
单词 electro
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BeV〕Billion electron volts.十亿电子伏美国传统〔Compton effect〕The increase in wavelength of electromagnetic radiation, especially of an x-ray or a gamma-ray photon, scattered by an electron.康普顿效应:X射线或γ射线的光子与电子发生碰撞并被散射时,电磁辐射的波长同时增加的现象美国传统〔ESR〕Electron spin resonance.电子旋转共振美国传统〔Josephson effect〕The radiative effect associated with the passage of electron pairs across an insulating barrier separating two superconductors.约瑟夫森效应:在电子对通过分开两超导体的绝缘势垒时所产生的电磁辐射效应美国传统〔SPEED〕We are trying to measure the position and momentum of an electron as accurately as possible. 我们在想办法尽可能精确地测出电子的位置和动力。朗文写作活用〔acid〕An electron acceptor.电子受体美国传统〔amplifier〕Electronics A device, especially one using transistors or electron tubes, that produces amplification of an electrical signal.【电子学】 放大器:尤指利用晶体管或电子管使电子信号放大的仪器美国传统〔annihilate〕To participate in annihilation, as do an electron and a positron.湮灭,湮没:湮灭,如电子与正电子美国传统〔anode〕A positively charged electrode, as of an electrolytic cell, a storage battery, or an electron tube.阳极,正极:电解电池、蓄电池或电子管的正电电极美国传统〔band〕A range of very closely spaced electron energy levels in solids, the distribution and nature of which determine the electrical properties of a material.能带:固体中间隔很近的电子能级范围,其分布和特点决定该材料的性质美国传统〔beta particle〕A high-speed electron or positron, especially one emitted in radioactive decay.β粒子:一种高速电子或质子,主要在放射衰变中释放出美国传统〔betatron〕A magnetic induction electron accelerator capable of accelerating electrons to energies of several hundred million electron volts.β加速器:一种磁感应电子加速器,能将电子加速至产生几百万电子伏美国传统〔binding energy〕The net energy required to remove an atomic electron to an infinitely remote position from its orbit.结合能:把原子核内的电子从其轨道移至无限远所需要的净能量美国传统〔bioelectronics〕The study of the role of intermolecular electron transfer in physiological processes.生物电子学:生理过程中分子间电子转移作用的研究美国传统〔carrier〕A charge-carrying entity, especially an electron or a hole in a semiconductor.带电体:带电体,尤指一个半导体中的电子或孔穴美国传统〔cathode〕A negatively charged electrode, as of an electrolytic cell, a storage battery, or an electron tube.阴极:负电极,如电池、蓄电池或电子管的负极美国传统〔charged particle〕An elementary particle, such as a proton or an electron, with a positive or negative electric charge.带电粒子:一个携带正或负电荷的基本粒子,如质子或电子美国传统〔charge〕An electron has a negative charge.电子带负电荷。英汉大词典〔collector〕Electronics An electrode in an electron tube that collects electrons which have finished carrying current.【电子学】 集流器:电子管中收集已完成电流循环电子的电极美国传统〔corpuscle〕A discrete particle, such as a photon or an electron.微粒:有某种特性的微粒,如光子或电子美国传统〔covalence〕The number of electron pairs an atom can share with other atoms.共用电子对数,共价:一个原子与其他原子共用的电子的对数美国传统〔delta ray〕An electron ejected from matter by ionizing radiation.δ射线,δ粒子:受到电离辐射的物质发射出的电子美国传统〔diode〕An electron tube having a cathode and an anode.电子二极管:有一个阳极和一个阴极的电子管美国传统〔double bond〕A covalent bond in which two electron pairs are shared between two atoms.双键:两个原子之间的两个电子对的共价键美国传统〔dynode〕An electrode used in certain electron tubes to provide secondary emission.中间极,二次发射电极:一种用于一定电子管作第二次发射电极美国传统〔electron micrograph〕A micrograph made by an electron microscope.电子显微照片:在电子显微镜下拍摄的显微照片美国传统〔electron microscopy〕Microscopy involving use of an electron microscope.电子显微镜学:涉及使用电子显微镜的显微镜学美国传统〔electron optics〕The science of the control of electron motion by electron lenses in systems or under conditions analogous to those involving or affecting visible light.