
单词 reconstructive
释义 reconˈstructive, a. and n.
[re- 5 a.]
A. adj. Relating to, concerned or occupied with, reconstruction. rare.
1862Merivale Rom. Emp. (1865) III. xxx. 413 The antiquated forms of the republic were incapable of any reconstructive effort.1880Earle Philol. Eng. Tongue (ed. 3) §286 The..reconstructive eye of modern Philology.1927Daily Express 24 Nov. 5 (Advt.), The prescribed reconstructive which creates the good red blood in which no germ can obtain a footing.
B. n. That which reconstructs, a reconstituent.
1890Science XV. 219/2 Oysters, on the other hand, are extremely useful as nerve reconstructives.
Hence reconˈstructiveness.
1843J. Cairns in Life (1895) 140 Tholuck..has..more original reconstructiveness in his Commentary than Stuart.

