
单词 participial
释义 participial, a. and n. Gram.|pɑːtɪˈsɪpɪəl|
[ad. L. participiāl-is, f. participi-um participle. Cf. mod.F. participial.]
A. adj. Of the nature of a participle; of, pertaining to, or involving a participle. participial adjective, an adjective that is a participle in origin and form.
1591Percivall Sp. Dict. D iv b, You shall sometime finde a participiall voice of the present tense, as Amante..but they are rather nounes adiectiues then participles.1612Brinsley Pos. Parts (1669) 83 Do all Nouns Participials require a Genitive Case?1755Johnson Dict. Pref. ⁋36 A thinking man, a man of prudence; a pacing horse, a horse that can pace; these I have ventured to call participial adjectives.1882Farrar Early Chr. I. 213 note, In the participial constructions of this chapter..the sentences sometimes have an unfinished look.
B. n. A verbal derivative of the nature of, or akin to, a participle.
1570Levins Manip. 89 Mete is also the signe of some uerbals in bilis, and of participials in dus, as, Mete to be loued.1590J. Stockwood Rules Construct. 47 A participial..is taken for an adiectiue like a participle, but yet in deede no participle, bicause he doth not signifie time.1696Phillips (ed. 5), Participial..an Adjective derived from a Verb, though not an absolute Participle.a1861Gibbs (Ogilvie), The new philology embraces the participle, the infinitive, the gerund, and the supine, all under the general name of participials.
Hence participiˈality, participial character; in quots. (nonce-use) addiction to the use of participles; partiˈcipialize v. trans., to make participial, turn into a participle; partiˈcipially adv., in a participial manner, as a participle.
1632Sherwood, Participially, Participialement.1730–6Bailey (folio), Participially.1786–1805H. Tooke Purley ii. iii. (1829) 93 Their most usual method of speech was to employ the past tense itself without participializing it, or making a participle of it by the addition of ed, or en.1885Gildersleeve Pindar's Odes Ol. ix. 111 A good specimen of Pindar's terse participiality.1888― in Amer. Jrnl. Philol. IX. 144 A well participialized or eumetochic sentence.1902Ibid. XXIII. 259 Nothing could be more exotic than Caxton's participialities. His Eneydos (1490) begins thus: ‘After dyverse werkes made, translated and achieved, having no werke in hande, I sitting in my studye’ [etc.].

