
单词 flaky
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CRAZY〕Christy was kind of flaky, but everyone liked her. 克丽丝蒂有点儿疯疯癫癫,但大家都喜欢她。朗文写作活用〔CRAZY〕You couldn't trust Sam to do anything important. He was too flaky. 你不能把重要的事交给萨姆去做,他做事太糊涂了。朗文写作活用〔corn flakes〕A crisp, flaky, commercially prepared cold cereal made from coarse cornmeal.玉米片:用粗玉米粉做的用来卖的冷脆谷类食物美国传统〔empanada〕A Spanish or Latin-American turnover with a flaky crust and a spicy or sweet filling.甜馅卷饼:一种西班牙或拉丁美洲的卷饼,带有片状脆片和香料或甜味馅美国传统〔enclose〕The pie's flaky crust encloses a fruit filling.这个派的酥皮里包的是水果馅。韦氏高阶〔flaky〕Carrie's pretty flaky but she's fun to be with.卡丽相当怪,可是和她在一起很有趣。朗文当代〔flaky〕He wondered if the idea wasn't just a little too flaky, a little too outlandish.他怀疑这个想法不仅仅是有点太古怪、太离奇而已。柯林斯高阶〔flaky〕He's a nice guy but he's a little flaky.他是个好人,不过有点古怪。韦氏高阶〔flaky〕He's sensible enough, but his wife is distinctly flaky.他的意识还算清楚, 但他妻子明显疯疯癫癫的。外研社新世纪〔flaky〕I found the software a bit flaky.我发现这个软件有点问题。牛津高阶〔flaky〕I worked out the problem was a flaky transceiver.我发现问题出在一台不可靠的无线电收发器上。外研社新世纪〔flaky〕The central character of the play is a flaky neurotic.该剧的中心人物是一个疯疯癫癫的神经质的人。剑桥高阶〔flaky〕The walls are rather flaky.墙上的涂料快要剥落了。英汉大词典〔napoleon〕A rectangular piece of pastry made with crisp, flaky layers filled with custard cream.拿破仑派:一种长方形的糕点,由数层酥脆的薄片构成,中间夹有蛋糕奶油美国传统〔parched〕If your skin is parched and flaky, moisturize it with balms and creams.如果你的皮肤干燥脱皮, 用香油膏和面霜滋润它。外研社新世纪〔phyllo〕Very thin sheets of pastry dough that make a flaky pastry used especially in Greek dishes.擀成极薄层的生面:用来做酥饼的非常薄的糕点面粉层,尤指在希腊菜中美国传统〔pityriasis〕Any of various skin diseases of humans and animals, characterized by epidermal shedding of flaky scales.糠疹、蛇皮癣:人类和动物的一种皮肤病,其特征是皮肤表层落下叶片状痂美国传统〔platy〕Designating soil or minerals occurring in flaky layers.板状的:标明片状层的土壤或矿物的美国传统〔puff pastry〕A light, flaky, inflated pastry that is formed by rolling and folding the dough in layers so that it expands when baked.酥皮糕点:一种轻巧且易剥成薄片的膨化糕点,制时将面包揉折成多层以便烤时可以膨胀美国传统〔scale〕A flaky oxide film formed on a metal, as on iron, that has been heated to high temperatures.氧化层:给金属高温加热生成的片状氧化物,如铁上美国传统〔schist〕Any of various medium-grained to coarse-grained metamorphic rocks composed of laminated, often flaky parallel layers of chiefly micaceous minerals.片岩:任一种变质岩,由分裂的、通常是以云母矿为主的平行片层构成的各种中等纹理及粗纹理的变质岩美国传统〔shortening〕A fat, such as butter or lard, used to make cake or pastry light or flaky.起酥油:一种使饼式糕点变松软或松脆的脂肪,比如白脱或板油美国传统〔shorten〕To add shortening to (dough) so as to make flaky.使松脆:在(面粉)上加起酥油以使其变得松脆美国传统〔to〕This will be my second attempt to make flaky pastry.这将是我第二次尝试制作薄馅饼皮。剑桥高阶Fortunately, my second attempt at making flaky pastry was more successful than my first.幸好我第二次做酥皮饼比第一次做的好多了。剑桥国际The central character of the play is a flaky neurotic (=a person whose behaviour is unusual).这个剧的中心人物是一个古怪的神经病患者。剑桥国际This will be my second attempt to make flaky pastry.这将是我第二次尝试制作薄馅饼皮。剑桥国际

