“pension plan”例句

单词 pension plan
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GROUP〕Several companies have produced pension plans specifically for people in the higher income tax bracket. 有几家公司为纳税等级较高的人制定了特别的养老金计划。朗文写作活用〔NO MATTER WHAT/HOW MUCH ETC〕The rate of contribution to the pension plan is the same for all employees, regardless of age. 养老金计划的供款额不分年龄,所有员工都相同。朗文写作活用〔THINK〕A new pension plan for employees is now under consideration. 一个新的雇员退休金计划目前正在考虑中。朗文写作活用〔USE〕Many people are exercising their right to leave the state pension plan. 许多人都在行使自己的权利脱离国家养老金计划。朗文写作活用〔contract〕Many employees contr acted out of the pension plan.许多雇员退出了养老金计划的合约。牛津高阶〔contributory〕The company offers a contributory pension plan (= one to which both the employee and employer pay money).该公司实行雇主和雇员共同缴存养老金计划。剑桥高阶〔cooling-off period〕Once you join the pension plan, you have a 14-day cooling-off period within which to change your mind.一旦你加入养老金计划,你有14天的犹豫期,在此期间可以退出。韦氏高阶〔detail〕Details of the pension plan are set out below.下面列出养老金计划详情。牛津搭配〔employee〕The value of state employee pension plans has plunged over the past three years.国家员工退休金计划在过去 3 年里价值大大缩水了。牛津搭配〔kicker〕A condition that imposes an automatic increase, as in a pension plan.催化剂、刺激物:引起自动增长的条件,如抚恤金计划中美国传统〔make up〕For every £100 you invest into a pension plan the Inland Revenue makes it up to £125.你每向养老金计划中投入100英镑,国内税收署就会将其补加至125英镑。柯林斯高阶〔muttering〕We've been hearing mutterings from some employees about the changes in the pension plan.我们听到一些雇员对养老金计划改变的牢骚。韦氏高阶〔mutter〕Some employees are muttering about the changes in the pension plan.一些雇员私下里抱怨养老金计划的改变。韦氏高阶〔noncontributory〕Of or relating to a pension plan in which participating members or employees are not required to support the plan with their own contributions.无贡献或不涉及贡献的:属于或关于不要求参与者或被雇者用他们自己的贡献物来支持的年金方案的美国传统〔opt out〕A few employees opted out of the pension plan.一些员工选择不参加养老金计划。韦氏高阶〔opt out〕Most employees participated in the pension plan, but a few opted out.大多数员工参加了养老金计划,但也有一些员工选择不参加。韦氏高阶〔opt〕Employees may opt out of the company's pension plan.雇员可选择不参加该公司的养老金计划。牛津高阶〔payment〕You can increase your monthly contributions to the pension plan.你可以增加你的养老金计划每月供款。牛津高阶〔pension plan〕I work for this company because they have a good pension plan.我在这家公司工作,因为他们有很好的养老金计划。韦氏高阶〔pension plan〕I would have been much wiser to start my own pension plan when I was younger.我要是年轻点时就开始自己的养老金计划就明智多了。柯林斯高阶〔pension〕She pays a quarter of her salary into a pension plan .她每月花去工资的四分之一用于养老金计划。朗文当代〔retirement〕Your pension plan provides a cash lump sum at retirement.你的养老金计划让你在退休时一次性获得一笔现金。牛津搭配〔rich〕This type of pension plan is popular with business owners or property-rich investors.这种养老金计划在拥有自己生意的或是拥有多处房产的人中很受欢迎。剑桥高阶〔vested interest〕A fixed right granted to an employee under a pension plan.根据养老金政策给予职工的一种确定的权利美国传统As well as other benefits, the company offers a contributory (Br and Aus) pension scheme/(Am) pension plan (=one that is paid for by both employer and employee.) 在其他福利之外,公司还提供公司和员工共同负担的养老金计划。剑桥国际He puts $200 a month into a personal pension plan.他每个月向个人养老金计划缴存 200 元。牛津商务Many employees contracted out of the pension plan.许多雇员退出了退休金计划的合约。牛津商务She has a good job, some savings and a pension plan.她拥有一份很好的工作、一些储蓄和一份养老金计划。牛津商务The pension plan should be amended to allow early retirement.应该修订退休金计划,让人们可以提前退休。牛津商务The company's pension plan was underfunded by $2 million.这家公司的养老金计划资金缺口达 200 万元。牛津商务The final-salary pension plan still has a healthy surplus.最终薪金退休金计划仍有一大笔盈余。牛津商务The new pension plans are unfair to older workers.这项新退休金计划对年纪较大的工人不公平。牛津商务The union wants all workers to pay into company pension plans.工会要求所有工人向公司养老金计划缴款。牛津商务

