
单词 disprize
释义 I. diˈsprize, n. Obs.
Also 6 disprice.
[a. OF. despris ‘disesteeme, contempt, disdaine’ (Cotgr.), earlier despriz = It. disprezzo, Sp. disprecio:—late L. type *dispretium. See disprize v. and cf. prize, price.]
Disparagement, depreciation, contempt.
1560Rolland Crt. Venus ii. 61 Ȝe haif done greit dispric[e].c1636James Iter Lanc. (Cheth. Soc.) Introd. 36 In disprize of death.
II. disprize, v. Obs. or arch.|dɪˈspraɪz|
Forms: 5 despryse, 5–6 desprise, dispryse, 6 dyspryse, 7 disprise, 7– disprize.
[a. late OF. desprise-r for original despreisier (tonic stem desprise): see dispraise, which represents the earlier OF. form.]
1. trans. To depreciate, undervalue; to hold in small repute or in contempt. arch.
1480Caxton Ovid's Met. xii. xiv, He desprised Hector and his menace.1484Chivalry (Caxton) 80 Kynge Alysander in desprysing auarice and couetyse had alwey the handes stratched forthe for to gyue unto his knyghtes.1606Shakes. Tr. & Cr. iv. v. 74 'Tis done like Hector; but securely done, A little proudly, and great deale disprising The knight oppos'd.1644Quarles Barnabas & B. (1851) 147 And wilt thou more disprize the giver than the gift?1886[see disprized below].
b. To make of small account; to dishonour.
1508A. Cadiou Porteous of Noblenes in Compl. Scot. (1801) Introd. 204 He desprisis his nobilnes that..kepis noght hym selue clene.
c. To bring into depreciation. Obs.
a1687Cotton Ode to Lydia (T.) Dishevel, sunset, thy yellow hair, Whose ray does burnished gold disprize.
2. To dispraise, disparage, decry; to speak of slightingly. Obs.
1514Barclay Cyt. & Uplondyshm. (Percy Soc.) 4 The frosty wynter..Whiche men than praysed, they now dyspryse & hate.1570Satir. Poems Reform. xviii. 53 Thair fact and act all Scotland now disprysis.1621Quarles Argalus & P. (1678) 4 Some trust to fame, some secretly disprize Her worth.
Hence diˈsprized ppl. a.; diˈsprizing vbl. n. and ppl. a.
1500Burgh Rec. Edin. 20 Oct. (Jam.) William Paterson [and] Patrick Lowiesoun convict be ane assyse vpoun the disprysing of William Todrig, baillie, invadand him with..drawin swordis.1560Rolland Crt. Venus ii. 179 Bot be no way in Venus disprysing.1602Shakes. Ham. iii. i. 72 For who would beare..The pangs of dispriz'd Loue.1886Dowden Shelley I. iv. 154 Haunted by thoughts of his own disprized love.