电子光学:利用电子透镜控制电子活动的科学,用于类似涉及或影响可见光的系统内或条件下美国传统〔electron pair〕The combination of an electron and a positron as produced by a high-energy photon.电子对:高能光子产生的一个电子和一个阳电子的组合美国传统〔exciton〕An electrically neutral excited state of an insulator or semiconductor, often regarded as a bound state of an electron and a hole.激子:由于吸收光子在固体中产生的可移动的束缚的电子-空子对美国传统〔focus〕Magnetic coils focus the electron beams into fine spots.磁线圈把电子束聚焦成微小的点。柯林斯高阶〔free radical〕An atom or group of atoms having at least one unpaired electron, which makes it highly reactive.自由基:至少有一个未配对的电子(这使它具有高度的反应性)的原子或原子团美国传统〔grid〕A network or coil of fine wires located between the plate and the filament in an electron tube.栅极:在电子管中线极和阳极之间的由导电性很好的电线组成的网络或线圈美国传统〔high-energy〕Of or relating to elementary particles with energies exceeding hundreds of thousands of electron volts.高能粒子的:能量超过成千上万电子伏特的基本粒子的美国传统〔in words of one syllable〕Could you explain to me in words of one syllable how an electron microscope works? 你能用简单的话给我解释一下电子显微镜的工作原理吗?剑桥高阶〔ion trap〕A device, such as a magnet, used to prevent ions in an electron beam from striking other apparatus.离子阀:用来防止电子束中的离子击中其它设备的一种装置,如一块磁铁美国传统〔ionization potential〕The energy required to remove completely an electron from its atom.离子电位:将一个电子完全从原子中移走所需的能量美国传统〔klystron〕An electron tube used to amplify or generate ultrahigh frequency by means of velocity modulation.速调管:一种用速度调节的方法放大或产生超高频率的电子管美国传统〔magneton〕The Bohr magneton, calculated using the mass and charge of the electron.鲍尔磁子,用电子的质量和电荷来计算美国传统〔magnification〕The electron microscope uses a beam of electrons to produce images at high magnifications.电子显微镜利用电子束形成高倍影像。外研社新世纪〔magnification〕The electron microscope uses a beam of electrons to produce images at high magnifications.电子显微镜利用电子束形成高倍影像。柯林斯高阶〔marvel〕A new technological marvel was invented at Cambridge University in England, the scanning electron microscope.一项科技新奇迹在英国剑桥大学诞生了——这就是扫描电子显微镜。柯林斯高阶〔metallography〕The study of the structure of metals and alloys, especially by optical and electron microscopy and x-ray diffraction.金相学,金属结构学:以金属与合金结构为研究对象的学科,尤指用光学和电子显微镜使用法和X射线衍射法为研究手段的美国传统〔mev〕Million electron volts.兆电子伏特:百万电子伏特美国传统〔microscope〕An instrument, such as an electron microscope, that uses electronic or other processes to magnify objects.电子显微镜:利用电子的或其它的手段来放大物体的工具,如一个电子显微镜美国传统〔modulate〕To vary (electron velocity) in an electron beam.调制:在一个电子束中改变(电子速率)美国传统〔negative〕Relating to or designating an electric charge of the same sign as that of an electron, indicated by the symbol (-).负电的,阴电的:关于或标明电的负荷和电子具有相同的符号,用符号(-)来表示的美国传统〔negatron〕An electron with a negative charge, as contrasted with a positron.电子:带有负电荷,与正电荷相反的电子美国传统〔orbital〕The wave function of an electron in an atom or molecule, indicating the electron's probable location.轨函数:描述原子或分子中某个电子运动波函数,它可指出电子的可能位置美国传统〔orbit〕The path of a body in a field of force surrounding another body; for example, the movement of an atomic electron in relation to a nucleus.力场轨道:一物体在力场中环绕另一物体运行路径,例如电子在原子核周围的运动美国传统〔pair〕Chemistry An electron pair.【化学】 电子偶:电子对美国传统〔photoelectron〕An electron released or ejected from a substance by photoelectric effect.光电子:由光电效应引起的一种物质的电子释放或散射美国传统〔phototube〕An electron tube with a photosensitive cathode.光电管:具有感光的阴极电子管美国传统〔plate〕The anode in an electron tube.阳极:电子管中的阳极美国传统〔positive〕Physics Relating to or designating electric charge of a sign opposite to that of an electron.