
单词 physiotherapy
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔course〕She needed a six-month course of physiotherapy after she broke her leg.腿骨折后她需要一个为期6个月的理疗疗程。剑桥高阶〔flexion〕After physiotherapy, the shoulder flexion significantly increased.物理治疗以后,肩膀的活动能力显著提高。剑桥高阶〔knee〕He will receive physiotherapy on his damaged left knee.因左膝受伤, 他将接受物理治疗。外研社新世纪〔knee〕He will receive physiotherapy on his damaged left knee.因左膝受伤,他将接受物理治疗。柯林斯高阶〔physiotherapy〕He'll need intensive physiotherapy.他需要高强度理疗。柯林斯高阶〔physiotherapy〕I'm undergoing regular physiotherapy for a back problem.我因为背伤正在接受常规理疗。牛津搭配〔pulley〕The physiotherapy involved moving weights attached to a pulley.物理疗法包括用滑轮移动重物。外研社新世纪〔rehabilitate〕Physiotherapy is part of rehabilitating accident victims.理疗是对事故受伤者进行康复治疗的一部分。剑桥高阶〔stiffen〕She requires hourly physiotherapy so her joints don't stiffen.她需要每小时做一次物理治疗, 这样她的关节才会不僵直。外研社新世纪He will continue physiotherapy for his back and expects to be able to play again around the end of January.他的背继续接受理疗并期望大概在一月末能再上场。剑桥国际It's important for knee injuries that the surgeon who operates on you also supervises the after-care and physiotherapy.对于膝盖受伤重要的是手术的外科医生又监督手术后护理和理疗。剑桥国际She needed a six-month course of physiotherapy after she broke her leg.腿骨骨折后她需要一个六个月的理疗疗程。剑桥国际

