
单词 whisky
释义 I. whisky, whiskey, n.1|ˈhwɪskɪ|
Also 8 -kie, -kee.
[Short for whiskybae, etc. (Gael. uisgebeatha lit. ‘water of life’), though this is not actually evidenced so early (but Ramsay has usque for usquebaugh, q.v., in 1728). In modern trade usage, Scotch whisky and Irish whiskey are thus distinguished in spelling; whisky is the usual spelling in Britain and whiskey that in the U.S.]
a. A spirituous liquor distilled originally in Ireland and Scotland, and in the British Isles still chiefly, from malted barley (with or without unmalted barley or other cereals), in U.S. chiefly from maize or rye. With a and pl., a drink of whisky.
Also in whisky-and-milk, -soda, -water (often so hyphened), denoting mixed or diluted drinks.
1715in Maidment Bk. Scot. Pasquils (1868) 404 Whiskie shall put our brains in rage.1746M. Hughes Jrnl. Late Reb. 46 A double Portion of Oatmeal and Whisky. note, Whisky is a hot Malt Spirit.1753Gray's Inn Jrnl. No. 48 Whiskee—Po!—Give me a Glass of that Rhenish.1753Gentl. Mag. Aug. 391/2 In one dram shop only in this town [sc. Dublin], there are 120 gallons of that accursed spirit, whiskey, sold.1827Whitehall ii. iii, The Major then mixed himself a glass of whiskey and water in equal portions.1835Dickens Sk. Boz, Parl. Sk., He..went home..for his whiskey-and-water.1884G. Moore Mummer's Wife xvi, ‘I think I'll have a whisky.’ ‘Scotch or Irish?’ asked the barman.1894K. Grahame Pagan Papers 76 Those of us who were left being assembled to drink a parting whisky-and-milk.1898G. B. Shaw Mrs. Warren's Profession ii. 177, I could do with a whisky and soda now very well.1903Times 31 July 13/6 In less than an hour he sold 22 whiskies.1924H. Crane Let. 30 Nov. (1965) 195 As whiskey and soda was served I quickly revived.1979G. St. Aubyn Edward VII vii. 316 Offering him a whisky-and-soda and a cigar.
b. attrib. and Comb., as whisky bottle, whisky-brose (cf. brose b), whisky-can, whisky-cocktail, whisky decanter, whisky-drinker, whisky-drinking n. and adj., whisky-gill, whisky glass, whisky-peg (peg n.1 6), whisky-punch, whisky-shop, whisky-still, whisky-toddy; whisky-gold, whisky-soaked, whisky-sodden adjs.; whisky-head U.S. slang, one who consumes a great deal of whisky; whisky-house Obs., a place where whisky is sold; whisky insurrection or rebellion U.S. Hist., an outbreak in Pennsylvania in 1794 against an excise duty on spirits imposed by Congress in 1791; whisky mac (also Whisky Mac), whisky and ginger wine mixed in equal proportions; a drink of this; whisky money Hist., the proportion of the beer and spirit duty which was allocated to technical education by the Local Taxation (Customs and Excise) Act of 1890; whisky-poker (see quot.); whisky priest, an habitually drunken priest; whisky ring U.S. Hist., a combination of distillers and revenue officers formed in 1872 to defraud the government of part of the tax on spirits; whisky-skin U.S. slang, a drink containing whisky; whisky-soda (not in U.K. use), whisky-and-soda; whisky sour orig. U.S., a drink of whisky acidulated with the juice of citrus fruit; whisky-straight U.S. slang, whisky without water; whisky voice, a hoarse or alcoholic voice; whisky-water = whisky-and-water.
1843‘R. Carlton’ New Purchase ii. lvi. 242 He abstained..from his *whiskey bottle.1981M. Hatfield Spy Fever i. vi. 53 The whisky bottle was still in play, though its contents..had not shrunk catastrophically.
1822A. Cunningham Trad. Tales, Allan-a-Maut (1887) 136 *Whisky-brose shall be my breakfast, and my supper shall be the untaken-down spirit.
1845Eliza Cook Poems, Fisher Boat 12 Jolly mates, a *whiskey-can, and trusty nets for me!
1862Jerry Thomas How to mix Drinks Contents, *Whiskey Cobbler, Cocktail.
1931M. Allingham Police at Funeral xi. 151 He..shot a hopeless glance at the *whisky decanter.1976E. Ward Hanged Man xxi. 129 Galbraith placed the whisky decanter within reach.
