
单词 sneb
释义 sneb, v. Now dial.
Also 5–7 snebbe.
[var. of snib v.1]
trans. To reprimand, reprove, or check; to snub. Also absol.
In Chaucer Prol. 525 (see snib v.1 1) two or three manuscripts have snebbe.
c1440J. Capgrave Life St. Kath. iii. 261 (MS. Arundel), Therfore youre grace wyth pytous voys I pray To punyshe and snebbe youre-self as ye lest.1579Spenser Sheph. Cal. Feb. 126 Which made this foolish Brere wexe so bold, That..he cast him to scold, And snebbe the good Oake, for he was old.a1586Sidney Arcadia xxxiii. 22 (Grosart) II. 98 Thou heardst euen now a yong man sneb me sore.1606S. Gardiner Bk. Angling 157 So was Dauid by Nathan..snebbed in this sort for his euill example.1617Collins Def. Bp. of Ely ii. x. 515 The Nurse her selfe may waken the child..; chide it and sneb it, as well as giue it the dugge.1846W. Drummond Muckomachy 18 The man thus snebbit Lost too his tebbit.1867–in dial. use (Lancs., Yks.).

