
单词 令人难过
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔UNFORTUNATELY〕It's so sad that your father can't be here to see this. 你爸爸不能来这里看到这一切,真令人难过朗文写作活用〔distressing〕Some viewers may find these scenes distressing.有些观众可能会觉得这些场景令人难过外研社新世纪〔grim〕The prognosis is grim—doctors do not expect her to live longer than six months.预测结果令人难过——医生估计她活不过六个月。韦氏高阶〔obvious〕It was becoming painfully obvious that the two of them had nothing in common.他们俩没有任何共同点,这一点日渐明显,令人难过牛津搭配〔oh〕Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that.哦,那真令人难过啊。韦氏高阶〔pass〕What brought them to such a sorry pass? 什么使他们落到这么令人难过的境地?韦氏高阶〔sad〕A funeral is a sad occasion.葬礼是个令人难过的场合。英汉大词典〔sad〕I have some sad news for you.我有些令人难过的消息告诉你。外研社新世纪〔sad〕It's sad to see so many failures this year.今年看到这么多失败的事情真是令人难过剑桥高阶〔unhappily〕Unhappily, George Devine had died by the time Ralph got to America.令人难过的是, 等拉尔夫来到美国, 乔治•迪瓦恩已经死了。外研社新世纪It is very distressing that so little progress has been made after all this time.花了那么多时间,只取得这么点进步,令人难过剑桥国际The television reports about the famine were particularly distressing.有关饥荒的电视报道特别令人难过剑桥国际

