
单词 luxurious
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BIG〕Spacious and luxurious apartments are available to company employees. 有宽敞豪华的套房可供公司员工使用。朗文写作活用〔Babylonian〕Characterized by a luxurious, pleasure-seeking, and often immoral way of life.豪华的,奢侈的:以奢侈豪华,寻欢作乐为特征的,常常是放荡糜烂的生活方式美国传统〔CHOOSE〕You could win a fabulous weekend break at a luxurious hotel of your choice. 你获奖后可以任意挑选一家豪华旅馆,在那里度过一个美妙的周末。朗文写作活用〔COLOUR〕In the lounge hung long curtains of luxurious deep red velvet. 休息室里挂着豪华的深红色丝绒长窗帘。朗文写作活用〔COMFORTABLE/UNCOMFORTABLE〕The hotel we stayed in was really luxurious. 我们住的酒店非常舒适。朗文写作活用〔Cockaigne〕An imaginary land of easy and luxurious living.世外桃源:虚构的既安逸又放纵的生活之地美国传统〔EXPENSIVE〕Atlantis is one of the world's most luxurious cruise ships. “亚特兰蒂斯”号是世界上最奢华的游船之一。朗文写作活用〔FAST〕Boeing's new plane is faster and more luxurious than anything else they have ever produced. 波音公司的新式飞机比他们以前生产的任何飞机都更快、更豪华。朗文写作活用〔LIKE〕While Bev was married, she acquired a taste for luxurious living. 蓓芙结婚以后开始爱上了奢华的生活。朗文写作活用〔Lucullan〕Lavish; luxurious.浪费的:过分大方的,奢侈的美国传统〔Lucullan〕Of or relating to Lucullus or his luxurious banquets.卢库勒斯的:卢库勒斯的或其奢侈宴会的,或与之有关的美国传统〔SHOW〕The luxurious offices gave the impression that the company had plenty of money to spare. 豪华的办公室给人一种这样的印象—这家公司有的是钱。朗文写作活用〔SMELL〕The room was warm, sweet-smelling, and luxurious. 房间里温暖芳香,布置得很豪华。朗文写作活用〔STAY〕You won't find any really luxurious accommodations, but there are adequate hotels and guest houses. 你不会找到任何很豪华的住宿,但是宾馆和小旅馆有很多。朗文写作活用〔SUIT/LOOK GOOD TOGETHER〕Soft, creamy bed linen adds a luxurious touch and complements any colour scheme. 柔和的米黄色寝具给人一种豪华舒适的感觉,和任何色调都相配。朗文写作活用〔TOILET〕Even the lavatory was luxurious, with a marble interior and soft, white hand towels. 甚至连洗手间都是豪华型的,有大理石的内部装饰和柔软雪白的手巾。朗文写作活用〔TOUCH〕The dog's luxurious golden coat was thick and oily to the touch. 这条狗身上那华美的金色毛皮摸上去又厚又滑。朗文写作活用〔already〕Already, he has a luxurious villa in Formello.他已经在福尔梅洛拥有了一幢豪华别墅。柯林斯高阶〔attest〕Luxurious furnishings attested to the wealth of the owner.豪华的家具陈设说明了主人的财力。朗文当代〔blow〕He inherited a fortune but blew it on bad investments and a luxurious lifestyle.他继承了一大笔钱,但是他把钱挥霍在不当的投资和奢侈的生活方式上了。麦克米伦高阶〔cleave〕The luxurious liner is cleaving through the waves.这艘豪华的邮轮正在破浪前进。21世纪英汉〔dolce vita〕A luxurious, self-indulgent way of life.放纵的:奢侈、放纵的生活方式美国传统〔dreamboat〕A luxurious, well-designed automobile or other vehicle.梦中座驾:豪华、设计精良的汽车或其它交通工具美国传统〔epicurean〕A devotee to sensuous and luxurious living; an epicure.享乐主义者:喜爱豪华奢侈生活的人;享乐主义者美国传统〔first class〕The most luxurious and most expensive class of accommodations on a train, passenger ship, airplane, or other conveyance.头等舱:火车、客轮、飞机或其它运载工具中最豪华、最昂贵的住宿等级美国传统〔flourish〕There's nothing like a luxurious dessert to give a menu a final flourish .在菜单的最后来一道丰盛的甜点作为压轴,那是无可媲美的。朗文当代〔go〕As birdhouses go, this was certainly a luxurious residence.就鸟笼而言,这个可算是相当豪华的了。 英汉大词典〔here〕Here is your opportunity to acquire a luxurious one bedroom home.现在正是购买一套豪华一居室住房的机会。柯林斯高阶〔here〕Here is your opportunity to acquire a luxurious one-bedroom home.你现在有机会获得一套豪华一居室住房。外研社新世纪〔highlife〕An extravagant or luxurious style of living.奢侈地或豪华的生活方式美国传统〔hone〕She has been honing for a luxurious life.她一直渴望过豪华奢侈的生活。21世纪英汉〔life〕A wealthy, luxurious way of living.富裕、奢侈的生活方式美国传统〔livable〕It's not a luxurious apartment by any means but it's livable in.