
单词 王后
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Berengaria〕Castilian-born queen of England as the wife of Richard I.贝伦加丽娅:卡斯蒂裔英国王后,理查德一世的妻子美国传统〔Catherine of Braganza〕Portuguese princess and queen of England as the wife of Charles II.布莱冈泽的凯瑟琳:葡萄牙公主,是英国王后查理二世妻子美国传统〔Dido〕The founder and queen of Carthage, who fell in love with Aeneas and killed herself when he abandoned her.传说中的迦太基女王:迦太基的创建者和王后,与埃涅阿斯坠入情网,在被抛弃后自杀美国传统〔Highness〕Her Highness the Queen 王后殿下韦氏高阶〔Jocasta〕A queen of Thebes who unknowingly married her own son, Oedipus.伊俄卡斯特:底比斯的王后,她无意中嫁给了自己的儿子俄狄浦斯美国传统〔Lancelot〕In Arthurian legend, a Knight of the Round Table whose love affair with Queen Guinevere resulted in a war with King Arthur.兰斯洛特:亚瑟王传说中的一位圆桌骑士,他与王后格温娜维尔的恋情导致了他与亚瑟王之间的战争美国传统〔Leda〕Greek Mythology A queen of Sparta and the mother, by Zeus in the form of a swan, of Helen and Pollux and, by her husband Tyndareus, of Castor and Clytemnestra.【希腊神话】 勒达:斯巴达王后,主神宙斯化身为天鹅与之亲近,生下海伦和波吕克斯;与其丈夫延德尔斯生下卡斯托耳和克吕泰墨斯特拉美国传统〔Majesty〕Their Majesties celebrated our arrival by giving us each a little silver spoon.国王和王后陛下赐给我们每人一只小银匙, 以欢迎我们的到来。外研社新世纪〔Mary〕Queen of George V of Great Britain and the mother of Edward VIII and George VI.玛丽:大不列颠国王乔治五世的王后,爱德华八世和乔治六世之母美国传统〔Nefertiti〕Queen of Egypt as the wife of Akhenaton.奈弗尔提蒂:阿肯那顿国王的妻子,埃及的一位王后美国传统〔PREDICT〕Lij Yasu was never crowned, possibly because he believed a prophecy that if he became king he would die. 伊亚苏五世从没登上王位,可能是因为他相信自己当上国王后就会死去的预言吧。朗文写作活用〔Titania〕The queen of the fairies and wife of Oberon in medieval folklore.泰坦尼娅:中世纪传说中仙女的王后,仙王奥伯龙的妻子美国传统〔act〕Ti was the first queen of Egypt to have her name appear on official acts alongside that of her husband.泰是第一个与丈夫的名字一起出现在官方正式记录中的埃及王后外研社新世纪〔advocate〕They found an advocate in the Queen, who begged her husband to spare the men's lives.他们得到王后的说情, 求她丈夫饶恕那些男人的性命。外研社新世纪〔assume〕The queen assumed a velvet robe.王后穿了一件天鹅绒长袍美国传统〔bedchamber〕The queen was in her bedchamber.王后在她的寝宫里。韦氏高阶〔begum〕A Moslem woman of rank.王后,公主,贵妇:指穆斯林贵族妇女美国传统〔billing〕She was billed to play the Red Queen in Snow White.海报宣传她会扮演《白雪公主》中的“红王后”。柯林斯高阶〔bill〕She was billed to play the Red Queen in Snow White.已预定由她扮演《白雪公主》中的“红王后”。外研社新世纪〔cast〕When Henry became King, he cast aside all his former friends.亨利当上国王后就不理以前的朋友了。朗文当代〔commission〕A portrait of the queen was commissioned.为王后画像的命令已下达。韦氏高阶〔commission〕He received a commission from the king to paint the queen's portrait.他受国王之命为王后画像。韦氏高阶〔concede〕After his queen was captured the chess player conceded the game (to his opponent).那位棋手在他的王后被吃掉后就(向对手)认输了。英汉大词典〔consort〕She was surely the most distinguished queen consort we have had.毫无疑问她是我们拥有的最为出众的王后柯林斯高阶〔convey〕Four attendants bore the queen's palanquin.四个随从抬着王后的轿子。美国传统〔creditable〕She gave a highly creditable performance as the wicked queen.她扮演的邪恶的王后一角非常值得称道。牛津搭配〔dignity〕The queen entered the room with great dignity.王后仪态万方地走进房间。英汉大词典〔discard〕He discarded a three,and picked up a Queen.他垫出一张3点牌,并拿了一张王后21世纪英汉〔extra〕Even the extras were dressed like kings and queens.就连群众演员也穿戴得如同国王和王后外研社新世纪〔fall out of〕The young prince soon fell out of favour with the people when he became the king.年轻的王子成为国王后很快就失去了人民的爱戴。21世纪英汉〔finish〕Now she is busy finishing off a biography of Queen Caroline.现在她正忙着完成卡罗琳王后的传记。柯林斯高阶〔fit〕She made me a dress fit for a queen.适合国王/王后的;高档的麦克米伦高阶〔gracious〕The queen greeted the crowd with a gracious smile.王后以慈祥的微笑向人群致意。英汉大词典〔inlay〕Bentley thought about inlaying snuff boxes with pictures of 'Kings and Queens'.本特利考虑过把“国王与王后”系列图片镶嵌到鼻烟壶上。