
单词 eightfold
释义 eightfold, a. (and adv.)|ˈeɪtfəʊld|
[f. eight + -fold.]
1. a. Consisting of eight things. b. Eight times as great or numerous. Also adv., in eightfold proportion; by eight times.
1557Recorde Whetst. B ij, Octupla..eightfolde.1848Macaulay Hist. Eng. I. 344 The customs had multiplied eightfold within sixteen years.
2. a. the Eightfold Path: the Buddhist path to enlightenment or nirvana, comprising eight stages which the aspirant must achieve (see quots.).
[1845Jrnl. Ceylon Branch R. Asiatic Soc. (1859) 25 The path leading to the cessation from sorrow..is this eminent eight-sectioned path: that is to say, correct views, correct thoughts, correct words, correct conduct, correct modes of obtaining a livelihood, correct efforts, correct meditation and correct tranquillity.]1871Alabaster Wheel of Law Introd. 42 The paths of the saints, or the eightfold path of purity.1877T. W. R. Davids Buddhism ii. 48 The Middle Path..This middle course of a virtuous life, resulted from four fundamental truths..as the path is called ‘the Noble Eightfold Path’.1951C. Humphreys Buddhism viii. 110 The Eightfold Path consists of..Samma Ditthi, or Right Understanding..Samma Sankappa, or Right Attitude of Mind..Samma Vacha, or Right Speech..Samma Kammanta, or Right Action..Samma Ajiva, or Right Livelihood..Samma Vayama, or Right Effort..Samma Sati, or Right Recollection..Samma Samadhi in its lowest stages..Right Meditation..its highest..the threshold of Nirvana.1976H. Dumoulin Buddhism in Mod. World xvii. 248 The ethical contents of the Eightfold Path and of the perfect virtues (pāramitā) are fully appreciated.
b. eightfold way (Particle Physics): the grouping of hadrons into supermultiplets by means of SU(3).
1961M. Gell-Mann in Gell-Mann & Ne'eman Eightfold Way (1964) 11 (title) The eightfold way: a theory of strong interaction symmetry.1973L. J. Tassie Physics Elem. Particles xi. 136 The prediction of the Ω-..was one of the early successes of the eightfold way.1975Sci. Amer. Oct. 40/2 The eightfold way is only an approximation,..and within the families [of particles] there are significant differences in mass.

