
单词 dawdle
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SLOW〕We'll never get all the shopping done today if you dawdle like this. 如果你这样磨磨蹭蹭,我们今天就不可能把东西买齐。朗文写作活用〔dally〕To waste time; dawdle.蹉跎;闲荡美国传统〔dawdle along〕The snail dawdled along the sandy path.蜗牛在沙径上缓慢爬行。21世纪英汉〔dawdle away〕By then we had managed to dawdle away most of the afternoon.到那时我们已经消磨了大半个下午了。外研社新世纪〔dawdle away〕The teacher told the students not to dawdle away their time.老师告诉学生们别混日子。21世纪英汉〔dawdle away〕We've dawdled the whole morning away arguing over the smallest issues!我们为极小的问题争论,已经浪费了整个上午了!21世纪英汉〔dawdle over〕Don't dawdle over your makeup, we don't want to be late for the concert.你别慢吞吞地化妆,我们不想音乐会迟到。21世纪英汉〔dawdle〕Come home immediately after school, and don't dawdle.放学后马上回家,不要在路上磨蹭。韦氏高阶〔dawdle〕Don't dawdle away your time.不要混日子。21世纪英汉〔dawdle〕Don't dawdle over your work.不要磨洋工。英汉大词典〔dawdle〕Don't dawdle – we're late already! 别磨蹭了 — 我们已经晚了!朗文当代〔dawdle〕Eleanor will be back any moment, if she doesn't dawdle.如果不闲荡的话,埃莉诺随时都会回来。柯林斯高阶〔dawdle〕He dawdled over his coffee.他慢吞吞地喝着咖啡。英汉大词典〔dawdle〕He got fed up as bank staff dawdled over cashing him a cheque.银行职员慢吞吞地给他兑现支票,他憋了一肚子气。柯林斯高阶〔dawdle〕Hurry up! There's no time to dawdle.快点!没时间磨蹭了。韦氏高阶〔dawdle〕I dawdled over a beer.我慢慢地呷着啤酒。外研社新世纪〔dawdle〕She dawdled away the whole afternoon.她浪费掉整整一个下午。21世纪英汉〔dawdle〕She can get there in 20 minutes, if she doesn't dawdle.如果她不磨蹭的话, 20分钟就能到那里。外研社新世纪〔dawdle〕She downed two glasses of white wine while I dawdled over a draught beer.我慢悠悠地呷着一杯散装啤酒的工夫她已经灌下了两杯白葡萄酒。柯林斯高阶〔dawdle〕The bank staff dawdled over cashing him a cheque.银行职员慢吞吞地为他兑现支票。外研社新世纪〔dawdle〕The boss told the workers not to dawdle over their work.老板告知工人不要磨洋工。21世纪英汉〔dawdle〕The pupil dawdled all the way to school.这名小学生一路上游游荡荡去上学。21世纪英汉〔dawdle〕The ship dawdles in the Red Sea.这艘船慢悠悠地游弋在红海。英汉大词典〔dawdle〕They dawdled along by the river, laughing and talking.他们沿河边闲逛,一路谈笑风生。牛津高阶〔dawdle〕They dawdled arm in arm past the shop fronts.他们手挽手慢悠悠地逛过一家家店面。外研社新世纪〔dawdle〕They dawdled arm in arm past the shopfronts.他们手挽手慢悠悠地逛过一家家店面。柯林斯高阶〔dilly-dally〕To waste time, especially in indecision; dawdle or vacillate.磨蹭:浪费时间,尤指犹豫不定;闲混或踌躇美国传统〔lollygag〕To waste time by puttering aimlessly; dawdle.虚度光阴:无目的地磨蹭而浪费时间;虚度(光阴)美国传统〔mope〕To move in a leisurely or aimless manner; dawdle.闲荡:悠闲地或无目地移动;闲逛美国传统〔shilly-shally〕To spend time on insignificant things; dawdle.闲混:把时间花在一些没有意义的事情上;浪费时间美国传统