外研社新世纪〔king〕A playing card bearing the figure of a king, ranking above a queen.老K:画有国王的像的纸牌,级别比王后美国传统〔king〕He pledged his loyalty to the king and queen.他宣誓效忠国王和王后韦氏高阶〔lady in waiting〕A lady of a court appointed to serve or attend a queen, princess, or royal duchess.女侍臣:由宫廷选派的为王后、公主或皇室公爵夫人服务或侍从的女性美国传统〔majesty〕Their Majesties 国王和王后陛下韦氏高阶〔majesty〕Their Majesties celebrated our arrival by giving us each a little silver spoon.国王和王后陛下赐给我们每人一只小银匙,以欢迎我们的到来。柯林斯高阶〔majesty〕Their Majesties will open the new bridge today.国王和王后陛下今天将为新桥通车典礼剪彩。英汉大词典〔marriage〕Games The combination of the king and queen of the same suit, as in pinochle.【游戏】 结婚,结合:皮诺克尔牌中的将穿同样衣服的国王和王后结合起来美国传统〔move〕She moved her queen.她挪动了棋盘上的王后牛津高阶〔nickname〕She was nicknamed ‘The Ice Queen’.她外号叫“冰上王后”。牛津高阶〔of yore〕The great composers of yore performed for kings and queens.昔日伟大的作曲家都曾为国王和王后演奏。韦氏高阶〔of〕He listed the kings and queens of England.他把英国的历代国王和王后列了一张表。麦克米伦高阶〔place〕My hospital is one of many places that benefited from the support of Queen Alexandra.我的医院是诸多得益于亚历山德拉王后扶持的机构之一。柯林斯高阶〔queen consort〕The wife of a reigning king.王后,王妃:在位执政的国王的妻子美国传统〔queen mother〕A dowager queen who is the mother of a reigning monarch.太后:成为遗孀的王后,是当朝君主的母亲美国传统〔queen regnant〕A queen reigning in her own right.当朝女王:依仗她的权利进行统治的王后美国传统〔queenside〕The side of the chessboard that is nearest to the queen's opening position.后翼:棋盘上最靠近王后的开局位置的一侧美国传统〔queen〕Abbr. QThe most powerful chess piece, able to move in any direction in a straight line.缩写 Q王后:最具威力的国际象棋棋子,可以在一直线上沿任一方向移动美国传统〔queen〕Abbr. qu.A playing card bearing the figure of a queen, ranking above the jack and below the king.缩写 qu.王后:画有王后人像的一张纸牌,比杰克大但比国王小美国传统〔queen〕Games To raise (a pawn) to queen in chess.【游戏】 使卒成为王后:在国际象棋中,使(小卒)成为王后美国传统〔queen〕Plans were afoot for a royal visit from the King and Queen of Spain.迎接西班牙国王及王后访问的计划在进行中。麦克米伦高阶〔queen〕Queen Marie Antoinette of France 法国王后玛丽·安托瓦内特英汉大词典〔queen〕She became a queen upon marrying the king.她与国王结婚后成为王后英汉大词典〔queen〕She was the queen of the dance floor.她是舞池里的王后麦克米伦高阶〔queen〕The king and queen had fled.国王和王后都逃之夭夭了。柯林斯高阶〔queen〕The wife or widow of a king.王后:国王的妻子或遗孀美国传统〔queen〕To make (a woman) a queen.成为女王:使(一女子)成为王后美国传统〔recite〕She could recite a list of all the kings and queens.她能一一说出所有的国王和王后的名字。牛津高阶〔rejoice〕Garbo plays the Queen, rejoicing in the love she has found with Antonio.嘉宝饰演王后,陶醉于和安东尼奥的热恋中。柯林斯高阶〔request〕The play was written by Agatha Christie at the request of Queen Mary.这个剧本是阿加莎・克里斯蒂应玛丽王后的要求写的。牛津搭配〔son〕The queen bore him four fine sons.王后为他生了 4 个健康的男孩。牛津搭配〔villain〕The Queen in 'Snow White' is one of film's greatest villains.《白雪公主》中的王后是电影中最邪恶的反面人物之一。牛津搭配〔your〕Your Majesties 国王和王后陛下英汉大词典During the war, the King and Queen visited those areas of London worst affected by the bombing.战争期间,国王和王后视察了伦敦受炸弹破坏最严重的那些地区。剑桥国际In medieval times, kings and queens often employed court jesters.中世纪时国王和王后常常雇用宫廷弄臣。剑桥国际Roger Taylor was the drummer (= person who played the drums) with the rock-group Queen.罗杰·泰勒是“王后”摇滚乐队的鼓手。剑桥国际She bobbed (a curtsy) (= made a movement consisting of bending at the knees as a sign of respect) to the Queen.她向王后行了个屈膝礼。剑桥国际The carnival queen sat on a magnificent gold and white throne.狂欢节王后坐在金色和白色交辉的王座上。剑桥国际The king and queen always had minstrels play at their feasts. 国王和王后总是要音乐家在宴会上表演。译典通The king and queen had bidden (= invited) guests from all over the kingdom to their daughter's christening.国王和王后邀请了王国各地的客人来参加他们女儿的洗礼仪式。剑桥国际The royal family consists of the king and queen and their relations. 王族家庭由国王,王后以及他们的亲属组成。译典通