【物理学】 正电的:与电子所带电性相反的电荷的,表示正电的或阳性的美国传统〔positronium〕A short-lived association of an electron and a positron bound together in a configuration resembling the hydrogen atom.电子偶素,正电子素:电子与正电子的短暂结合物,两者的结合物与氢原子的结构十分相似美国传统〔proton synchrotron〕A ring-shaped synchrotron that accelerates protons to energies of several billion electron volts.质子同步加速器:一个环形加速器,可使质子的能量增加到几十亿电子伏美国传统〔quantum jump〕Physics Abrupt change from one energy level to another, especially such a change in the orbit of an electron with the loss or gain of a quantum of energy.【物理学】 量子跃迁:从一能量级到另一能量级的突然变化,尤指在力场轨道中,电子失去或获得能量量子时的变化美国传统〔radical〕Symbol R An atom or a group of atoms with at least one unpaired electron.符号 R 原子因,基团:至少有一个游离电子的原子或一组原子美国传统〔read〕He is reading electron physics at Qinghua University.他现在在清华大学攻读电子物理学。21世纪英汉〔reducing agent〕A substance that chemically reduces other substances, especially by donating an electron or electrons.还原剂:以化学方法还原其它物质的物质,特别是通过赋予被还原物一个或数个电子美国传统〔secondary electron〕An electron produced in secondary emission.二级电子:在第二次发射中产生的电子美国传统〔single bond〕A covalent bond in which one electron pair is shared by two atoms.单键:两个原子共用一个电子对的电子价美国传统〔subshell〕One or more orbitals in the electron shell of an atom.(原子)支壳层:原子之电子层中之一个或多个轨道美国传统〔sweep〕Electronics The steady motion of an electron beam across a cathode-ray tube.【电子学】 电子光束穿过阴极射线管的稳定运动美国传统〔tetrode〕A four-element electron tube containing an anode, a cathode, a control grid, and an additional electrode.四极管:包括一个阳板,一个阳极,一个控制棒和一个附加电极的四元素电子管美国传统〔thermionic tube〕An electron tube in which the source of electrons is a heated electrode.热离子管:电子源是加热电极的电子管美国传统〔thermion〕An electrically charged particle, especially an electron, emitted by a conducting material at high temperatures.热离子:一带电粒子,尤指一电子,由导电材料在高温时发 射出美国传统〔thermoelectron〕An electron emitted by a material at high temperatures.热电子:某材料在高温时发射的电子美国传统〔triode〕A highly evacuated electron tube containing an anode, a cathode, and a control grid.三极管:带有阳极、阴极和控制栅极的高真空的电子管美国传统〔triple bond〕A covalent bond in which three electron pairs are shared between two atoms.三键:两个原子共享三对电子的共价键美国传统〔tube〕An electron tube.电子管美国传统〔ubiquinone〕A quinone compound that serves as an electron carrier between flavoproteins and in cellular respiration.辅酶Q:一种苯醌衍生物,在黄素蛋白中以及细胞呼吸作用为成分携带者美国传统〔ultramicrotome〕A microtome for cutting very thin sections of material for use in electron microscopy.超微切片机:用来切割在电子显微镜下观察的物体的非常细小的切片的切片机美国传统〔vacuum tube〕An electron tube from which all or most of the gas has been removed, permitting electrons to move with low interaction with any remaining gas molecules.真空管:一种内部空气全部或部分抽空的电子管,从而使电子在不受或少受空气分子的干扰下运动美国传统〔valence electron〕An electron in an outer shell of an atom that can participate in forming chemical bonds with other atoms.价电子:参与或其他原子形成化合键的原子外层电子壳层的电子美国传统〔valve〕Chiefly British An electron tube or a vacuum tube.【多用于英国】 电子管或真空管美国传统〔work function〕The minimum amount of energy required to remove an electron from the surface of a metal.功函数:把粒子以金属表面移动出来所需的最小能量美国传统Electro Investments is the holding company of/for the group.电子投资公司是这集团的控股公司。牛津商务A proton has positive charge and an electron has negative charge.质子带正电荷,电子带负电荷。剑桥国际The company has developed a new way of sterilizing syringes using an electron beam.这家公司研究出一种用电子光束给注射器杀菌的新方法。剑桥国际The transmitter was pulsed by an electron tube. 电子管使发射器产生脉冲波。译典通