1771Wesley Jrnl. 18 June (1827) III. 424 The house..was filled with *whisky drinkers.1905Rolleston Dis. Liver 178 Hobnailed, Gin, or Whiskey-drinker's liver.
1883‘Mark Twain’ Life on Mississippi lviii. 571 *Whiskey-drinking, breakdown-dancing rapscallions.1884Huck. Finn xxi. 212 There was considerable whisky drinking going on.1891C. Roberts Adrift Amer. 34 The row was the outcome of whiskey drinking.
1785Burns Holy Fair xix, Be't *whisky gill, or penny wheep, Or ony stronger potion.
1940R. Chandler Farewell my Lovely xiii. 82 She wore a hat with a crown the size of a *whisky glass.
1918E. Sitwell Clown's Houses 15 The sunlight pours all *whisky-gold.
1944S. Bellow Dangling Man 179 ‘Took you in it at last, didn't I!’ I exclaimed. ‘You damned old *whisky-head.’1968P. Oliver Screening Blues 23 Blues about liquor and the ‘whisky-head man’, about prostitution, gambling, vagrancy and intended violence, figure in the work of singers of all generations.
1767Scots Mag. Apr. 222 Grant kept a *whisky-house.1835R. M. Bird Hawks of Hawk-Hollow II. 6 You would have some of the wherewithall smuggled up to this identical old woman's whiskey-house!
1824Mass. Spy 28 July (Thornton Amer. Gloss.), Tinctured with the duelling or *whiskey-insurrection mania.
1960Spectator 14 Oct. 579 It [sc. Stone's Ginger Wine] is a little cloying taken neat, but mixed with an equal quantity of whisky it becomes ‘*Whisky Mac’.1961L. Payne Nose on my Face iv. 63, I..said I'd have a whiskey mac.1976Liverpool Echo 22 Nov. 7/5 A thief stole a {pstlg}45 cask of whisky mac from an off-licence in Pasture Road, Moreton.1982Barr & York Official Sloane Ranger Handbk. 92/2 You drink beer, whisky macs, cherry brandy, sloe gin—or neat whisky.
1911Encycl. Brit. XXVI. 495/1 If the ‘*whisky’ money..were found to be well and carefully expended, no future Chancellor would be able to divert it to any other purpose.1937G. A. N. Lowndes Silent Social Revolution ii. 39 Action taken by the Technical Education Committees of the County Councils..to encourage the formation of classes and guarantee them financial support out of the ‘Whiskey Money’.1973L. Holcombe Victorian Ladies at Work ii. 30 A portion of the ‘whisky money’, the proceeds from the increased duties on beer and spirits, to be spent on technical education by the county and county borough councils.
1889Conan Doyle Sign of Four xii, There he sat..drinking *whisky-pegs and smoking cheroots.
1878J. S. Campion On Frontier (ed. 2) 25 *Whisky-poker, a harmless non-gambling game, in which the winner gets a drink and the losers a smell at the cork of the bottle.
1939G. Greene Lawless Roads vi. 161 ‘He was just what we call a *whisky priest.’.. He had taken one of his sons to be baptized, but the priest was drunk.1971H. C. Rae Marksman i. iii. 19 With cheap striped pyjamas buttoned close around his throat Doyle looked like a whisky priest in a penal settlement.1977Times 4 Aug. 10/5 The communist equivalent of one of those Greeneland fables wherein a whisky priest rallies..to strike a blow for the God he no longer believes in.
1785Burns Scotch Drink xvii, A glass o' *Whisky-punch.1850Thackeray Pendennis xlii[i], His..utterance began to fail him, over his sixth tumbler of whisky-punch.
1863in Thornton Amer. Gloss. s.v., The *whisky rebellion of Pennsylvania.
1884Boston (Mass.) Jrnl. 25 Sept., The candidate of the *whisky ring.
1804Lewis & Clark Orig. Jrnls. Lewis & Clark Expedition (1904) I. 10 Such as have made hunting..a pretext to cover their design of visiting a neighbouring *whiskey shop.1868A. K. H. Boyd Less. Middle Age 29 The sight of a whisky-shop or a gin-palace is to such an overwhelming temptation.
