
单词 dearness
释义 dearness|ˈdɪənɪs|
[f. dear a.1 + -ness.]
1. The quality of being dear:
a. of being held in esteem and affection; hence
b. Intimacy, mutual affection;
c. Affection, fondness.
c1320Seuyn Sag. (W.) 3144 Dame, said the erl ful sone, For grete derenes es yt done.a1440Sir Eglam., MS. Lincoln A. i. 17 f. 138 (Halliw.) With the erle es he lent In derenes nyghte and daye.1599Shakes. Much Ado iii. ii. 101, I thinke, he holds you well, and in dearenesse of heart.1624Bedell Lett. i. 40 Neither soothing vntruth for the dearnesse of your person, nor breaking charitie.1656Jer. Taylor in Evelyn's Mem. (1857) III. 72, I am, in great heartiness and dearness of affection..your..most affectionate friend.a1715Burnet Own Time (1766) II. 185 The dearness that was between them, was now turned..to a most violent enmity.1842Tennyson Locksley Hall 91 The child too clothes the father with a dearness not his due.1871T. Erskine Spirit. Order (l876) 20 The nearness and dearness of my relation to Him.
d. concr. An expression or token of affection.
1641Milton Ch. Govt. vi. (1851) 131 All the duties and dearnesses which ye owe to God.1721Strype Eccl. Mem. I. ii. 26 The peace between the two kings, whatever mutual dearnesses there had appeared, was but short.
2. a. The quality of being dear in price; expensiveness, costliness.
1530Palsgr. 213/1 Derenesse, chiertè.1599Hakluyt Voy. III. 269 (R.) The want of wood and deerenesse thereof in England.1631Gouge God's Arrows ii. §26. 171 Scarcity and dearenesse of corne.1699Bentley Phal. Pref. 63 The dearness of Paper, and the want of good Types.1796Morse Amer. Geog. I. 258 The impracticability of success, arising from scarcity of hands, dearness of labour.1891Leeds Mercury 28 May 4/5 The withdrawal of the Treasury bills..was due solely to the temporary dearness of money.
b. attrib., as dearness allowance, pay, an allowance added to a basic salary, esp. in India, to cover an increase in the cost of living.
1955Times 1 July 1/4 (Advt.), Pay. Rs. 1,000 to Rs. 1,600 p.m., according to qualifications and experience, plus dearness allowance.1969National Herald (New Delhi) 29 July 8/6 A part of dearness allowance was merged with basic pay last year.Ibid., All employees whose basic pay and dearness pay do not total more than Rs. 620 will become eligible for overtime allowance.

