
单词 promote
释义 I. promote, v.|prəʊˈməʊt|
[f. L. prōmōt-, ppl. stem of prōmov-ēre to move forward, advance: see pro-1 and move v. So obs. F. promoter to instigate (14th c. in Godef.).]
1. a. trans. To advance (a person) to a position of honour, dignity, or emolument; esp. to raise to a higher grade or office; to prefer.
1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) VII. 145 Þe emperour i-smyten aȝen promoted hym sone into a bisshop [L. promovit in episcopum].1401Pol. Poems (Rolls) II. 94 Preestes, wich to fatte benefices wolde be promotid.1535Coverdale Ps. xxxvi[i]. 34 He shal so promote the, that thou shalt haue the londe by enheritaunce.1685Stillingfl. Orig. Brit. iv. 167 Leontius his way was, to promote onely those in the Church, he was beforehand sure of.1874Green Short Hist. iii. §5. 140 Boniface..was promoted to.. the Archbishopric of Canterbury.
b. Chess. To raise (a pawn) to the rank of a piece. (Cf. to queen.)
1803[see promotion 1 b].1900Westm. Gaz. 12 May 3/3 Compelled to promote a Pawn to a piece.1904H. J. R. Murray in Brit. Chess Mag. Dec. 466 [In Malay chess] a pawn may be promoted to the rank of any superior piece, but promotion takes place, not when the Pawn reaches the eighth line, but only after a further diagonal move.
c. Sport (chiefly Assoc. Football). To transfer (a team) to a higher division of a league (see promotion 1 d).
1924Times 5 May 6/6 Bristol City,..promoted a year ago, return to a lower division.1949Times 25 Apr. 6/2 (heading) Swansea Town promoted.
d. Curling. To move (another stone) forward by striking.
1937T. Henderson Lockerbie 58 He left the stone alone..deeming it safer play to promote the Minister's stone.
e. Bridge. To establish (a relatively low card) as a winner; to secure (a trick) by this action.
1959Listener 31 Dec. 1178/3 A further spade lead will promote the nine of diamonds.Ibid., The fifth heart will promote one of North's trumps.1962Ibid. 12 Apr. 662/2 The defence would take two rounds of clubs and play a third club, promoting a trick for West's nine of hearts.
2. a. To further the growth, development, progress, or establishment of (anything); to help forward (a process or result); to further, advance, encourage. (Formerly also with on.) spec. to further the sale of (an article) by advertising or other modes of publicity; to publicize (a venture, person, etc.). Also absol.
1515Barclay Egloges iv. (1570) C vj/1 Such rascolde drames promoted by Thais,..Or by suche other newe forged Muses nine.1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 12 b, This gyfte expelleth all vyce, and promoteth all vertue.1577Hanmer Anc. Eccl. Hist. (1619) 236 The Emperour..went about to promote christian religion.1644Digby Nat. Soul iv. §5. 390 All the causes and helpes that promote on its impotent desires.1698–9(Mar. 8) Minute Bk. S.P.C.K., The Journal of the Honble Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.1703J. Tipper in Lett. Lit. Men (Camden) 305 You will promote the Sale of it as much as possibly you can.1765A. Dickson Treat. Agric. (ed. 2) 79 Vegetation is promoted..by communicating to the earth the food of plants, and enlarging their pasture.1849Macaulay Hist. Eng. ii. I. 191 It could in no way promote the national interest.1874Green Short Hist. ii. §1. 60 Commerce and trade were promoted by the justice and policy of the Kings.1930Publisher's Weekly 31 May 2732/2 The books all to be individualized in appearance and fully promoted.1965Melody Maker 3 Apr. 7/3 With the group over here to promote their latest recording,..they could well make the chart.1971D. Potter Brit. Eliz. Stamps x. 117 These packs are heavily promoted, with full-page colour advertisements in the national press.1976National Observer (U.S.) 30 Oct. 9/3, I love chocolate-chip cookies, and I love to promote.
b. To support actively the passing of (a law or measure); now spec. to take the necessary steps for obtaining the passing of (a local or private act of parliament).
1721Col. Rec. Pennsylv. III. 138 The parties concerned in promoting this Bill.1863H. Cox Instit. 170 Many bills promoted as private bills, largely affect public as well as private interests.
c. Chem. To increase the activity or effectiveness of (a catalyst) by addition of another substance; to act as a promoter of (a catalyst) or in (a catalytic reaction). Loosely (passing into 2 a), to initiate, catalyse.
[1920Jrnl. Physical Chem. XXIV. 243 When more than one of the components are themselves catalysts a difficulty presents itself in choosing between ‘promoter’ and ‘promoted’.]1930N. K. Adam Physics & Chem. of Surfaces viii. 280 Many reactions go on at the surface of charcoal. It is a good catalyst for promoting halogenations.1936R. H. Griffith Mechanism of Contact Catalysis iii. 82 The fact that a substance may act as a poison to a catalyst, and yet itself be promoted by that catalyst, is obviously quite possible.1940Glasstone Textbk. Physical Chem. xiii. 1128 On an ordinary iron catalyst one atom only in 2,000 appears to be able to catalyze the reaction between nitrogen and hydrogen, but when suitably promoted the proportion of active points is increased ten-fold.1946Chem. Abstr. XL. 4876 The catalytic action is promoted by a smaller quantity of BF3.1947Jrnl. Polymer Sci. II. 41 The presence of small amounts of relatively high molecular weight mercaptans greatly promotes the copolymerization reaction.1967R. W. Lenz Org. Chem. Synthetic High Polymers x. 270 N,N-Dimethylaniline promotes the spontaneous decomposition of benzoyl peroxide, and this combination can be used to initiate polymerization reactions at low temperatures.1975P. H. Emmett in Drauglis & Jaffee Physical Basis for Heterogeneous Catalysis 21 Why then is a K2O-Al2O3 promoter better than Al2O3 alone in promoting an iron synthetic ammonia catalyst?