1856Yale Lit. Mag. XXI. 146 (Th.), Nine *whiskey skins, and our spirits rushed together.1891Sunday Times 22 Feb. 2/3, I heard of the contemplated establishment of a London American club, the scheme of which seemed to comprise unlimited cocktails, whiskey skins, corpse revivers, [etc.].
a1910‘Mark Twain’ Autobiogr. (1924) I. 209 Some old *whisky-soaked, profane..infidel of a tramp captain.1978R. Ludlum Holcroft Covenant xiii. 153 Ellis made arrangements for the whiskey-soaked clothes to be picked up by the cleaners and returned by mid afternoon.
1915H. L. Wilson Ruggles of Red Gap 50 Here, Charley, *veesky-soda!1975O. Sela Bengali Inheritance xxv. 220 Shaking heads over their whisky-sodas saying, what could you expect.
1883‘Mark Twain’ Life on Mississippi lvi. 548 A harmless *whiskey-sodden tramp.1891E. Kinglake Australian at H. 102 You whisky-sodden old miscreant.
1889Cent. Dict., *Whisky sour.1904R. M. Lovett Richard Gresham 186 Bring a couple o' whiskey sours there, barkeep.1975D. Lodge Changing Places iii. 116 The lavish whisky-sours and daiquiris being prepared by the host.1980L. Birnbach et al. Official Preppy Handbk. 102/2 Tailgate picnics, whiskey sours in the stadium, and the general complexity of the sport guarantee that nobody knows what is going on.
1785Burns Scotch Drink xx, Thae curst horse-leeches o' th' Excise, Wha mak the *Whisky Stells their prize!
1864Congressional Globe 21 Apr. 1876/2 From the impassioned tone of the gentleman from Illinois..one would suppose that he had been investing in *whisky straight.1872‘Mark Twain’ Innoc. Abr. xv. 106 We will take a whisky-straight.
1812P. Hawker Diary (1893) I. 59, I sat down with some *whisky toddy.
1964J. C. Catford in D. Abercombie et al. Daniel Jones 32 Simultaneous whisper + voice + creak: one form of ‘beery’ or ‘*whisky’ voice.1978J. Updike Coup (1979) vii. 294 The women in the souk, with those long red finger-nails and blue hair in bandanas and those cracked whiskey voices.
1919‘Etienne’ Strange Tales from Fleet 5 ‘Thank you,’ said the Captain, ‘a *whisky water, please.’1978T. Willis Buckingham Palace Connection i. 7 The ice-machine had broken down and I had to put up with a tepid whisky-water.
Hence whisky v., trans. to supply with whisky, to give a drink of whisky to.
1830G. Colman Random Rec. II. 139 Post-boys and waggoners water'd their horses, and whisky'd themselves.1862B. Taylor Home & Abr. Ser. ii. 120 The horses were changed, and the passengers whiskied.1882[Lees & Clutterbuck] Three in Norway ix. (1888) 65 We ‘whisky’ every one who turns up at camp.
II. whisky, whiskey, n.2
[app. f. whisk v. + -y1, from its swift movement.]
A kind of light two-wheeled one-horse carriage, used in England and America in the late 18th and early 19th c. Also called timwhisky.
1769Lloyd's Even. Post 3–5 July 15 As a Gentleman was returning to Battersea, in his whisky, his horse took fright, and ran away.1784E. Carter Let. to Mrs. Vesey 30 July, Travelling over hill and dale in a whisky.1794W. Felton Carriages (1801) I. 58 The gig from the whiskey also differs materially, the whiskey being constructed on the most simple plan, with the body united to the carriage.1824Scott St. Ronan's xiv, It was a two-wheeled vehicle, which..aspired only to the humble name of that almost forgotten accommodation, a whiskey.1837W. B. Adams Carriages 245 The old One-horse Chaise, or Whiskey, was as heavy as the modern Cabriolet, without its grace of form.1844T. Webster Encycl. Dom. Econ. §6672 A whiskey or chair is a small chair, not hung by braces, but placed on the shafts, having springs of some kind interposed between them and the axles... It is made low, and very light.1879L. Potter Lanc. Mem. 139 [She] but rarely went out of her own grounds except to church, in a machine which ninety years ago was called a ‘whiskey’.
III. ˈwhisky, a. rare.
[f. whisk v. + -y1: cf. prec.]
Light and lively, flighty.
1782F. Burney Cecilia ix. iii, Talking in such a whisky frisky manner that nobody can understand him.
b. Comb. whisky-bobby, angler's name for some kind of artificial bait.
1904F. Whishaw Lovers at Fault vi, Flies, minnows or whisky-bobbies might be used.

