
单词 duo
释义 duo|ˈdjuːəʊ|
Pl. duos.
[It. duo duet, a. L. duo two.]
1. Mus. A duet.
1590T. Whithorne (title) His Songs for 2 voyces, of the which some be plaine and easie..the rest of these Duos be made for those that be more perfect in Singing or Playing.1665Pepys Diary 15 Oct., Tried to compose a duo of counter point.1781J. Moore View Soc. It. (1795) I. 189 A Duo performed by an old man and a young woman.1880Grove's Dict. Mus. I. 468 Some writers use the form ‘Duet’ for vocal, and ‘Duo’ for instrumental compositions; this distinction, however, is by no means universally adopted.
transf. and fig.1802M. Moore Lascelles I. 232 She usually had a female friend staying with her, to interrupt these tedious duo's.1872Geo. Eliot Middlem. x, The talking was done in duos and trios more or less inharmonious.
2. Two people; a couple; esp. a pair of entertainers. Also fig. (Cf. quot. 1872, sense 1 above.)
1887Lantern (New Orleans) 16 July 2/2 The morals of this duo were very much impaired.1930Amer. Speech VI. 115 (newspaper headline) Date set for bank theft trial of duo.1942Berrey & Van den Bark Amer. Thes. Slang §583/33 Pop duo or trio, a popular team of two or three [entertainers].1958Times 23 Sept. 3/4 They [sc. two Spanish dancers] are a delightfully matched duo.1958Listener 16 Oct. 595/2 Richards..ejected the poet, leaving a duo of poem and reader.1969Stage 18 Sept. 23/2 (Advt.), Organ-drums duo with vocals.