这套公寓虽够不上豪华,但很适合居住。剑桥高阶〔luxuriant〕Marked by or displaying luxury; luxurious.显示或以奢侈为特征的;奢侈的美国传统〔luxuriate〕To take luxurious pleasure; indulge oneself.纵情享乐;放纵自己美国传统〔luxuriously〕Amy tilted her wine in her glass with a luxurious sigh.埃米微倾酒杯晃了晃酒,惬意地舒了一口气。柯林斯高阶〔luxuriously〕Our honeymoon was two days in Las Vegas at a luxurious hotel called Le Mirage.我们的蜜月是在拉斯维加斯一家名为“海市蜃楼”的豪华酒店住了两天。柯林斯高阶〔luxuriously〕She had come to enjoy Roberto's luxurious lifestyle.她渐渐地喜欢上了罗伯托奢侈的生活方式。柯林斯高阶〔luxurious〕Amy tilted her wine in her glass with a luxurious sigh.埃米微倾酒杯晃了晃酒, 惬意地舒了一口气。外研社新世纪〔luxurious〕Camping these days can be fairly luxurious.现如今野营可以是十分奢侈的。牛津搭配〔luxurious〕He blew out a luxurious cloud of smoke.他吐出了一大团烟雾。英汉大词典〔luxurious〕The car felt luxurious.这辆车感觉很是豪华阔气。牛津搭配〔luxurious〕The cat gave a long, luxurious stretch.猫舒舒服服地伸了一个长长的懒腰。剑桥高阶〔luxurious〕They have a very luxurious house.他们有一座十分豪华的房子。剑桥高阶〔luxurious〕We spent a luxurious weekend at a country hotel.我们在一家乡村酒店度过了一个奢华的周末。剑桥高阶〔ostentation〕Her luxurious lifestyle and personal ostentation were both hated and envied.她奢侈的生活方式和自我炫耀让人又恨又妒。剑桥高阶〔outdoors〕Life in the great outdoors isn't supposed to be luxurious.村野生活不应该是奢华的。外研社新世纪〔outdoors〕Life in the great outdoors isn't supposed to be luxurious.美好的户外活动不必很奢侈。柯林斯高阶〔pervert〕The country's obsession with the luxurious way of life has perverted its development.这个国家盲目追求奢侈的生活方式,造成了发展的反常。英汉大词典〔plush〕Luxurious.豪华的美国传统〔refresh〕These trains are so luxurious that you can end a long journey feeling positively refreshed.这几列火车豪华舒适,旅客经长途旅行之后会得到充分的休整。英汉大词典〔retrieve〕She tried hard to retrieve her luxurious life.她极力设法恢复她的奢华生活。21世纪英汉〔silken〕Luxurious.豪华的美国传统〔silk〕He lived a luxurious life, wearing silk and satin.他身穿绫罗绸缎, 过着奢侈的生活。外研社新世纪〔sunken〕It was a luxurious bathroom, with a sunken bath.那是一个豪华的浴室,里面有一个下沉式浴缸。剑桥高阶〔superb〕Rich; luxurious.丰盛的;豪华的美国传统〔superliner〕A railway car that is fitted with more capacious, comfortable, or luxurious accommodations than usual.豪华车厢:装备比寻常客车更宽敞、更舒适或更豪华的火车车厢美国传统〔superliner〕Nautical A very large, luxurious oceangoing passenger ship.【航海】 超级班轮:巨大的豪华的海运客轮美国传统〔supple〕This luxurious talcum lotion restores softness and suppleness to dehydrated skin.这种奢侈的滑石润肤露能使缺水的皮肤恢复柔软与弹性。柯林斯高阶〔tony〕Marked by an expensive, luxurious, or exclusive manner or quality.高贵的:以昂贵,豪华或独一无二的态度或品质为特点的美国传统〔villa〕The often large, luxurious country house of a well-to-do person.别墅:有钱人盖的华丽的、巨大的乡村别墅美国传统〔workhorse〕These once luxurious airliners were the workhorse of war.这些当年豪华的班机在战时成了载重运输机。英汉大词典A prestige hotel (= an expensive and luxurious one) is to be built outside the town.城外要建一座豪华饭店。剑桥国际Better-off people usually live in bigger, more luxurious homes.经济宽裕的人通常住更大更豪华的房子。剑桥国际Come in and see our extensive range of luxurious deep-pile carpets.进来看看我们又大又宽、豪华的长毛地毯。剑桥国际The cat gave a long, luxurious stretch (= one expressing great pleasure and comfort).猫心满意足地伸了个长长的懒腰。剑桥国际These luxurious yachts are peopled by the rich and glamorous.这些豪华游艇上尽是富人和美人。剑桥国际They live in a luxurious penthouse overlooking Central Park.他们住在俯瞰中央公园的一间豪华的屋顶房间里。剑桥国际They live in a very luxurious house (= one providing great comfort).他们住在豪华别墅里。剑桥国际They stayed in luxurious hotels. 他们住在豪华的旅馆里。译典通We spent a luxurious weekend at a country hotel.我们在乡村旅馆度过了一个舒适的周末。剑桥国际

