
单词 amalgamate
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔UNITE〕A and B squadrons amalgamated into a single squadron. A中队和B中队合并成了一个中队。朗文写作活用〔UNITE〕The 55 army battalions would be amalgamated into 23 units. 55个军营将合并成23个单位。朗文写作活用〔UNITE〕The two schools amalgamated in 1974. 这两所学校于1974年合并。朗文写作活用〔UNITE〕The women's association has amalgamated with the men's. 妇女联合会已经和男子联合会合并了。朗文写作活用〔amalgamate with〕Their firm will be amalgamated with an American company.他们商号将与一家美国公司合并。21世纪英汉〔amalgamate〕A number of colleges have amalgamated to form the new university.一些学院联合组成了这所新大学。牛津高阶〔amalgamate〕Profits have increased since the companies amalgamated last year.自从去年公司合并以来利润增长了。麦克米伦高阶〔amalgamate〕Stir until the ingredients are amalgamated.搅拌使配料混合起来。朗文当代〔amalgamate〕The Visitors' Centre amalgamates the traditions of the Old World with the technology of the New.来宾中心将欧洲的传统与美洲的技术结合在一起。柯林斯高阶〔amalgamate〕The Visitors' Centre amalgamates the traditions of the Old World with the technology of the New.游客中心将旧大陆的传统与新大陆的科技结合在一起。外研社新世纪〔amalgamate〕The agency is expected to amalgamate with the National Rivers Authority.这个机构可能会和国家河流局合并。朗文当代〔amalgamate〕The chemical companies had amalgamated into a vast conglomerate.这些化学品公司已经合并成一个庞大的企业集团。外研社新世纪〔amalgamate〕The chemical companies had amalgamated into a vast conglomerate.那些化学品公司已经合并成一个庞大的企业集团。柯林斯高阶〔amalgamate〕The companies had been amalgamated into a vast conglomerate.这些公司已经被合并成一个庞大的企业集团。外研社新世纪〔amalgamate〕The company has decided to amalgamate with the parent firm.这家子公司已决定和母公司合并。21世纪英汉〔amalgamate〕The company has now amalgamated with another local firm.这家公司现在已与当地另一家公司合并了。牛津高阶〔amalgamate〕The different offices will be amalgamated as/into employment advice centres.这几家不同的事务所将合并成为就业指导中心。剑桥高阶〔amalgamate〕The editors will amalgamate all the information into one article.编辑将把所有的资料综合成一篇文章。朗文当代〔amalgamate〕The electricians' union is planning to amalgamate with the technicians' union.电工工会正计划与技工工会联合。剑桥高阶〔amalgamate〕The firm has amalgamated with an American company.该公司和一家美国公司合并了。柯林斯高阶〔amalgamate〕The firm has amalgamated with an American company.该公司已经和一家美国公司合并了。外研社新世纪〔amalgamate〕The hospital was amalgamated with the university.这家医院与大学合并了。韦氏高阶〔amalgamate〕The two companies were amalgamated into one.这两家公司合并成一家公司。牛津高阶〔amalgamate〕There are plans to amalgamate the village school with a larger one nearby.有计划要将村小学与附近更大的小学合并。麦克米伦高阶〔amalgamate〕They amalgamated the hospital and/with the university.他们把医院和大学合并起来。韦氏高阶〔amalgamate〕They decided to amalgamate the two schools.他们决定将两所学校合并。牛津高阶〔amalgamate〕This information will be amalgamated with information obtained earlier.这个信息要与早先得到的信息综合在一起。牛津高阶〔amalgamate〕Three companies were amalgamated into a corporation.三家商号被合并成一家公司。21世纪英汉〔amalgamate〕Two teams amalgamated.两队合併了。牛津同义词〔amalgamate〕We amalgamated two teams.我们把两队合併了。牛津同义词〔amalgamate〕We were asked to amalgamate with another local group.我们被要求与另一当地社团合并。麦克米伦高阶Our firm will be amalgamated with a Japanese company. 我们的商号将与一家日本公司合并。译典通The different offices will be amalgamated as / into employment advice centres.不同的办公室将被合并成就业指导中心。剑桥国际The electricians' union is planning to amalgamate with the technicians' union.电工工会正在计划与技师工会合并。剑桥国际The firm amalgamated with several others to form a new electronics group.这公司与其他几家公司合并,组建新的电子产品集团。牛津商务There will be job losses when the sales teams are amalgamated.销售队伍整合后会导致职位流失。牛津商务

