
单词 作艺
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔abomination〕Some people view the sculpture as art while others see it as an abomination.有些人将这座雕塑看作艺术,有些人则对它心生厌恶。韦氏高阶〔animation〕The art or process of preparing animated cartoons.动画片的摄制:动画片的制作艺术或过程美国传统〔art form〕An activity or a piece of artistic work that can be regarded as a medium of artistic expression.艺术形式:被认作艺术表达媒体的一项活动或一件艺术作品美国传统〔artsy-fartsy〕Pretentiously or affectedly artistic.假装艺术家的,装作艺术家的美国传统〔art〕Can television and pop music really be considered art? 电视和流行音乐真的能被当作艺术吗?剑桥高阶〔art〕Can we call television art? 我们能把电视称作艺术吗?牛津高阶〔letter writing〕Few people nowadays care about the art of letter writing.如今几乎没有人对书信写作艺术感兴趣了。韦氏高阶〔stage〕He adopted the stage name Dixon Hare when he became a full-time actor.他成为专职演员后用狄克逊・黑尔作艺名。牛津搭配The TV company specializes in making arts shows for highbrows.这家电视公司专门为趣味高雅的人制作艺术节目。剑桥国际