3. To put forth or forward into notice or attention; to publish, promulgate; to assert, advance (a claim). Obs.
1480Caxton Chron. Eng. ccxxv. 230 The kynges nedes were put forth and promoted as touchyng the kyngdom of Fraunce.1555in Strype Eccl. Mem. (1721) III. App. xlvi. 139 The false surmised articles promoted by Hugh Raulins, priest.1563Bonner in Strype Ann. Ref. (1709) I. xxxiv. 342 That the oath shall be promoted in open place, where there shall be a convenient assembly of people to witness the same.1662Stanley Hist. Chaldaick Philos. (1701) 18/1 An Intellectual incorruptible pattern, the Print of whose Form He promoted through the World.1683Moxon Mech. Exerc., Printing i, Gutenberg..promoted His claim to the first Invention of this Art.
4. To incite, prompt, move (to something). Obs. rare.
1450–1530Myrr. our Ladye 27 The aungels of god..to helpe vs in time of prayer, & to promote our prayers towarde god.1646H. Lawrence Comm. Angells 80 The Angell keepers..promote to all good, oppose all evill.
5. To cause to move forward in space or extent; to extend. Obs. exc. dial.
1652Needham tr. Selden's Mare Cl. 274 None of them ever attempted to promote their Empire beyond the bounds thereof.1660Boyle New Exp. Phys. Mech. i. (1682) 16 Other eminent Astronomers would promote the Confines of the Atmosphere to exceed six or seven times that number of Miles.1683Moxon Mech. Exerc., Printing i, William Caxton (..who first brought it to Oxford) promoted it to London also.a1705Ray Creation i. (1714) 201 Francis Pirara promotes the life of the Brazilians beyond the term we have set it.1872Spectator 7 Sept. 1137 ‘Sure it's I will promote her for your honour’, where the word ‘promote’ was used..in its strict meaning of ‘cause to move forward’.
III. 6. To inform against (a person); to lay an information of (a delinquency, etc.); also intr. or absol. to act as informer. Cf. promoter 3. Obs.
14..Chester Pl. (Shaks. Soc.) II. 82 Taverners, tapsters of this cittie, Shalbe promoted heare by me, For breakinge statutes of this cuntrey.1550Latimer Last Serm. bef. Edw. VI Serm. (1562) 130 [129] There lacke men to promote the kinges officers when they do amisse, and to promote al offenders.1566Drant Horace, Sat. iv. C j b, I am not one that doth promote, why art thou frayde of me?15961623 [see promoting ppl. a. 1].
7. Eccl. Law. To set in motion (the office of the ordinary or judge) in a criminal suit in an ecclesiastical court; to institute (a suit ex officio promoto) by permission of the ordinary.
1681H. Consett Pract. Spir. Courts i. ii. §1 (1700) 5 Its Official [sc. of the Court of Arches] is the proper and competent Judge to take cognizance of all Ecclesiastical Causes whatsoever not only at the Instance of Parties, but also of his meer Office, or when 'tis promoted.Ibid. i. ii. §3 (1700) 7 It is left to the election of the Plaintiff to elect in which Court he will institute or promote his Cause.1789Sir W. Scott in Haggard Rep. Consist. Court (1822) I. 14 This is a case of Office promoted [= ex officio promoto] against Thomas Calcott, for..erecting tombs in the church-yard..without leave of the Ordinary.1837Lushington in Curteis Rep. Eccl. Cas. (1840) 601 Mr. Williams [Vicar of Hendon], who promotes the office of the judge, has brought a charge against a parishioner of chiding and brawling.1849Dickens Dav. Copp. xxix, The office of the judge promoted by Tipkins against Bullock for his soul's correction.1889Abp. Benson in Read v. Bp. of Lincoln 11 May (Roscoe) 36 The archbishop's office was promoted against him [Bp. Wood of Lichfield, 1681].Ibid. 37 The suit [Lucy v. Bp. St. Davids] was promoted ex officio before the archbishop.1895R. Phillimore Eccl. Law (ed. 2) 837 In every ecclesiastical court there are two modes of procedure—the civil and the criminal. In criminal proceedings the office of the judge is promoted, [i.e.] inasmuch as all spiritual jurisdiction is in the hands of the bishop or ordinary, his office or function is set in motion.Ibid. 956 The Criminal Suit is open to every one whom the ordinary allows to promote his office, and the Civil Suit to every one showing an interest.
8. slang (orig. U.S.). To borrow or obtain (usu. illicitly). Also to exploit (someone) for material advantage.
1930Amer. Mercury Dec. 457/1 Promote, to steal. ‘We got to promote a boat to run the stuff in.’1934J. M. Cain Postman always rings Twice 97 If I hadn't been there, and begun promoting him for something to drink that afternoon, maybe he'd be here now.1941Argus (Melbourne) Week-End Mag. 15 Nov. 1/4 In Army parlance to arrange something is always to ‘tee up’; just as to borrow something is to ‘promote’ it.1942Z. N. Hurston in A. Dundes Mother Wit (1973) 226/1 You skillets is trying to promote a meal on me.
II. proˈmote, ppl. a. Obs.
[ad. L. prōmōt-us, pa. pple. of prōmovēre (see prec.); or abbreviated from promoted.]
c1530Crt. of Love 1261 For where a lover thinketh him promote, Envy will grucch, repyning at his wele.

