
单词 papalist
释义 ˈpapalist
[f. as prec. + -ist. Cf. obs. F. papaliste.]
A member of the papal party, an adherent of the papal system. Also attrib.
1750Hodges Chr. Plan (1755) Pref. 25 For my reader's satisfaction and reflection, and the Papalists conviction and confusion.1826G. S. Faber Diffic. Romanism (1853) 373 Unless I wholly mistake, the very hardiest of the Papalists pretend not to assert the Infallibility of Ecumenical Councils in regard to Facts.1881Times 12 Aug. 7/5 The stage to which the deliberate fury of Papalists and anti-Papalists..has carried the quarrel.1903Eng. Hist. Rev. XVIII. 482 What little significance lies in the expression depends on Llywelyn's clerk's serving up to the papalist primate the conventional phraseology of Roman documents.1964P. F. Anson Bishops at Large ix. 325 The year 1920 saw the first of several Anglo-Catholic Congresses, and with them a rapid increase of baroque and rococo furnishings in Anglican Papalist churches.
Hence papaˈlistic a., of the nature of a papalist; papistic.
1886Symonds Renaiss. It., Cath. React. (1898) VII. x. 92 His papalistic enemies could get no grip upon him.

