
单词 shelp
释义 I. shelp1
[app. representing OE. scylp glossing ‘scopulus’, ‘murex’. Cf. scalp n.2]
A sandbank in a river or the sea; = shelf n.2
1430–31Rolls of Parlt. IV. 381/2 Il y ad si graunde noumbre des schelpes deinz le Ryver de Ley.c1500Lib. Rub. fo. 114 b in Wells MSS. (Hist. MSS. Comm.) 145 The water was so lowe and so many shelpes and bayes in the ryver.1535–6Act 27 Hen. VIII, c. 18 §3 Sande gravell or any other rubbysshe..lieng..uppon any Shelppe or Shelppes within the said ryver of Thamyse.1538Elyot Dict., Syrtes, quycke sandes or shelpes [1545 shelfes] in the water made by the dryfte of sande or grauel.1630Lex Londinensis (1680) 210 At Woolwich shelp two [trinckes], and no more;..At Dagnam shelp six.
II. shelp2 Obs.
The ribbon-fish.
1562Withals Dict. 8 b/1 A shelpe, tenia.1570Levins Manip. 58/34 A shelp, fish, tenia.

