
单词 unprized
释义 unˈprized, ppl. a.
[un-1 8.]
1. Unpriced; of which the price has not been fixed. Obs.
1445Extr. Aberdeen Reg. (1844) I. 14 That thai sell na flesche vnprisit,..vnder the payne of tynsal of the flesche.
2. Not prized or valued.
c1600Donne Elegy iii. 6 Women are like the Arts, forc'd unto none, Open to all searchers, unpriz'd, if unknowne.1615G. Wither Fidelia 707 Though my faith must now despised be, Vnpriz'd, vnualued at the lowest rate.1648Hexham ii, Ongelovet, Vnprised, or Vnrated.1821Wordsw. Italian Itinerant 82 Seemingly a Thing despised; Even by the sun and air unprized.
3. ? Priceless. Obs. (Probably = prec.)
1605Shakes. Lear i. i. 262 Not all the Dukes of watrish Burgundy Can buy this vnpriz'd precious Maid of me.

