
单词 wafer-cake
释义 wafer-cake Obs.
1. = wafer n. 1.
1585Higins Junius' Nomencl. 84/2 Crustulum,..a wafer cake.1593George a Greene (1599) D 1, You shall haue wafer cakes your fill.
b. fig. as a type of fragility.
1599Shakes. Hen. V, ii. iii. 53 Trust none: for Oathes are Strawes, mens faiths are Wafer-Cakes.
2. = wafer n. 2. Chiefly in hostile use.
c1560tr. Latimer in Strype Eccl. Mem. (1721) III. ii. 90 The Papistes..wolde conteyne the natural Body which Christe had (Synne excepted) ageynst all Truthe, into a Wafer Cake.1584in Foley Rec. Eng. Prov. S.J. (1880) VI. 715 A super-altar, a pyx, a box of wafer cakes.1594Hooker Eccl. Pol. iv. vi. §1 The vse of wafer-cakes, the custome of godfathers & godmothers in baptisme, are things not commanded nor forbidden in the scripture.1630R. Johnson Kingd. & Commw. 476 Hee must..conge to the ground with his head, as Priests doe to their Wafer-cakes.

