
单词 作伴
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BE〕Good wine, excellent food, and interesting company - it all added up to a splendid evening. 美酒佳肴、良友作伴,这一切构成了一个极为美妙的晚上。朗文写作活用〔FRIEND〕Older people often benefit from having a pet for companionship. 老年人常因有宠物作伴而获益。朗文写作活用〔apart〕He lives entirely alone, apart from the rats, bats, and moths.他孑身独处,只有老鼠、蝙蝠和飞蛾同他作伴英汉大词典〔attach oneself to〕He attached himself to us.他和我们作伴21世纪英汉〔attach〕She attached herself to us.她和我们作伴21世纪英汉〔background〕The passenger's idle thoughts were backgrounded by the drone of the plane's engines.那位乘客的遐想似乎是由飞机发动机的嗡嗡声作伴奏。21世纪英汉〔book〕I might go out if I had anybody to go with. Are you very booked up yourself? 要是有人作伴,出去一次倒也不妨。你的时间是不是也预先排满了? 英汉大词典〔companionship〕A dog provides some companionship.狗可以作伴牛津搭配〔companionship〕She had only her cat for companionship.她只有猫作伴牛津搭配〔companionship〕She had only her cat for companionship.她只有猫儿作伴牛津高阶〔companion〕She lived in the house as a companion to our grandmother.她住在这栋房子里给我们的祖母作伴牛津搭配〔company〕A cat would provide her with some company.猫能给她作伴牛津搭配〔company〕I took my mother with me for company.我把母亲带在身边作伴牛津搭配〔company〕It was a long trip and I was grateful for his company.旅途漫漫,我感谢有他作伴剑桥高阶〔company〕It's nice to have a bit of company for a change.有时改变一下找个人作伴还是很不错的。牛津搭配〔company〕Margot came to stay for a week as company for my mother while I was away.在我离家期间,玛戈到我家来住了1个星期,给我母亲作伴剑桥高阶〔company〕Rita's husband is away for the week, so I thought I'd go over and keep her company (=be with her so that she doesn't feel lonely).丽塔的丈夫这个星期外出不在家,所以我想过去给她作伴朗文当代〔company〕We enjoy other people’s company.我们喜欢有人作伴牛津同义词〔glad〕John welcomed Margaret, glad of her company.约翰欢迎玛格丽特,为有她作伴而高兴。英汉大词典〔mandolin〕He had his sister playing the mandolin as accompaniment.他让他妹妹奏曼陀林作伴奏。英汉大词典〔pal〕It was nice having someone to pal around with.有人作伴真好。朗文当代〔pleasure〕May I have the pleasure of your company? 可否有幸请你作伴? 英汉大词典〔scat〕Jazz singing in which improvised, meaningless syllables are sung to a melody.无意义的狂喊乱叫:爵士乐唱法中即兴而作的无意义音节,为一曲调作伴美国传统Margot came to stay for a week as company for my mother while I was away.在我离家期间,马戈特到我家来住了一个星期,与我母亲作伴剑桥国际The hotel guests provided me with company whenever solitude began to turn to loneliness.每当我独自一人感到寂寞时,宾馆的客人就来为我作伴剑桥国际When her children left home Eleanor bought two dogs for company.孩子们离家后,埃莉诺买了两条狗作伴剑桥国际

