
单词 chipping
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔REDUCE〕The group continues to campaign for the rights of disabled people, chipping away at old prejudices. 该团体继续发起为残障人士争取权利的运动,逐渐地铲除陈旧的偏见。朗文写作活用〔chip away at〕He is chipping away at a block marble with a chisel.他正在用凿子在大理石上不停地凿。21世纪英汉〔chip away at〕The manager kept chipping away at the problem until he had solved it.经理一直在琢磨这个问题,直到把它解决为止。21世纪英汉〔chip away〕Don't damage your freezer by chipping away the ice with a sharp object.别用利器凿冰以免弄坏冰箱。外研社新世纪〔chip away〕She sat at a low table, chipping away with a small hammer.她坐在矮桌前, 用一把小锤头不断敲凿。外研社新世纪〔chippings〕Paths of bark chippings will help to give the impression of a woodland walkway.用树皮屑铺成的小路会给人以林间小道的印象。外研社新世纪〔chippings〕Paths of bark chippings will help to give the impression of a woodland walkway.铺满碎树皮的小路有助于制造林间小道的印象。柯林斯高阶〔chippy〕A chipping sparrow.褐斑翅雀鵐美国传统〔chip〕Archaeologists were carefully chipping away at the rock.考古学家正小心地在岩石上铲凿。朗文当代〔chip〕He was chipping away at the stone.他不停地凿那块石头。牛津高阶〔chip〕He was chipping away at the stone.他在凿石头。牛津搭配〔chip〕I wish my nail polish wouldn't keep chipping.我希望我的指甲油不要老掉。剑桥高阶〔chip〕She was chipping away at the ground with a trowel.她用铲子在地上不停地挖。麦克米伦高阶〔chip〕Writers such as Voltaire and Diderot were chipping away at the foundations of society.伏尔泰和狄德罗之类的作家一点一点地在动摇社会的根基。朗文当代〔flake tool〕A stone tool consisting of a flake that is often modified by further chipping or flaking.薄石工具:经过进一步削磨处理的薄石工具美国传统〔ice pick〕A pointed awl for chipping or breaking ice.碎冰锥:一种用来削冰或破冰的尖状锥子美国传统〔paint〕Old paint was chipping off the outside walls.外墙的旧油漆正在剥落。牛津搭配〔peen〕The end of a hammerhead opposite the flat striking surface, often wedge-shaped or ball-shaped and used for chipping, indenting, and metalworking.锤顶:锤头平的打击面反面通常呈楔形或半球形的顶端,用于削、凿和金属加工美国传统I was trying to explain things to Bill but Mary kept chipping in (with her comments).我试着向比尔解释,可是玛丽总是插嘴(评上两句)。剑桥国际

