
单词 transannular
释义 transˈannular, a. Chem.
[f. trans- 3 + annular a.]
Situated, existing, or occurring between non-adjacent atoms forming a ring.
[1926de Barry Barnett & Matthews in Ber. Deut. Chem. Ges. LIX. 1429 Es dürfte deshalb angezeigt sein, diese besondere Art tautomerer Umwandlungen unter dem allgemeinen Begriff ‘Transannular-Tautomerie’ zusammenzufassen.]1926Chem. Abstr. XX. 3003 The name ‘trans-annular tautomerism’ is suggested for those cases..where the H migrates across the ring.1941Nature 21 June 776/1 As the carbon atoms concerned..are components of a cyclic system.., the resulting tautomeric change would be a transannular one and involve the formation of a bridge linkage from C3 to C5.1978Further Perspectives Org. Chem. (CIBA Symposium) 119 This reaction undoubtedly involves fission of the transannular bond.

