
单词 paxillary
释义 paxillary, a.
Obs. Erroneous form of basilary, applied to the sphenoid bone.
Med.L. basilus appears to have been written passillus, and associated with paxillus, giving passillare, paxillarie.
[c1400Lanfranc's Cirurg. 110 (Ashm.) Þe. vij. boon is clepid passillare, þe which is not of þe boones of þe heed, but he susteyneþ alle þe oþere boonys of þe heed. [Add. MS. 10440 lf. 2, adds] & he is vnterberynge in þe hynder partie al þe bones of þe heued, & þerfore he is clepid þe..paxillus.]1548–77Vicary Anat. iii. (1888) 28 The seuenth and last [bone]..of the head is called Paxillarie, or Bazillarie; the whiche bone is, as it were, the wedge vnto all the other seuen bones of the head, and doth fasten them togeather. And thus be all numbred: the first is the Coronal bone,..the seuenth is Paxillari, or Bazillari.

