
单词 adequation
释义 adequation|ædɪˈkweɪʃən|
[ad. L. adæquatiōnem, n. of action, f. adæquāre: see adequate v.]
1. The action of equalizing, or making equal or commensurate; commensuration.
1651N. Biggs New Dispens. §295. 218 There is required an adæquation of the remedy to the indisposition.1684tr. Bonet's Merc. Compit. iii. 87 The concoction and maturation of Defluxions, is the moderation or adequation of their substance.1866Q. Rev. CXIX. 74 The growing strength of criticism in society must be met by the continuous adequation of a like reflective strength in the individual.
2. The action or fact of equalling. Obs.
1589Nashe Anat. Absurd. 42 Let vs with Themistocles, set before our eyes one of the excellentest to imitate, in whose example insisting, our industry may be doubled, to the adequation of his praise.
3. The result of equalizing or rendering adequate; produced equivalency; concr. an equivalent.
1605Timme Quersit. ii. iv. 116 The perfect combination, adequation, equabilitie of elements.1626Andrewes Serm. (1856) I. 185 Then are the words uttered true, when there is a just adequation between them and the mind.1662Fuller Worthies i. 98 The arme of King Edward the first..is notoriously known to have been the adequation of a yard.1726Penn Wks. I. 452 There ought to be an Adequation and Resemblance betwixt all Ends, and the Means to them.
4. Linguistics. [a. G. adäquation (J. Stöcklein, Bedeutungswandel der Wörter (1898) 20 et seq.)] A semantic process whereby the meaning of a word or phrase changes under the influence of the type of context in which it typically occurs.
1931G. Stern Meaning & Change of Meaning xiv. 387, I define adequation as an unintentional sense-change consisting in a shift of attention from one characteristic of the word referent to another.1933[see permutation 4 b].1967R. A. Waldron Sense & Sense Devel. vi. 135 No change of meaning occurs in such cases until there is adequation, or change in the word's criteria of reference.1974Semiotica XII. 20 An anticipated sense fails to undergo unique constitution since it is predetermined in whole blocks of words. These words identify with the adequation on hand... A referential reversal has set in.1979Lore & Lang. Jan. 23 ‘Adequation’ is the process whereby a purely iconic or symbolic image is projected onto an objective reality.

