
单词 selfsame
释义 selfsame, a. (n.) Now literary.|ˈsɛlfseɪm|
[orig. two words (see self A. 1 b, B. 1 c, and same A. 4); subsequently written as a compound with a hyphen, now as one word. Cf. Norw., Da. selvsamme; OHG. selbsama adv., in just the same way.]
A. adj. (The) very same, very identical.
c1407Lydg. Reson & Sens. 3992 She..With the selve same suerde..Karf hyr hart even atweyn.1539Bible (Great) Matt. viii. 13 Hys seruaunt was healed in the selfe same houre [Tindale 1526 that same, 1534 the selfe, Rheims 1582 the same].1573L. Lloyd Marrow of Hist. (1653) 87 The self same day that Adrian was made Emperour of Rome.1593Shakes. 3 Hen. VI, iii. iii. 161 Both of you are Birds of selfe-same Feather.1637Milton Lycidas 23 We were nurst upon the self-same hill, Fed the same flock.1664Butler Hud. ii. iii. 213 And still he's in the self-same place, Where at his setting out he was.1710Steele Tatler No. 177 ⁋2 The very self-same Action done by different Men can not merit the same Degree of Applause.1781Cowper Table-t. 388 He trod the very self-same ground you tread.1819G. S. Faber Dispens. (1823) II. 331 In the Greek original, the self-same phrase occurs in each place without the least difference.1833Tennyson Miller's Dau. iv, Pray, Alice, pray, my own sweet wife, That we may die the selfsame day.1893Earl Dunmore Pamirs II. 333, I could hardly believe it was the same Jura Bek who had been such a bitter enemy to Russia... But it was the selfsame man.
b. one and the selfsame (arch.), one selfsame.
1570Billingsley Euclid bk. i. post. vi. 7 Thinges which are double to one and the selfe same thing, are equall the one to the other.1587Golding De Mornay ii. (1592) 19 One selfesame Creature, which at one selfesame instant, by one selfesame course, and with one selfesame qualitie of heate, doth all the said things.1588Shakes. L.L.L. i. ii. 4 Sadnesse is one and the selfe-same thing... How canst thou part sadnesse and melancholy?1611Bible 1 Cor. vii. 11 All these worketh that one and the selfe same spirit [Wyclif one and the same, Tindale, etc. the silfe same].1630R. Johnson's Kingd. & Commw. 93 Having in one selfe-same field..both Corne, Vines, and Fruit-trees.Ibid. 117 This River (as Severne) ariseth..from one and the self-same Mountaine.
c. in predicative use. Now rare.
1582N. T. (Rheims) Heb. i. 12 Thou art the self same, and thy yeres shal not faile [earlier versions and 1611 the same].1633P. Fletcher Purple Isl. i. iii, Their souls self-same in nearer love did grow.c1680Beveridge Serm. (1729) I. 16 The case is the self-same here.1860Pusey Min. Proph. 77 That we should believe in Him..as He Who Is, the self-existing, the self-same.1870Emerson Soc. & Solit. vii. 148 Always selfsame, like the sky.
B. absol. or n. The selfsame person or thing; rarely as n., pl. identical things. Obs.
1421Hoccleve Minor Poems 136/731 Let noon housbonde thynke it shame..Thogh his wyf do to him þat selue same.c1550Coverdale Treat. Sacr. Transl. Pref., So dyd he ordayne his apostles and in them all that shoulde succede them: priestes to offer vp the selfe same.1574tr. Marlorat's Apocalips 15, I the Lord am the firste, and euen I the selfsame am also with the last.1582Watson Centurie of Loue (Arb.) 41 The Author..varieth from that sense, which Chawcer vseth in translating the selfe same.1638Quarles Mildreiados Ded., You shall receive but the selfe-same by Number and by Measure; which, before, you had by Waight.1701Norris Ideal World i. ii. 50 That they seem to be as so many self-sames, so many reproductions of one thing.
Hence selfˈsameness, identicalness, identity.
1577Bullinger's Decades (1592) 629 The immutable self⁓same-nesse of the Trinitie.1587Golding De Mornay vi. 87 There must needes be euer both a selfesamenesse and also an othernesse.1639Ld. Digby, etc. Lett. conc. Relig. (1651) 132 Sweet, happie, and I think sole, is the self-sameness which arises from pure principles of nature.1876F. H. Bradley Eth. Studies 5 The first condition..is my self⁓sameness; I must be throughout one identical person.1893Appear. & Real. x. 113 Self-sameness exists as a fact, and..hence somehow an identical self must be real.

