦的     I banged my elbow on the corner of the table. 我的胳膊肘撞著桌子角了. 4 Bash is informal and means breaking or injuring something or somebody by hitting hard *bash 是口语用词, 意为猛力地撞毁某物或撞伤某人     The thieves bashed the woman over the head. 强盗猛击那女子的头部.     The car bashed into the tree. 汽车猛力撞著一棵树. bang n 1 violent blow 猛击; 猛撞: He fell and got a nasty bang on the head. 他跌了一跤, 头部磕得很重. 2 sudden loud noise 突然的巨响     She always shuts the door with a bang. 她关门时总是砰的一声.     The firework exploded with a loud bang. 烟火砰的一声爆开了. 3 (sl 俚) act of sexual intercourse 性交     have a quick bang 速决性交. 4 (idm 习语) go (off) with a `bang; US go over with a `bang (infml 口) (of a performance, etc) be successful (指演出等)取得成功. bang, interj (used to imitate a loud noise 用作模仿巨响的像声词)     `Bang! Bang! You´re dead!´ shouted the small boy. `砰! 砰! 打死你了! 那小男孩嚷道.bang adv (infml 口) 1 suddenly, violently or noisily; abruptly 突然地; 猛烈地; 发出响声地; 粗暴地     I tripped and fell bang on the floor. 我绊倒了, 重重地跌在地板上. 2 (a) exactly; precisely 恰好; 正好     bang in the middle of the performance 演出正进行到一半     Your guess was bang on target. 你猜得对极了. (b) completely 完全地; 彻底地     This film is bang up to date. 这部影片是全新的. 3 (idm 习语) bang goes sth (infml 口) that is the (sudden) end of sth 为某事物的(突然的)结尾     Bang went his hopes of promotion. 他获得晋升的希望突然破灭了. be bang `on (sl 俚) be exactly right 恰到好处     Her criticisms were bang on every time. 她的批评每次都非常中肯.     Your budget figures were bang on this year. 你今年的预算数字十分准确. go `bang (infml 口) burst or explode with a loud noise 在一声巨响中爆裂或爆炸. bang n (usu pl 通常作复数) (US) = fringe1.

