
单词 centrum
释义 centrum|ˈsɛntrəm|
[L. centrum centre of rotation, etc., a. Gr. κέντρον sharp point, a goad, a peg, the stationary point of a pair of compasses; f. same root as κεντέ-ειν to prick, goad, stab, etc.]
1. The Latin word for centre, used technically in Animal Phys.: The body of a vertebra; the solid part to which the arches and processes are attached.
1854R. Owen in Circ. Sc. (1865) II. 62/2 The centrums coalesce.1869Gillmore Rept. & Birds Introd. 5 Free vertebræ, forming a series of separate centrums, deeply cupped at both ends.1870Rolleston Anim. Life 5 The articulate ends of their centra.1871Darwin Desc. Man I. i. 29.
2. The place from which an earthquake originates.
1887Nature 31 Oct. 657 The determination of earthquake origins, the depth of ‘centrums’, [etc.].1938L. D. Leet Practical Seismol. viii. 280 With growth of the concept that ordinarily the focus was actually at a finite depth below the surface, the term ‘centrum’ was modified to hypocenter, signifying the deep center, or focus; and epicenter, or point on the surface vertically above the focus.

