“china sea”例句

单词 china sea
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Formosa Strait〕An arm of the Pacific Ocean between Taiwan province and mainland China. It links the East China Sea with the South China Sea.台湾海峡:台湾省和中国大陆之间的一个太平洋海湾。连结着中国的东海和南海美国传统〔Hainan〕An island of southern China in the South China Sea, separated from Leizhou Peninsula by a narrow strait.海南岛:中国南部一岛屿,位于南中国海,与雷州半岛间隔着一条狭窄的海峡美国传统〔Korea Strait〕A channel between southeast South Korea and southwest Japan. It connects the East China Sea with the Sea of Japan.朝鲜海峡:位于韩国东南部和日本西南部之间的一条海峡,它连接着东中国海和日本海美国传统〔Kyushu〕The southernmost of the major islands of Japan, in the southwest on the East China Sea and the Pacific Ocean.九州:日本最南端的主要岛屿,在西南部,位于东中国海和太平洋上美国传统〔Leizhou Peninsula〕A peninsula of southern China between the Gulf of Tonkin and the South China Sea. A narrow strait separates it from the island of Hainan.雷州半岛:中国南部的一个半岛,位于越南湾和南中国海之间。一道狭窄的海峡把它同海南岛分开美国传统〔Malacca〕A channel between Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula connecting the Andaman Sea with the South China Sea.马六甲海峡:位于苏门答腊岛和马来半岛之间的海峡,沟通安达曼海和南中国海美国传统〔Matsu〕An island in the East China Sea off the southeast coast of China.马祖岛:中国东海一岛屿,位于中国东南海岸美国传统〔SEE〕We lived in a town house, with a spectacular view of the East China Sea. 我们住在连栋房屋里,看出去就是东中国海的壮丽景色。朗文写作活用〔Yellow Sea〕An arm of the Pacific Ocean between the Chinese mainland and the Korean Peninsula. It connects with the East China Sea to the south.黄海:位于中国大陆和朝鲜半岛之间的太平洋的一个海湾,它与中国东海相连直到南海美国传统〔beat about〕The ship beat about, and headed for South China Sea.这艘船改变航向,朝南中国海驶去。21世纪英汉〔fall into〕The Yangtze River falls into the East China sea.长江汇入东海。21世纪英汉〔one〕The road hugs the coast for hundreds of miles, the South China Sea on one side, jungle on the other.这条路依傍海岸绵延数百英里,一边是南中国海,另一边则是丛林。柯林斯高阶〔roller〕The Pacific rollers swept in from the China Sea.来自太平洋的卷浪从中国海涌入。外研社新世纪〔typhoon〕The 169,000-ton vessel went down during a typhoon in the South China Sea.台风中,一艘169 000吨位的轮船在南中国海沉没了。剑桥高阶Philippines is going for an arbitrage by the International Court over the issue of sovereignty of the South China Sea. 关于南海主权的问题,菲律宾请求国际法庭仲裁。译典通The 169,000-ton vessel went down during a typhoon in the South China Sea.在一场台风中一艘169,000 吨的轮船在南中国海沉没了。剑桥国际The Navy discovered some large buoys with Chinese writings on them in the South China Sea. 海军在南海上发现一些写有中文的大浮筒。译典通

